After the BC when was the first time you straightened


Well-Known Member
After your BC when did you straighten your hair for a length check? And what did you use? You can add before and after pics too!
I have no pics to add i am so sorry but my first time using heat was 26 months after doing the big chop. I flat ironed but each section would revert immediately after the flat iron came off of it.

I straightened one year after my BC and because I didn't have a good flat-ironing technique down it didn't turn out well :ohwell:.

I think there were two key errors: (1) I only used grapeseed oil as a heat protectant. This yr when I straightened, I used a straightening balm and my hair got much straighter. (2) Being so afraid of heat damage, I did not use high enough heat. This was the case this yr as well, but my hair still became more straight than this first time.
Hmmm... I think it was about 6 months later. Since I started with a shaved head I was anxious to see some length. I don't think I took pics until about a year and a half later. If you wanna see those particular ones tag me.



BC'd Sept 2007
First flatiron was a disaster LOL 1 month later Oct 2007
Second flatiron came out so much better - Nov 2007
i did my big chop in april 08, and had it professionally straightened that november. it was soft, but my ends were really bad.
I straightened my hair 23 months after my BC. I just couldn't wait for my second nappiversary, and my flatironing was a total fail :lol:.

1 month after BC and picked out :lachen:

23 months- horrible flatiron job. My hair was just at APL
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I did a bootleg at home straightening 7 months after my BC and a professional flat iron and trim 12 months after my BC.

Pics: BC Time and Professionally Flat Ironed
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I straightened my hair 23 months after my BC. I just couldn't wait for my second nappiversary, and my flatironing was a total fail :lol:.

1 month after BC and picked out :lachen:

23 months- horrible flatiron job. My hair was just at APL

Girl, you were working that bc, gorgeous
I straightened my hair 23 months after my BC. I just couldn't wait for my second nappiversary, and my flatironing was a total fail :lol:.

1 month after BC and picked out :lachen:

23 months- horrible flatiron job. My hair was just at APL

Not bad! I looove your hair though. I checked out your Fotki and you have had some great progress through the years. :yep:
I flat ironed my hair about 2 years after my 2nd BC. It was my first time using heat in about 5 years. My hair looked flat ironed for 20 minutes. Then it looked blown out for the rest of the day. By late afternoon, it had reverted to a full blown afro. 4 hours of flat ironing for a style lasting 20 minutes was ridiculous even by my standards. The next time heat was on my hair, a "stylist" did it. My hair was silky for about 3 hours. By the next day, I saw splits. On wash day, I saw the SIX INCH LONG ZIPPER SPLITS caused by heat damage that product had been hiding. I haven't applied direct heat since, and will likely NEVER let anyone else do so.
Live and learn. Lol

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Thanks Lucie

I BC'd in January, straightened in April for the first time and it was awful! Went to the salon in Sept for a trim & blow out. Then I bought a good flat iron and I've been wearing my hair straight 80% of the time ever since.
My last relaxer was aug 09 I bc july 10 and straightened jan 11
I have pics on here ill try to find em
Thank you guys for all the replies. I donr have length but I still want to straighten lol. I'm thinking about using a Blair dryer with a brush attachment. Any thoughts?