Half wigs and comb issues...


New Member
For those who wear half wigs Do you think the combs attached to the wigs rip out your hair? Every time I take my wig off I hair ripping and breaking:wallbash:. I do pin down the sides, but I was wondering if I should pin down the whole wig without the comb to avoid breakage. Also does anyone wear two hair wigs at a time for extra fullness?:look:

ETA: The brands I use are Outre and Sentational
Some of the 1/2 wigs I have come with two combs, one in the front and another in the back. The one in the back irritates me and my hair to no end so I cut that one out and just pin it down back there. I keep the one in the front in, however, and normally soak it in a thick oil (castor, for example) before applying the wig. Also, be sure you're not using the front comb to pull your hair back too much. And yes, I've found that if you're not extra careful, taking the wig off can rip out some hair. So when you're ready to take it off, lift the back, then slide the front comb forward so it's not uprooting any hairs. Hope that makes sense....

Or, like you said, you could just remove all the combs and use pins. I just like the security the front comb offers, if handled with care.
I read the whole Half Wig official thread, 35 pgs, and the majority of the ladies to avoid breakage take the combs out. I have read before that soaking them in castor oil does help however I don't know what that can do over an extended period of wear. I would just be extra careful and make sure that your hair pins/bobby pins have the rubber balls on the ends when you apply because they can be damaging without it.
I wear Outre half-wigs & I remove the combs before I wear it. I just use four hair pins to secure the wig down & I'm good to go.
i use the front comb only but grease it with shea butter before i put it on and i take off the wig slowly..im a natural 4b,never had breakage issues and ive been wigging for 7 months..
I just cut out the combs. For security, I pin the wig down with bobby pins.

Yep. Use bobby pins but make sure you change the position of the pins every now and then to avoid stressing certain areas. My temples thinned out because I wasn't switching the clips I used.
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The combs didn't bother me in my other half wigs and they're all Outre. But this particular HH one has a thinner comb and I had to take the back one out.

I still cringe when removing it because the combs are too fine. I may swap it with the wider combs from my other one.

I don't trust bobby pins.
Be very careful of the combs as they can cause breakage AND thinning due to the stress the combs can cause on your hair. I never had an issue with breakage - I just took them off pretty carefully. But I was so concerned with avoiding breakage that I didn't even realize that over time my hair started slowly thinning where the combs would be. HTH
for people who wear them overnight - do a small braid around the perimiter of the head, cut the combs out, and simply sew the wig to the braids. this is helpful for women who arn't that farmiliar with repeatedly taking off the hair and putting it back on daily.
I take the front and back combs out of my wigs. The combs make my scalp sore and I think they are the cause of the breakage I experienced in the back last year. I use wig clips is some wigs and bobby pins in others. It depends on the snuggyness of the wig.
I do think the tension can be an issue, but I think the large plastic combs are much better then those small, metal ones.

I do use the back comb at times and then bobby pin the crap out of the rest. And putting grease/oil does help, imho.
Originally I didn't have a problem with the combs, but now I'm noticing that some brands are using combs that have small ridges in between each comb section. This makes it very difficult to remove the half wig without hearing that pop/rip sound of your hair being pulled.
for people who wear them overnight - do a small braid around the perimiter of the head, cut the combs out, and simply sew the wig to the braids. this is helpful for women who arn't that farmiliar with repeatedly taking off the hair and putting it back on daily.

This is brilliant! Thank you