
Well-Known Member
I was wondering about when do you start a child on a vitamin regime? i know that most kids use a multi but would the vitamins we take be too much for their systems? or could a lower dosage be helpful? i am wondering because if you were to care for your child's hair when would you start them on a vitamin regime and what would be vitamins they could use? God bless you all.
Hi Azul,

I read in an article that pediatricians recommend giving half the adult dosage to children. I don't remember if they specified at what age. But that assessment seems reasonable to me.

did they say what type of vitamins? i mean i know that some of us have made a committment to growing long hair so we do take vitamins for that and other reasons so i was wondering at what age would it be good to start a child on that type of regime? like biotin and msm or whatever would the half of what we get thing apply as well? God bless you all.
I buy my son's vitamins from the vitaminshoppe, and looking at the dosage alloted him, it appears to be half of the RDA for adults. Re: msm, it is like the b-complexes, it's water soluble. I would consult a physician if I were you or even call these stores that sell vitamins and ask them. Even calling a drug-store pharmacist would be helpful also.


Definitely consult a pediatrician and/or pharmacist for guidance here. Generally, for kids, the dosages have to do with age and weight. With age, up until the teens, it's half the adult dosage. For teenagers, depending on weight, it's usually 3/4 of the adult dosage. The weight element is used to simply make the dosage as exact as possible. Plus, girl, with some of the teens I see, saying they look like adults is an understatement.

With me, my mom started me on a potent multivitamin when I was around 10 and she also had me take Vitamin C. When I got to be a teenager, I started with a B-complex.

You might do some Internet browsing via Google for Children's Vitamins or Teen Vitamins. I know I have seen two companies at least which make hair vitamins specifically for teens.

I know that you are helping your children to eat good nutritious meals and snacks which is really a gift beyond description because that's for a lifetime. With any vitamins, these, as we mention here at the site, are always an adjunct to sound nutrition.

Much Love,

Azul I give my 4 yr old Floradix Kindervital Multivitamin for children. It is a liquid vitamin. The directions for this product start at birth. I started my son at 3 on these vitamins.