Advice on half wigs/falls


Well-Known Member
Advice needed on half wigs/falls

I have read that some of you who wear half wigs remove the combs as they damage the hair.

How do you keep the wig secure with no combs?

I spent along time the other night taking the combs out of an old wig and tried to attach it to my hair. The hair pins (the ones with the small bobbles on the ends) wouldn't go through the mesh.

If you do use the combs have you noticed any damage?
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:hiya2: Hi Bublin! I wear half wigs all the time and I always leave the comb in. No breakage so far...I just rub the combs and the hair where the combs are going with castor oil.

I've never taken the combs out of any of mine. I don't see how it would stay on without them. If my hair is straight, sometimes I have a hard time getting the combs to stay in because if not they will slide out. I've never had a problem with them though.
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Hey Bublin,

I've wondered this myself. I leave the combs in and haven't had any issues. I also don't wear falls regularly enough that I would have any problems though. So, I don't really know the answer. I have seen some ladies suggest that they actually braid the hair underneath and then actually stitch the wig to the braids. Then it's more like a weave. May not be a bad option if you are planning to wear it for a minute.
The combs always take my hair out and they scratch my scalp.

When I wear them I take the combs off, leave out hair for coverage and braid the rest.(like I would if I was wearing a full wig).

And then I use bobbi pins to hold my 3/4 wig in place.

This has been my routine for years and it's worked pretty good.
Try cornrolling your hair around the edges that will hold the comb in place
I've never taken the combs out of any of mine. I don't see how it would stay on without them. If my hair is straight, sometimes I have a hard time getting the combs to stay in because if not they will slide out. I've never had a problem with them though.
I've never taken the combs out of my half wigs. I feel like the wig is more secure with the combs in, versus using bobby pins. When I remove the wig, I just try to be really carefully as to not pull my hair out.