After 2 Years On Lhcf....

Wow I'm so proud of your progress Lu!:congrats:Your hair just leaves me speechless, I'll also be 2 years into my hair journey soon but I haven't made as much progress as you. Thank you for giving me hope.
Lovely op! Don't hesitate to bless us with some new flat ironed pics.

@Bunnyhaslonghair Thank you! I would love to flat iron but honestly I don't think my ends can take it. The last time I flat ironed, I had so much breakage that I felt like my relaxed ends was like...."GIRL IS YOU CRAZY :bat:. We're outta here :bye:" lol

I'll save the heat for when I'm done trimming off the relaxed ends, but when I do...I'll be sure to update the thread with some pics. :click:
@lulu97 It's been pretty stagnant actually, but that's only because I haven't been sticking to my regimen. Need to get back on track, so that I can have long and luscious hair like yours!

@awhyley I've learned through this board that anything is possible with knowledge, time & patience. Oh and keeping those ends moisturized & protected wont hurt either. I'm happy you are back on track and I see nothing but beautiful hair and long lengths ahead for you!:bighug: