Air-drying natural or transitioning hair


Live, Laugh, Love
Ladies that are natural or transitioning, how long does it take your hair to air-dry? I co-washed about 3hrs ago and my hair is almost dry. I'm about 25 wks post now and the newgrowth is just about dry, then relaxed ends are wet but not soaking.
Mine does the same since I'm transitioning.....I dont know why but sometimes it drys quicker sometimes its super super slow!!!
Takes me 2 hours because I air dry in plait and for the first hour I firmly wrap my head with an oversized t-shirt and that absorbs most of the water...for me the less product I use the faster the drying time

but when I have extra time I will allow my hair to airdry over night
Takes 7hrs+ I guess. I usually airdry in twists/plaits overnight while I sleep.

Wrapping w/ a t-shirt or towel like ppg0069 mentioned helps a lot.
Since its cold i sit under the hooded dryer for about 15 min and my ends are a little damp. I wash in cornrows This is the only way i can survive this transition.