advice for for Dominican hair products (possibly using this webiste)....



I was surfing on the net and ran across this website for dominican hair products I have a possible type 4 short hair (see album--no password) and I want to order something to aid in moisture retention and also for protein.
I have to order online because i'm here in iraq still and may get extended :eek: . the weather here is pretty hot (120ish) and since hair is suppose to fair well in the summer, i am soliciting advice/recommendations.
I haven't used heat since dec (although, once i did use my heating cap for a deep condition), but i pretty much use the shower cap when i'm inside. i currently rely on braid and twist outs :ohwell: . Also, accepting any other recommendtions

notice my sparse edges....
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Anky (one of our LHCF membes) sells Dom. Hair Prod. maybe she could advise you on what you should use. Maybe you could PM her. :)