Ain't it funny how....


Well-Known Member
The things that attract you to your spouse/SO later become the things that irritate you the most?

The things that irritate you the most about your spouse/SO are the things you are lacking?

You eventually take on many of these irritating traits you hate?

This probably doesn't apply if you married your clone, but if you married your opposite it makes sense.

My example. I was attracted to DH because he wasn't like other guys. He was smart, stable, reliable, organized, focused, and someone I knew I could count on. I knew the moment I met him he'd be an excellent husband and father. He didn't try to get the pannies like other dudes, he really wanted to know me as a person.

DH was attracted to me because my personality is soooo animated. I was spontaneous, fun, a go-getter, a risk taker, a little wild, a bit of a bad girl:sekret: sexy, confident, bold, un-domesticated:look: and just different. I wasn't the "wife material" girl he was used too (literally no one else in his family shares my personality type.)

Then we get pregnant and then married:look: Sharing the same space ummm....yeah lol. He irons everything including his socks and drawls. Me? Straight out the dryer is fine:lol: I only iron if it looks really bad but why iron if as soon as I put on my seat belt I'll have wrinkles (I made the dry cleaners and boot guy rich when I was on the Army - DH on the other hand ironed his own stuff...) I'm just a messy person. Disorganized like crazy. Thank God YEARS later I discovered LISTS. LISTS saved our marriage:lol:

I'm super affectionate and he's all about being "proper." I'll do the do anytime any place...possibly with spectators. He cannot do the do if everything is not put away, kids in bed, clothes folded and ready for the next day etc.:rolleyes: My spontaneity irks him and his stability irks me:lol: We we over his parents house and I had a migraine so I laid my head on his lap and he got mad at me saying it was "inappropriate.":ohwell:

Now I find my self acting more like him and him more like me. He's more spontaneous talking about "lets just go, no plans." and I'm more tight wad like "Hell no I need an itinerary list and minute by minute schedule.

I find it funny now but there was some serious hell those first few years. We're BOTH very strong willed. Last night we actually got into an argument over an AT&T commercial (I'm right though:look:)

But we both realize what we have with each other. He knows that in me he has a down chick who will have his back through it all. He knows I'll change his diapers and wipe his drool. He knows I'll never complain at him about not making enough money and will always do what ever it takes to lighten the load on him and make him smile. He knows I'll light a fire under his butt and push him to reach his full potential.

I know in him I have a man I can depend on. I know he'll always put this family first and will do what most men won't to make sure we are well taken care of. I never have to worry about him coming through. I know he will support me in all I do and keep me accountable. I know he'll never complain about my weight (well unless I get too skinny:lol:), my natural hair, my clothes, my make up, and sees more than just the outside of me.

He still gets on my damn nerves though:lachen:
It is funny.

Me and Dh are not quite like that though. The stuff that irritates me that he did 14 years ago still irritates me but just not as much. It's like I kinda know he's gonna do that dumb sh1t, so it's expected.

I already know everytime he does something with my camper unsupervised he gonna break something. I just know he's going to leave something open for me to close when I wake up in the morning...cabinet door or closet door.
Wait!!! Yall was a ready made family too?!

Ummm....yeah:sekret: I wasn't saved yet and he was backsliding BIG TIME messing with me:sekret::lol: I already knew was gonna marry him when we started dating though:lol: Of course he tried to one up me talking about he was already to wife me when he met me and I wasn't paying him no mind.:rofl:

He was in the "friends zone" for a loooong time. I never even really considered him until he showed interest in me and I saw him coming back from the gym one day all sweaty in his white-T and my girl was like "Dang! Bragg is cute!" and I remember wanting to cut her:lachen: Little did I know that her and DH were parent trapping me:rofl: They set me up and it worked:lol: I got all jealous and realized little nerdy Josh was actually kinda hot and had a nice body and I was gonna get me somma dat!

A few months later we were engaged, shortly after that we had a drunken whoops night:look: 4 months later we were married, 5 months later Kayla was born. And I STILL don't iron:rofl:
It is funny.

Me and Dh are not quite like that though. The stuff that irritates me that he did 14 years ago still irritates me but just not as much. It's like I kinda know he's gonna do that dumb sh1t, so it's expected.

I already know everytime he does something with my camper unsupervised he gonna break something. I just know he's going to leave something open for me to close when I wake up in the morning...cabinet door or closet door.

:nono::blush::blush::blush: Guilty at the bold:rofl: My kids take after me too, his genes may overpower with their looks but I win with personality!:blush::lachen:

He's the one who breaks stuff though. Him and Angel have killed my computer! I told them not to think just cuz a dang site comes up in google they can go ahead and click it:wallbash: He's forbidden from touching my laptop. I feel bad for screaming at him to get the hell away from it but that's my paycheck dood!:rofl:

Does he sleep with a light on too?:blush: I feel bad cuz I need a light to sleep (I's scurred of the dark:sekret:) and the instant I crack the closet door to let a little light in DH wakes up and he's a HEAVY sleeper.
Ummm....yeah:sekret: I wasn't saved yet and he was backsliding BIG TIME messing with me:sekret::lol: I already knew was gonna marry him when we started dating though:lol: Of course he tried to one up me talking about he was already to wife me when he met me and I wasn't paying him no mind.:rofl:

He was in the "friends zone" for a loooong time. I never even really considered him until he showed interest in me and I saw him coming back from the gym one day all sweaty in his white-T and my girl was like "Dang! Bragg is cute!" and I remember wanting to cut her:lachen: Little did I know that her and DH were parent trapping me:rofl: They set me up and it worked:lol: I got all jealous and realized little nerdy Josh was actually kinda hot and had a nice body and I was gonna get me somma dat!

A few months later we were engaged, shortly after that we had a drunken whoops night:look: 4 months later we were married, 5 months later Kayla was born. And I STILL don't iron:rofl:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: that's cute.

I had son before we were married. I feel bad about it now but you can't change the past.
This is too funny! I think that after 4 years I've changed. I had always been the easy going, don't-care-if-the-shoes-stay-in-the-floor-for-a-week person and thought I wanted someone like that. Now, I have morphed into the there-is-a-place-for-everything person. I guess I realized that if we are both easy going we'll end up an episode of Hoarders. Yet, I pick and choose, my SO gets the car washed every Saturday morning or everytime a bird sh*ts on it, whichever comes first. Me, I'm uncomfortable if there is not at least one change of clothes (with shoes), food (including the fuzzy Lifesaver between the seats), drinks, and overdue library books in the truck. It's just not right!

I think that is the beauty of relationships, you compliment one another and bring out the best qualities.

Kbragg - don't you dare start ironing

DLewis - watch out for them doors!

Gotta love 'em!
This thread is so true. KBragg sounds like we have alot in common. Cant elaborate now, but I will come back to this thread tommorow and give a little more.
kbragg, your energy is great and I love the positivity in the post. I also like reading stories that don't necessarily start out perfectly but still end well. Thanks for sharing.
Yep, right down to the third time natural:grin:

LOL, that is made a great point in your original post KBragg. Some of the things that attracted me to my DH now irks me. He was so passionate about being a father, and great son to his mom (who was very ill at the time we met). But those seems to get on my nerve. He's so into being a great dad, that I feel like my needs sometimes take a back seat. He always says, "the kids first' but I think he needs to put our relationship in that spot.
I feel like us having a strong, connected marriage will benefit the kids in more ways than he's willing to realize. Also, his relationship he had with his mother, has made him a helicopter dad. I mean it gets pretty bad, and it gets on my nerve:wallbash:. He is very affectionate, but sometimes to a fault. All these things I see/saw as great qualities for a man to have, but evrything needs to have boundaries you know?

Also, just like you and you DH KBragg, I think we are polar opposites in many aspects.