

Ladies help me out:perplexed how do you get that perfect afro look? Do you just pick it out?:perplexed What is the secret? My hair is a little longer than a twa sorry no pictures:nono: When I try to wear a afro it looks :nono:. What products do you put in it? Any advice would help me out. Thanks in advance:yep:
Love peace and hair grease
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Girl, just pick it out and rock the fro!


donna, 1978


sorry, I couldn't help it. I was inspired by Flowerhair's siggy
i just comb out my air-dried hair with a wide-tooth comb. my hair is fine so sometimes it will flop on top but to prevent this from happening i will mist my combed out hair either with water or some kind of moisturizing spray which will activate shrinkage. then I pat it in to place and ther it is! i'll try to post a pic of my fro when i get home.
The night before I moisturize my hair so it's really soft and wear a satin bonnet to bed.

In the morning when I wake up I band my hair with those little scrunchie things. I don't stretch the hair too much because for me it tends to get too straight and then tangles. I just wrap the band around the base of a section of hair and the rest of my hair is a little afro puff at the end.

I let it stay like hat for at least an hour while I shower and get dressed. Then I take them out and just fluff my hair into a fro with my fingers.
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I would comb out dry hair ("dry" as in not wet, not "dry" as in no moisturizer) the night before and twist into big twists overnight. Undo in the morning and fluff with fingers. I might use a pick to lift the roots or to get even lumpiness all over, but I can't do the perfectly round kind unless my hair's been blow dried a good bit, so I don't do those.

At least that's what I used to do. For some reason, this doesn't seem to work anymore. :(
Thanks for all the advice ladies I wore my hair in a afro yesterday I put a headband on the wide cloth kind so it kinda looked like a puff I liked it. I just let it do what it do and didn't worry to much about the shape:yep:
I like to blow mine out for a nice fluffy fro puff. WHen it was shorter I would roller set it.
I use a pick and my hair has to be damp. My hair is super THICK. If I want a full afro, I pick it all the way out. If I want a small one, i'll put the pick in and pull it up a little. Then I pat just a little to even it out. HTH
I use to blow dry my hair and then put into twists at night. In the morning I would mist it with water so that it would strink a little. Then I wold pick it out. You can rub a smooth scarf across it to smooth it out.
I use a pick and my hair has to be damp. My hair is super THICK. If I want a full afro, I pick it all the way out. If I want a small one, i'll put the pick in and pull it up a little. Then I pat just a little to even it out. HTH

Ditto the above. I use S Curl and plait my hair for the night. Baggy all night. In the AM, I undo the plaits and comb with a pick and pat to shape. I haven't worn a full afro in a long time, but that's the same method I used to create these puffs:



That's also how Mommy-mine's afro below was created:
This is the pick I always used to comb my afro:


(It's actually the only comb I have owned in about 7 years). I recently upgraded to the same style fist pick only the teeth are twice as long--in readiness for when my 'fro will be a foot high. :look:

Ladies help me out:perplexed how do you get that perfect afro look? Do you just pick it out?:perplexed What is the secret? My hair is a little longer than a twa sorry no pictures:nono: When I try to wear a afro it looks :nono:. What products do you put in it? Any advice would help me out. Thanks in advance:yep:
Love peace and hair grease

1. wash & condition your hair
2. detangle REALLY GOOD
3. apply leave-in/product & put your hair into 10-12 plaits or twists (I like using grease)
4. airdry COMPLETELY
5. undo each plait or twist one at a time
6. apply a little tiny bit of oil-based moisturizer or oil to the section
7. gently pick it out with an afro pic while holding the section at the root
8. once your done with each section, pick/fluff/pat into shape

ETA: But the quick and easy way for me to get an afro is to just blowdry my hair in sections with grease. However, my afro is more floppy and hangs down when I blowdry. It doesn't stay up and out like a rounded 70's fro.
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Ditto the above. I use S Curl and plait my hair for the night. Baggy all night. In the AM, I undo the plaits and comb with a pick and pat to shape. I haven't worn a full afro in a long time, but that's the same method I used to create these puffs:



That's also how Mommy-mine's afro below was created:

very pretty. :yep:
Ditto the above. I use S Curl and plait my hair for the night. Baggy all night. In the AM, I undo the plaits and comb with a pick and pat to shape. I haven't worn a full afro in a long time, but that's the same method I used to create these puffs:



That's also how Mommy-mine's afro below was created:
Adorable! Beautiful hair textures!

1. wash & condition your hair
2. detangle REALLY GOOD
3. apply leave-in/product & put your hair into 10-12 plaits or twists (I like using grease)
4. airdry COMPLETELY
5. undo each plait or twist one at a time
6. apply a little tiny bit of oil-based moisturizer or oil to the section
7. gently pick it out with an afro pic while holding the section at the root
8. once your done with each section, pick/fluff/pat into shape

ETA: But the quick and easy way for me to get an afro is to just blowdry my hair in sections with grease. However, my afro is more floppy and hangs down when I blowdry. It doesn't stay up and out like a rounded 70's fro.
Thank you I will try this friday night
Ditto the above. I use S Curl and plait my hair for the night. Baggy all night. In the AM, I undo the plaits and comb with a pick and pat to shape. I haven't worn a full afro in a long time, but that's the same method I used to create these puffs:



That's also how Mommy-mine's afro below was created:

SEE, Umma have to COP' these styles! You have beautiful healthy looking hair. Keep rockn' them styles.