After 21 yrs natural, I am now relaxed!


Well-Known Member
On Friday I went to a salon and got my hair relaxed. I decided to go bone straight on Wednesday and went to the salon on Friday. First off I researched high and low to make sure that I went to a stylist that knew how to take care of hair.

So, I went to the salon and on the door I saw stickers that said Keracare, Mizani, and Dudley certified salon. That definitely made me feel much more relaxed because those are some of the most comanly used names I see on this board. So as soon as I sat down the receptionist asked me who I came to see, she told the stylist I was there, and they immediately got me started (no wait!).

First they "greased" my scalp (it wasn't grease, looked like vaseline, but I'm not sure what it was. I say greased because they went through my hair like my momma used to do when she greased it when I was young! Anyway, then she applied the relaxer to the length of my hair and then she went back through and applied it to my scalp. Then she took a comb and smoothed it through my hair (small section at a time) stopping the comb wherever it decided to stop. Then she let it sit for about 7 min and the other stylists in the area kept checking with me asking me if I was okay, did I feel it burning, etc. I took that time to look at the other clients hair as well as the stylists (everyone had healthy full hair).

Everyone seemed very caring and concerned. Then she came back (she went to style another client in those minutes). She proceeded to wash my hair several times (shampoo, condition, neutralize, etc), followed by a protein reconstructor that she let sit while she finished the other client. She wahsed it out and then put a towel on my head, had me sit and air dry until it was about 80% dry. Then she blow-dried it straight and cut off any dead ends and then she cut it into a style (left it up to her). The style ended up great (it frames my face!), she bumped my ends with an HYI and that was that.

Oh, I forgot she put two products in my hair before blow-drying and then another product before flat ironing, and then one more after flat ironing (applied to ends only). Do not know specifically what they were, but they were Keracare.

The whole time she was telling me how healthy my hair was, asked me what I was doing, telling me to keep it up! I HAVE to thank everyone on this forum because I know my hair health is because of you guys. Its bouncy (which i think is volume), the color is awesome (people thought it was dyed) and it is ubber thick!

O and she used Affirm Fiberguard Sensitive Scalp Relaxer (she said she didn't want to take a chance on my burning easily), I ended up with not a single burn and no underprocessed hair! Thanks guys!:grin:
cool, glad you had such a good experience!!! were you ever relaxed before?? now you gotta really keep up your healthy hair practices now that you are relaxed!! your hair is more fragile. happy growing!:)

oh yeah:
Dillard: Yea, after reading up so much about it on the board I have already picked a regimen and I will just see where it takes me.

Ebony: Thanx girl! Good luck to you!

Nappy: I won't have my digicam until next week (parents have it), but I'll update with pix then. Until then, back to protective styles!

Sweetnlow, sareca: Thankx!!!!!!!!!!!

The decision, for all that asked: I've been natural for all my life and its all I know. However, I have been annoyed with it for quite some time. I have wanted to consistenly keep straight hair for some time, but I did not want to destroy my natural hair by constantly pressing or flat ironing, plus my hair is seriously resistant to those treatments. Also, I loved my fro, but I didn't wear it often because its hot as crap in Florida, I did not enjoy the amount of people who would put their hands in my head without asking, and the constantly scary guys that would float my way because I was natural. Also, hairstyle wise, I've done the same hairstyles in rotation for years, natural and kinky twist, natural and exstension braids, sew-in's twice, but they didn't work out and I really just don't enjoy them. Plus, its just too much work for someone who is a Double Major in college, I take anywhere from 8 classes or more a semester, plus practicing, and teaching! Its not a hassle putting product in my hair or washing, but constanly styling natural hair can take hours (well at least mine, its thick and there is a ton!). I've wanted to texlaxed for a while, but I wouldn't because I knew nothing about relaxers. After finding the boards, I found new joy in my natural hair, but after a year I went back to my same complaints and problems, so in May to give it until July and if I still wanted to relax I would do it! I decided to go bone straight instead of texlax because of the constant problems have with different textures and my hair is so thick that it just seemed like the best course of action. Plus, if I don't like it I'll just cut it off and start over. I've never had a problem with short natural hair, I think it looks good. I see relaxing as just another style choice and so its really not a big deal to me. Naturla hair takes a lot of maintenance as well. I know this is long, but believe me I've thought about it long and hard.
Congratzs on your new look! Please be extra diligent with your hair until you get used to it. There is a learing curve going from natural to relaxed and vice versa, and a lot of folx tend to go back to their former state because they dont know how to take care of it in it's new state. If you notice too much shedding, breakage, dryness, brittle ends, ANYTHING that does not seem normal, dont walk, RUN to the forums for help. Good luck! :)
I'm glad U had a good experience. I hope u have success on your new journey. You will find a lot of people here who can give you good advice about relaxed hair.