Air Drying 4b/c relaxed hair???

What Do You Do When You Notice Breakage?

  • protein treatment

    Votes: 87 49.2%
  • heat fast (stop using heat products for amt of time)

    Votes: 13 7.3%
  • deep condition

    Votes: 64 36.2%
  • other

    Votes: 13 7.3%

  • Total voters
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I was going to suggest this. Air dry then flat iron if you're bad at rollersets. I know if I tried to blow dry AND flat iron there would be lots of breakage. I haven't used a blow dryer since April 2008 and my hair has definitely benefitted from this.

I always direct people to Sunshyne's air dry method video. That is how I air dry and my hair is very soft afterwards. Just go to and you should see her air drying vid.

Thanks for this!

The link to Sunshyne's air drying vid is

I did my first air dry today but I need to tighten up the process from wash to set so it doesn't take so long. My first mistake was using my microfiber turbo twistie thing.. It worked well on my natural hair but I think it dries relaxed hair too fast and the result isn't smooth.

I also realized that my hair was relaxed leaving more texture than I was aware of.. I'm happy about that because I've retained nice thickness but when its airdrying it looks like crimped waves and is prone to poofiness. Maybe I need to apply leave-in to the ends while it's still soaking wet. I'm gonna abandon my turbo twisties and try the t-shirt method.. looks like it smooths out the hair much better while drying.

I put the hair into 2 bantu knots and put a scarf on after rubbing some Silk Elements MegaSilk leave-in around the edges. My edges are very smooth right now. I won't take the bantus out until the morning.
My hair has been breaking and shedding, and I wouldn't be worried but when I first started healthy hair practices a little protein would stop this from happening... now I use the strongest treatments and the little pieces of hair are still in the sink? I'm about 98% sure I have discovered the culprit:
blow drying/straightening

I want to know these things:

1) how do you dry your hair without heat?

2) Is it possible to wear your hair straight or down afterward (without using straightening iron)

3) what do you do when your hair is breaking...

I just really want to wear my hair straight, and I wrap it at night after I wash it and straighten it with my straightener, but I want to get from wet to straight without heat..

I'm really bad at roller sets, but I'm starting to think I have to just learn how to do it...

thanks in advance!!! :)
I have 4b/c hairs and only began my HH journey this summer. I lurked for awhile then posted my first posted last week. When I read that relaxed ladies were air drying I shook my head in disbelief, then thought they meant something different when the wrote "air dry." Several hours of youtube videos later, and another few here reading, I gained the confidence to air dry and it was a rewarding experience. Currently I am eight weeks post. Today I did my usual pre-poo, co-wash, DC with Silicon Mix and a black tea rinse, PC, and final ACV with distilled water rinse. I did all of this over the sink, and ran the comb through my hair carefully under the water during the final rinse. I pressed the water out with a towel, and left the towel on my hair for about five minutes. Then gently smoothed Silicon Mix leave in, Wave Nouveau Finishing lotion and Grape Seed oil on my hair from root to tip. I tied a satin scarf around my edges to keep them flat. Then I created a loose ponytail with my EVO soaked elastic band. I went about my business for about 15 minutes then put a roller on the end of the ponytail. I reapplied leave in and oils, wrapped my scarf around the edges and read Elle magazine. An hour later I took the scarf off and my edges were smooth and shiny. The ponytail had body and bounce. I tucked my ends under and went out. I do not wear my hair down. I am lusting after APL! Hope this helps...
Air drying went better for me the second time around. I added some Hot 6 Oil to my condish and detangled in the shower, that worked out great. The t-shirt method gets a thumbs up :yep: my hair dried much smoother overall. I did two large bantu knots because I was having a hard time sectioning my hair for multiple braids, I'm a bit style challenged yall, for next time I know to use clips as styling aids :look:. My hair was still a bit damp in the morning so the knot-out had that big curly/wavy look. I look like such an 80s throwback nowadays :lol: people seem to like it though, get a lot of compliments.
1) how do you dry your hair without heat?
Tshirt dry, 10mins max
Apply leave-ins
Air dry in braids

2) Is it possible to wear your hair straight or down afterward (without using straightening iron)
I rarely wear straight any more as I'm PSing 99% of the time. If I desired straight I would likely rollerset or air dry and place rollers of some kind in hair for a little bend on my ends.

3) what do you do when your hair is breaking...
I have controlled breakage by adding a tbsp of protein (aphogee 2min) in my weekly DC mixture. I aphogee 2step once every 6-8 weeks.

I can air dry without issues but it's the detangling that I sometimes struggle with. Wet detangling is sometimes too harsh on my hair and cause breakage. And don't let my hair be tangled up, oh boy, oh boy. Dry detangling (after hair is air dried) sometimes generate breakage. Some wash sessions I struggle to find a happy medium. My recent observation seems that wet detangling is best when deep into a stretch while dry detangling is okay for freshly TUd hair.

I have several entries in this thread and quoted them to show progression. My regi has been a work in progress for quite some time. I purchased bone combs which helps the detangling process go a lot quicker. I'm now able to wet or dry detangle without causing excessive breakage.

I now use products that of higher quality and I DC with steam almost 99.9% of the time. My low porosity hair has responded well to these changes.

I air dry by working with sopping wet hair (I do not ring out my hair)
1. Apply LIs and jbco to scalp/root area
2. Lightly comb through hair with my hotcomb jumbo rake
3. Gently comb through the ng in the crown area with a fine tooth comb
4. Place scarf on head
5. Sit nearby a fan to help speed up drying
6. Periodically comb or run fingers through hair as it dries to smooth the strands
7. Apply a tad bit of jbco to the ends when dry
Air drying is turning out better each time I do it :).

Current findings: I love tshirt drying, it's super simple and leaves my hair very smooth; tshirt drying for at least 15 minutes ensures that my hair will fully dry in the morning after I set it. Silk Dreams products are amazing for detangling and setting. Keeping my ends tucked up with styling clips while braiding/bantu-knotting/whatever ensures they won't get get dried out and puffy.
So far I've learned that if I want a straighter look and smoother ends, a single bun works the best.

I'm still experimenting with the best leave-ins for air-drying. One thing I've learned is oil in the final rinse is very necessary to ease detangling and to get a smoother result after t-shirt drying.
1) how do you dry your hair without heat?

After getting out of the shower, I lightly towel dry, more patting. Then apply Megatek as leave-in and seal with raw Shea Butter or Coconut oil.

Comb through with a cake cutter and pull into a bun. I go back over my edges with more butters or oils and tie a silk scarf around my head.

2) Is it possible to wear your hair straight or down afterward (without using straightening iron)

Yes. Sometime around mid-day it's dry and I can wear it down. I have some weird tresses, it looks just like a high priced roller set. Almost like my siggy but less curls, more like three big waves.

3) what do you do when your hair is breaking...

I rarely experience breakage, when I do I up the Megatek.
I have been airdrying my hair using the scarf method almost a year(when I started my hair journey). My hair is in the best condition it has been in a long time.:yep: I only have to run the flat iron through once on 280( I'm 23 weeks post relaxer). I haven't had any breakage during this stretch- and I attribute it to airdrying, being diligent about my hair journey, Aphogee products, and reading many informative posts and magazine articles.

APL Challenge 2012
12 Inches in 12 Months Challenge2012 :wave: Happy Hair Airdrying!!!

Pics of my airdried hair at night and the next morning.
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I have a question... I read somewhere that people who use no-lye relaxers shouldn't airdry because no-lye relaxers make your hair dry and more prone to breakage. I knew already that no-lye relaxers do make your hair dryer because of the calcuim, but wouldn't a good chelating shampoo take care of that problem?

Does anyone here who air-dries use a no-lye relaxer?
This based of my old Texlaxed Regi........

1) how do you dry your hair without heat?


How To Band

2) Is it possible to wear your hair straight or down afterward (without using straightening iron)

With Banding it will leave your hair with a beachy wave effect, so yes it can be worn down afterward. It almost looks as if you wand curled it.

3) what do you do when your hair is breaking...

My Breakage Regi...

Chelate (To Remove ALL build up)
Protein Treatment (Focusing heavily on the breaking areas)
DC w/ a moisturizing DC afterwards
Air Dry
Bump I have never successfully air dryed my hair, maybe I did it wrong I have 4c hair (relaxed)
Bump I have never successfully air dryed my hair, maybe I did it wrong I have 4c hair (relaxed)

I air dry my hair in sections. Before it dries, I detangle and add leave in conditioner so it is soft. It works every time doing it this way. I haven't blow dried in years and I am also 4c relaxed.
I air dry my hair in sections. Before it dries, I detangle and add leave in conditioner so it is soft. It works every time doing it this way. I haven't blow dried in years and I am also 4c relaxed.
My hair does not like water based products dries it out, I use wide tooth comb, I'm wondering if you have 4b hair.

Any 4c'ers I've met in life has the same dryness issue as me, and won't air dry. I only wash my hair one or two times per week I rarely use flat irons or curling iron if I'm going out anywhere so blow dry hair for 20 mins with some light oil based/heat protector products and a bit of JBCO on my scalp.
I air dry my hair very easily now. I simply spray the roots with some leave in and just apply a cream leave in, I’m using Rahua Leave In which is very very good and at all stages. I simply scarf my hair down, comb at regular intervals apply some oil, and put it into a pony or bun, silk cap and thats it. My hair dries smooth and moisturised. It’s such an easy process, but feels so very beneficial to me.

Strangely the healthier that my hair has become the easier air drying is.
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My hair does not like water based products dries it out, I use wide tooth comb, I'm wondering if you have 4b hair.

Any 4c'ers I've met in life has the same dryness issue as me, and won't air dry. I only wash my hair one or two times per week I rarely use flat irons or curling iron if I'm going out anywhere so blow dry hair for 20 mins with some light oil based/heat protector products and a bit of JBCO on my scalp.

Idk how popular it is, but I used ORS lotion and really like it
Idk how popular it is, but I used ORS lotion and really like it
Yeah I have that too but I find it does not have as much oil content in it so it can dry me out after a day. I have used keracare oil Moisturizer in the past that was a bit too heavy so light usage for that.

I am currently using mizani products so I recently switched from miracle to their miracle oil as I found the water based liquid too drying. This is why I am wondering if people that think they are 4c must be 4b. My hair is like sandpaper when natural and any products I use must have enough oil content in it to condition and soften it.
Yeah I have that too but I find it does not have as much oil content in it so it can dry me out after a day. I have used keracare oil Moisturizer in the past that was a bit too heavy so light usage for that.

I am currently using mizani products so I recently switched from miracle to their miracle oil as I found the water based liquid too drying. This is why I am wondering if people that think they are 4c must be 4b. My hair is like sandpaper when natural and any products I use must have enough oil content in it to condition and soften it.
I wouldn't say softness is down to hair type. I have a cousin who has 4c hair. She usually wears her hair in it's shrunken state, without gel and her hair feels super soft and has so much elasticity.