African American Experience.


New Member
Ha, I went to an african american hair salon today cause I wanted to get my hair washed for $10. Anyways, Im 6 weeks post relaxer and it was so funny to me cause this woman did not know what to do with my hair, I have so much new growth and all she could complain about is how bad I needed the perm, I told her it had only been 6 weeks and she was in awww, u would not imagine how much new growth I had, she was like oh my goodness, that is a lot of hair.

You see Im used to going to the domincan salons, and they don't complain, they just blow it out straight.

It was just so funny how she complained that she couldn't comb out my hair and then, after seeing the new growth she was in aww, and could not believer her eyes about the amount of new growth.
haha yea i took my home girl today to an african american salon and they were complaining about how she needed a relaxer and her hair was too thick, the thing is she had just got her hair relaxed 4 weeks earlier.....go figure
Geesh Im still in :eek: you went to a African American hair salon and got a wash for $10??? You sure this was a AA salon :lol:??
sky_blu said:
Geesh Im still in :eek: you went to a African American hair salon and got a wash for $10??? You sure this was a AA salon :lol:??

These African American salons are trying to compete with domincans now..They see the amount of women going to the domicans for a wash and set and how the prices are very reasonable... So they lower the price hoping to get the same amount of customers...

Of course there are the more established salons like Gerard Dure, Black Root etc. that will not lower any price.
Yeah, and I just wanted a wash and set so I was like whatever. I usually go to the domincans cause they know exactly what to do with this amount of new growth. All they got to do is pop out their blowdryer and poof*** new growth all gone!!!!

And believe it girl $10 - Queens, New York
Dang! I guess I need to make a trip up there to cash in on the $10 hair-do's. I dont think any stylist down here would lower the price for nothing.