Afterparty, Black in Tokyo, Cute New Guy--What to think of it all?


New Member
Black in Tokyo

Last night went to a fab spot in Tokyo for a big awards show afterparty/birthday. It was very posh. The gf I went with is well connected with that crowd cause her husband used to run with those ppl. So we were treated rather "well"...Get in the club and a million ppl and like 8 black girls. (Not many of us in Tokyo.)

Ok two of them I know and are way cool. Three others are just wack. One of these girls is the kind of Black girl who is all about herself, loud, trying to be in the scene and using other ppl to get seen more.

Her friend seemed nice but also bougie for no reason. Like she asked me "Oh don't you have a Japanese bf." and I'm like "No." and she's like "Ohhhh"--like I'm not cool now. Then the other girl was just stank for no reason.

Seems like evryone wants to be that girl "THAT" girl. The token black girl. They all seem to have an agenda!

Like asking me "How did you get VIP?" like I shouldn't be "Who do you know" and stuff. It's very lame and just not me. I just didn't know what to think of it all, but then there's...

The guy

So anyways, I asked my new guy friend to come out. (Not the lunch date guy, but another guy who is a friend of a friend and we've been chatting and emailing on facebook.) He's super cute and polite and I think I've adopted a huge crush on him. When I really like someone, I think I pretend that I don't to make it easier to not crack up.

He came alone and hung out with me and gf all night, dancing and laughing and we even all shared a snack and coffee at TGIF after the club.
I was joking and asked him "Why you didn't bring your girl?" He said "She's here already" and hinted that was talking about me, but I just kinda laughed it off. It could have been a joke or maybe not...dunno. (Then my gf asked him and he's been single for a year.)

So when I got home in the morn, I emailed him to make sure he didn't fall asleep on the train and end up at the airport. And he said we should hang out again, and he had fun. But then I woke up this afternoon and causally emailed him again about some other stuff and no response for like 5 hrs.

I'm not expecting to start dating I guess, but he's really cool--like quiet and calmly cool, and I'd love to hang out with him more.
How does this work? I don't want to look to eager.
You made the first move... technically you made 1.5 moves:lol:
Now leave it up to him:)
If you keep inviting him, you might have to continue doing that, which might make you doubt whether he's reeaaaally into you (if he's not taking initiative).

He said you guys should hang out again, let him decide when/where. In the meantime, continue to be friendly and sweet, but not necessarily asking HIM out often. Maybe others can give more advice on this than I can.
Okay, he hinted he might be interested. If he is, he will ask you out and you won't have to keep guessing. Just chill... and occupy your time so you won't think yourself to death about why he hasn't responded or called. Trust me, you'll soon find out if he's really interested or not. It doesn't take long to figure out.
Black in Tokyo

Last night went to a fab spot in Tokyo for a big awards show afterparty/birthday. It was very posh. The gf I went with is well connected with that crowd cause her husband used to run with those ppl. So we were treated rather "well"...Get in the club and a million ppl and like 8 black girls. (Not many of us in Tokyo.)

Ok two of them I know and are way cool. Three others are just wack. One of these girls is the kind of Black girl who is all about herself, loud, trying to be in the scene and using other ppl to get seen more.

Her friend seemed nice but also bougie for no reason. Like she asked me "Oh don't you have a Japanese bf." and I'm like "No." and she's like "Ohhhh"--like I'm not cool now. Then the other girl was just stank for no reason.

Seems like evryone wants to be that girl "THAT" girl. The token black girl. They all seem to have an agenda!

Like asking me "How did you get VIP?" like I shouldn't be "Who do you know" and stuff. It's very lame and just not me. I just didn't know what to think of it all, but then there's...

The guy

So anyways, I asked my new guy friend to come out. (Not the lunch date guy, but another guy who is a friend of a friend and we've been chatting and emailing on facebook.) He's super cute and polite and I think I've adopted a huge crush on him. When I really like someone, I think I pretend that I don't to make it easier to not crack up.

He came alone and hung out with me and gf all night, dancing and laughing and we even all shared a snack and coffee at TGIF after the club.
I was joking and asked him "Why you didn't bring your girl?" He said "She's here already" and hinted that was talking about me, but I just kinda laughed it off. It could have been a joke or maybe not...dunno. (Then my gf asked him and he's been single for a year.)

So when I got home in the morn, I emailed him to make sure he didn't fall asleep on the train and end up at the airport. And he said we should hang out again, and he had fun. But then I woke up this afternoon and causally emailed him again about some other stuff and no response for like 5 hrs.

I'm not expecting to start dating I guess, but he's really cool--like quiet and calmly cool, and I'd love to hang out with him more.
How does this work? I don't want to look to eager.

I don't know how to say it without sounding "old," but guys like to pursue. When the woman does, they back off. IMHO, it's either a go or a no, based upon what HE does. I wouldn't contact him again.
Thanks ladies!!!

Update...he emailed me a few hrs after that post. And said he just woke up. We chatted but no mention of the next time. So I'm gonna leave it at that.

If he asks, he asks, if not--oh well.
Keep yourself really busy! Guys don't like it when you're always available, They want you to have an active and busy life without them! :yep: Let him make the next move. If he's interested, he'll ask you out.