After the braids are taken out???


Hiya, I need major help.

I took my DD(14 yrs old, hair is SL) braids(cornrows with weave) out Wednesday, and her hair was a hot tangly mess. She had sooo much shed hair,a nd I thought obviously I'm doing something wrong. After unbraiding her hair, I slathered it with Shea Moisture conditioner and washed it out after letting it sit for 2hours. I then sprayed it with TW mist and detangled...her shed hair was outrageous...I pulled alot of hair out. What am I doing wrong?? She normally visits the salon every 2wks getting protective styles(twists and ring curls) but this Summer, we took a break and I allowed her to get braids...

Help me out, please!!
Alot of shed hair is natural especially if she was in the braids for a long time. Hair sheds every day but because she was in the braids, all the shed hair got trapped inside and it all came out when you detangled. Are you sure its mostly shed hair and not breakage? If she has alot of shedding, then I wouldn't worry about it. Breakage on the other hand would need to be fixed, either with protein or moisture. Depends on the characteristics of her hair. Hopefully others will chime in with more details because I have to leave for work now.
After taking out braids or weaves that have been in for a considerable amount of time, its advisable to detangle it before washing. I don't even let water touch my hair before it is detangled after braiding, the last time I washed my hair before detangling after braids was long before I found LHCF and caused me a huge setback.

What I usually do is slather my hair with conditioner, detangle and then wash usually in braids to prevent tangling.

NB the shed hair might seem outrageous, but you have to take into account the amount of time the hair has not been detangled for (the shed hair would accumulate over time, but will obviously not fall out since the hair is braided. we may naturally shed up to 100 hairs a day)
When I take my braids down, I slather with conditioner and then detangle each braid BEFORE I wash. Doing this allows me to see how much hair has shed before I get in the shower and try to detangle again.
Thanks, ladies; the hair was up for 3 wks, and moisturized daily. Going forward, I will wash and condition the braids before taking them down.

I'm gonna read more on this protein thing...thanks again!!
I don't know how long your daughter's hair is, but I would have most definitely washed it in 4-6 plaits to minimize the tangling. Also, did you try to detangle while the conditioner was in her hair?

I would have applied a little product to each section before taking down the braid. Then, gently detangled. Repeated this process until a small section was left to braid into a plait. Repeat this process until the whole head is done in this way. Then, wash and condition in the plaits. Detangle each plait one at a time.
I don't know how long your daughter's hair is, but I would have most definitely washed it in 4-6 plaits to minimize the tangling. Also, did you try to detangle while the conditioner was in her hair?

I would have applied a little product to each section before taking down the braid. Then, gently detangled. Repeated this process until a small section was left to braid into a plait. Repeat this process until the whole head is done in this way. Then, wash and condition in the plaits. Detangle each plait one at a time.

Her hair is shoulder length..and no, I didn't detangle while the conditioner was in her hair, this was a huge mistake on my part because I normally do this, but was rushing.:nono:
Yes, after having your hair in braids there will be TONS of shedded hair. Also, when taking out my braids, I make sure to make sure each unbraided section is detangled. First using my fingers and then by comb. Detangling before washing is very important.
When we leave are hair in braids that 150 hairs a day (average)
get tangle up in the braids that is why it is so important to moisturize daily. You must also make sure that you hair is untangled throughout before wetting the hair to eliminate excessive breaking and pulling out of the hair.
I had a major set back this year when I took KInky twist out after leaving in for 4 months without moisturing at all ( I know better).
When I took them out I had some kinks left and washed it my hair and OMG! After the washing my hair actually locked in 1 big ball on top of my head. I wanted to cry. I had to pic through the hair and finally got it comb out, but when I looked in the mirror I cried. You could actually see through my hair. My hair was gone. I knew it was true when me mother came over and said what on earth happened to your hair, you are balding. I then wash and deep conditioned then flat ironed it. It was pretty and grew out alot but much thinner that ever.
When my daughter was combing my hair to give me adust trim, she stared screaming saying that I had bald spots in my hair. I am pannicking and mad because I knew better. She took a picture and there it was balds spots from all that pulling and tugging exspecially in the back and top of my head. I was devastated. The sides were the only place were I could see that if I had taken better care of my hair I would have been at full BSL. I will be ther in DEC2010
Great thread, I myself wondered and felt I got a considerable amount of shedding and hair loss after having my braids in for 2-3 weeks and that amount wouldn't be the same when my hair is out. Average shedding is 50 - 100 hairs daily :)
When I used to braid my hair I would have so much shed hair come out because I always had my braids in for at least 3 months. One thing I did to avoid tangles was I would take the braid out then remove the shed hair from that one section than move on to the next braid. I never hand any tangling problems with that method. This made it easy for me when I would wash my hair afterwards.