Ahhh Curly Nikki and B.Scott!!!!!!....


New Member
Were on the Tyra Show today!!!
Ahh I love them! Nikki and B.Scott looked great! I love Nikki!
Woo! I just had to release excitement!

Oh and I wanna try the "strawllers" thing even though the only straight parts are my crown, the front, and some of my kitchen.

Thank you.
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B. Scott is a beautiful man. Just beautiful! Nikki looked so dope!!! She's so dang pretty and I love her hair, lol.
If someone find it on Utube alert me quick time, I heard Curly Nikki's voice she was on somee local news thingy in her area the video is on her website
Thanks for the head's up! It hasn't come on yet on the West Coast but I am SO tuning in! Love B. Scott and Nikki!!!!