after rollerset....before dryer


Well-Known Member
after you put your hair in rollers, do you spray a heat protectant over your hair befor going under the dryer?

is a roller set a protective style? and why?

i'm asking because i have been going to a dominican salon and getting a rollerset for the past three wks. i'm getting them because i want to stay away from too much heat but when i go under the hooded drier it is hot.
and as for the second question. i've heard pple say it is a protective style but i ware my hair down so i comb it everyday. i noticed i dont have any shedding since i've been rollersetting every week as apposed to a press and curl. so my hair doesnt shed or break much now but still i comb it everyday.
Well, you don't have to use a heat protectant when rollersetting cause that is indirect heat, and it will not cause harm to your hair. But if you choose to, you can add a heat protectant to the hair before you rollerset; that way, the product to the all the strands.

Yes, a rollerset is a protective style because it allows the hair to dry without direct heat.

Combing your hair is fine. It's mainly protective to your hair to not use or minimize heat (such as flat irons & blow dryers).
thank you for replying. i will still get a press and curl but it will be every three months or longer