scam (Hair Products)


Well-Known Member
This is just a heads up. I was searching online for QP Elasta DPR11 OLD ingredients and this is the site i happen to find it on.
I ordered on August 7 and its been a week. I should atleast got an email saying its going to be late. It shouldn't take this long if its in the states. I refuse to by from unheard of sites again. :nono:

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This is just a heads up. I was searching online for QP Elasta DPR11 OLD ingredients and this is the site i happen to find it on.
I ordered on August 7 and its been a week. I should atleast got an email saying its going to be late. It shouldn't take this long if its in the states. I refuse to by from unheard of sites again. :nono:

I don't think that makes it a scam, but you can email the company and ask for a refund or when the products are going to be shipped. If they don't reply in a couple of business days, you need to call your credit card company and file a claim.

Did you try their order tracker yet?
i order offline all the time and i pretty much had that gut feeling i should have followed.
The order tracking on the website said "email not in system order cannot be found" yea but they send me a confirmation and registering link to my email but then they cant track my product lol.scam. smh
i swear i wish i had policemen in my family to crack down on this. its only 13 dollars but its money i got out of comfy bed to work for smh
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Something, something just ain't right.....

:lachen: this line just made me laugh real hard for some reason! OP imho I don't think 1 week is that long to wait for a product but this site kinda looks like it could be a scam.....especially considering that there aren't any contacts listed! They appear to have a very limited selection and they are charging more money for these products than they are worth (I compared many of their prices in the hair section to those on amazon)
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It may not be a scam. They e mailed you and said they would be late. Some small companies take longer to ship because they don't have a lot of people working there. Hairveda and Qhemet also take 2-3 weeks to ship because they make your product fresh before they ship out the product. Thanks to all the so called "Gates" people will be quick to say scam.:ohwell:
It may not be a scam. They e mailed you and said they would be late. Some small companies take longer to ship because they don't have a lot of people working there. Hairveda and Qhemet also take 2-3 weeks to ship because they make your product fresh before they ship out the product. Thanks to all the so called "Gates" people will be quick to say scam.:ohwell:

They never emailed me. And why would they make it when its not "their" product.Its a product qp made and they just sell. A loyal company would have notified me that it will be late.
It may not be a scam. They e mailed you and said they would be late. Some small companies take longer to ship because they don't have a lot of people working there. Hairveda and Qhemet also take 2-3 weeks to ship because they make your product fresh before they ship out the product. Thanks to all the so called "Gates" people will be quick to say scam.:ohwell:

Plus im not down with making a business look bad for being impatient.
I willing to bet a toe this is a scam I felt it in my gut when i hit payment. They didnt email me back NOR they have any contact info.
Okay so just to clarify.

It's been 1 week and you never got an email confirmation that you purchased anything from them?

In which case there's no information available on the site where you could contact them?

In which case yeah that does sound suspect.
Plus im not down with making a business look bad for being impatient.
I willing to bet a toe this is a scam I felt it in my gut when i hit payment. They didnt email me back NOR they have any contact info.

Sorry, I read the post wrong. I hope you paid by credit card so the company can fight for your refund. I am not using any new companies in the future.:nono:
I've got scammed before for 479 dollors. 13 isnt MUCH but i guess i havent learned my lesson from these unknown sites lol i quit.
Yeah but where is there info? That form probably may not even go through to their end :lol: wherever in the world their end is. They give NO info about where they are located.

OP, how did you even find that website and why would you order from them when they look shady and there are so many other sites to order from. You need to get more familiar with the web! I would not have trusted that site.
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Okay, I sent in a fake message and I did not even get verification after I sent it! OP you've been taken for a ride, I'm about 99% sure of it. I would contact my credit card company.
i dont even want to go thru the hassle with my cc company anymore im still in a dispute from JUNE for the 479!! I'll just contact the police.

With all due respect, good luck with that. The police will just tell you to call your cc company. They don't have the time, energy, resources, or desire do an investigation for a mere $13.

What credit card company is this? It should not take 2+ months to get that kind of money back. When I had disputes in the past, it was a week at the most.
i dont even want to go thru the hassle with my cc company anymore im still in a dispute from JUNE for the 479!! I'll just contact the police.

That may be true...but still file the dispute to preserve your rights. You only have so much time to dispute it or the company will basically refuse to investigate. If you call the police, make sure you note the report number for the credit card company.
With all due respect, good luck with that. The police will just tell you to call your cc company. They don't have the time, energy, resources, or desire do an investigation for a mere $13.

What credit card company is this? It should not take 2+ months to get that kind of money back. When I had disputes in the past, it was a week at the most.

they should have policemen online that send fake money to these people and different card numbers numerous of time and if they dont get the product these people should be thrown under the jail. SMH. i hope senior citizen dont shop onlinevtoo risky and heartless out here.
I don't order from anyone online that does not have a phone number and a person on the other end. If it's a site I've never ordered from before I'll call their customer service number and ask a random question to test their service. There are too many options out there to deal with people who don't have their "basic" act together
Um please don't call the police for that. There is nothing they can do, and again they WILL tell you to contact your credit card company. Please leave them to handle real emergencies.
OP no offence but you just called a company a scam and now that they have sent you the product you should probably make a greater effort to let people know it's not a scam- eg putting your correction up front. It's not fair half heartedly correcting this accusation, this is someone's company and livelihood and this is the worldwide web you don't know what harm you could do to a company (but that's just IMHO)