Advice for a "born again"/rededicated Christian?


New Member
:hiya2: everyone. As a newbie, this is my first thread in the Christian Fellowship Forum. I am currently at a point in my life where I have rededicated my life to the Lord. I was baptized as a Catholic and as a child would go through the rituals of the masses, but I never quite understood or practiced what it meant to be a Christian.

I can't quite explain it, but about a year or so ago, I began feeling that the Lord was calling me home, so I repented and rededicated myself (me who is so unworthy, but I am so thankful that God grants unconditional love to those who repent). I began attending a non-denominational church (I chose it after attending several and ultimately choosing the one that I felt was best for me), praying/speaking to the Lord daily, and worshipping through song.

No joy or happiness compares to that I feel when I am doing these three things, but I am missing what I think should have been the start to all this in the first desire to read the Word!

That was hard to type, but it's true :nono:. Whenever I read the Bible outside of Bible study class, it feels like homework or a chore and I eventually put it aside after a few verses because it does not give me the feeling that church, praying and worship through song give me. WHY am I feeling like this? I would be so grateful for any advice that would help me combat this contradictory feeling. I know in my heart that for me to hear the voice of God, which I so desperately yearn for, I HAVE to overcome this.
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:hiya2: everyone. As a newbie, this is my first thread in the Christian Fellowship Forum. I am currently at a point in my life where I have rededicated my life to the Lord. I was baptized as a Catholic and as a child would go through the rituals of the masses, but I never quite understood or practiced what it meant to be a Christian.

I can't quite explain it, but about a year or so ago, I began feeling that the Lord was calling me home, so I repented and rededicated myself (me who is so unworthy, but I am so thankful that God grants unconditional love to those who repent). I began attending a non-denominational church (I chose it after attending several and ultimately choosing the one that I felt was best for me), praying/speaking to the Lord daily, and worshipping through song.

No joy or happiness compares to that I feel when I am doing these three things, but I am missing what I think should have been the start to all this in the first desire to read the Word!

That was hard to type, but it's true :nono:. Whenever I read the Bible outside of Bible study class, it feels like homework or a chore and I eventually put it aside after a few verses because it does not give me the feeling that church, praying and worship through song give me.

WHY am I feeling like this? I would be so grateful for any advice that would help me combat this contradictory feeling. I know in my heart that for me to hear the voice of God, which I so desperately yearn for, I HAVE to overcome this.

First of all :welcome3: :grouphug2:

Relax, little one. Don't force yourself to read. Just relax and take it one word, one phrase, one sentence, one verse at a time.

Just relax. You're tryiing to prove your committment to re-dedicating your heart to the Lord. He knows you're here to stay. He knows that you are not playing games with Him and He knows that you want to make up for lost time.

But in Him there is no time...lost. Especially there is no 'Love' lost. All He wants is for you to love Him and allow Him to lead you into prayer, study and worship. And it WILL happen and it will flow.

Just be where you are, which is in God's heart. In His heart where there is no competition and no condemnation. Just loving you for you.

Start here...

"The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee."

Jeremiah 31:3

With loving kindness, God has drawn you back to Him. You are in His loving arms and He will cherish you, never leave you and never ever forsake you.

Relax, Rest and be blessed. You've given Him your best, which is precious 'you'. :love2:

The rest of your reading His Word will flow... :yep: Yes it will.
You have to make time for God and to study his word or you will find that you don't even refer to the Bible except when in church or group study. If you have the KJV, there's your problem. My preference is the NLT- New Living Translations as it translates the meaning of the verses into today's language.
Pray before you begin reading. Ask God to guide you. Don't necessarily start at the beginning and go to the end. My Bible provides introductions to each book that I read to get an idea of what will be addressed. I choose what I will read accordingly.
I think a lot of people have this struggle, but we must resist Satin. God says that we must study his word. Besides, we make time for everything and everyone else.
First of all :welcome3: :grouphug2:

Relax, little one. Don't force yourself to read. Just relax and take it one word, one phrase, one sentence, one verse at a time.

Just relax. You're tryiing to prove your committment to re-dedicating your heart to the Lord. He knows you're here to stay. He knows that you are not playing games with Him and He knows that you want to make up for lost time.

But in Him there is no time...lost. Especially there is no 'Love' lost. All He wants is for you to love Him and allow Him to lead you into prayer, study and worship. And it WILL happen and it will flow.

Just be where you are, which is in God's heart. In His heart where there is no competition and no condemnation. Just loving you for you.

Start here...

"The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee."

Jeremiah 31:3

With loving kindness, God has drawn you back to Him. You are in His loving arms and He will cherish you, never leave you and never ever forsake you.

Relax, Rest and be blessed. You've given Him your best, which is precious 'you'. :love2:

The rest of your reading His Word will flow... :yep: Yes it will.

While reading this post, I literally breathed a sigh of relief. It is a constant struggle for me in regards to allowing condemnation rule my thoughts. I am praying that I stay strong because I am slowly but surely realizing that the enemy used the fact that I did not know the difference between conviction and condemnation against me. In the past I would get so frustrated with myself and backslide, thinking "God won't want my unworthy self". But I Thank the Lord for his everlasting love! The more I realize this, let this sink in, and just be patient, the more everything else will fall into place and flow. Thank you Shimmie !!
You have to make time for God and to study his word or you will find that you don't even refer to the Bible except when in church or group study. If you have the KJV, there's your problem. My preference is the NLT- New Living Translations as it translates the meaning of the verses into today's language.
Pray before you begin reading. Ask God to guide you. Don't necessarily start at the beginning and go to the end. My Bible provides introductions to each book that I read to get an idea of what will be addressed. I choose what I will read accordingly.
I think a lot of people have this struggle, but we must resist Satin. God says that we must study his word. Besides, we make time for everything and everyone else.

Thank you mizbtown! You bring up excellent points. I do have the KJV and not quite understanding the verses does not help at all. Thank you suggesting the NLT. Also, earnestly asking God to guide me before reading through prayer is something else I have to work on.
I started reading the bible cover to cover last year and I was really into Genesis & Exodus and read it like a novel...I couldn't wait to get back to reading it. Then it got really difficult after that to read more than a chapter or 2 at a time. This year I bought The Bible Experience on CD and put it onto my iPod. When you put it onto the iPod the bible text shows up under lyrics. I have found this sooooo much easier and I often read 10-15 chapters on my way to work each morning. I love to listen and read along at the same time and I think James Earl Jones is the perfect narrator.

Here is a trailer if you haven't heard of it

So like you, I have one piece of the puzzle missing...I have the word and prayer part down, just need to find a church I can go to and feel comfortable in :)

ETA - the Bible Experience is the New International Version, which I found much easier to follow that NKJV
I started reading the bible cover to cover last year and I was really into Genesis & Exodus and read it like a novel...I couldn't wait to get back to reading it. Then it got really difficult after that to read more than a chapter or 2 at a time. This year I bought The Bible Experience on CD and put it onto my iPod. When you put it onto the iPod the bible text shows up under lyrics. I have found this sooooo much easier and I often read 10-15 chapters on my way to work each morning. I love to listen and read along at the same time and I think James Earl Jones is the perfect narrator.

Here is a trailer if you haven't heard of it

So like you, I have one piece of the puzzle missing...I have the word and prayer part down, just need to find a church I can go to and feel comfortable in :)

ETA - the Bible Experience is the New International Version, which I found much easier to follow that NKJV

Thanks so much for the suggestion KP :-) The alone time I have during my long commutes would the perfect time to listen to the CD. I will check out the trailer after I get home from work.
While reading this post, I literally breathed a sigh of relief. It is a constant struggle for me in regards to allowing condemnation rule my thoughts. I am praying that I stay strong because I am slowly but surely realizing that the enemy used the fact that I did not know the difference between conviction and condemnation against me. In the past I would get so frustrated with myself and backslide, thinking "God won't want my unworthy self". But I Thank the Lord for his everlasting love! The more I realize this, let this sink in, and just be patient, the more everything else will fall into place and flow. Thank you Shimmie !!
Grace, it really does and it will fall into place. You're in God's hands and heart and no one can take you away from Him. Not even satan's lies to you.

satan wants you to 'give up'. he wants you to feel 'what's the use', I can't do this, I can't please God, there's no reason fo me to stay with this. satan did this to Jesus and surely he's doing this to each of us, too, including you.

But Grace....... God says 'stay' and that He will lead and show you the way. "You are my precious little girl and all I want from you is to "Just Stay." :love2:

Grace, don't let satan trick you into thinking you're not real for God. You are, I can see that you truly are. And if I can see it, then most assuredly, God can see it too.

What do you think? :yep:

Trust me, Grace. You'll be up in here quoting and sharing scriptures with us left and right; giving the enemy all kinds of headaches with God's word.
Grace, it really does and it will fall into place. You're in God's hands and heart and no one can take you away from Him. Not even satan's lies to you.

satan wants you to 'give up'. he wants you to feel 'what's the use', I can't do this, I can't please God, there's no reason fo me to stay with this. satan did this to Jesus and surely he's doing this to each of us, too, including you.

But Grace....... God says 'stay' and that He will lead and show you the way. "You are my precious little girl and all I want from you is to "Just Stay." :love2:

Grace, don't let satan trick you into thinking you're not real for God. You are, I can see that you truly are. And if I can see it, then most assuredly, God can see it too.

What do you think? :yep:

Trust me, Grace. You'll be up in here quoting and sharing scriptures with us left and right; giving the enemy all kinds of headaches with God's word.

Yes, I know this day will come and I praise Him in advance for walking with me & guiding me to this day. Bless you Shimmie, your gift of ministering is so wonderful.
First... :welcome2:

Second, persevere. If you've not been reading your Bible before rededicating your life, it could just mean that patience is required to help you through this. The Word IS God, so it's a given that since you belong to Him, reading his Word is one of the ways He can communicate with you.

Think of reading the Bible as your helping to keep the lines of communication open with God. You pray, He listens. You read His Word, He talks to you.. The Bible is more than a book to read, it breathes life, through us:

John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God

It's a bag of seeds and you can "pull" out a seed to grow anything you need... if it's patience you desire, you can plant that seed by searching his Word on Patience.

God Bless

HTH..and keep the faith!

:hiya2: everyone. As a newbie, this is my first thread in the Christian Fellowship Forum. I am currently at a point in my life where I have rededicated my life to the Lord. I was baptized as a Catholic and as a child would go through the rituals of the masses, but I never quite understood or practiced what it meant to be a Christian.
I can't quite explain it, but about a year or so ago, I began feeling that the Lord was calling me home, so I repented and rededicated myself (me who is so unworthy, but I am so thankful that God grants unconditional love to those who repent). I began attending a non-denominational church (I chose it after attending several and ultimately choosing the one that I felt was best for me), praying/speaking to the Lord daily, and worshipping through song.
No joy or happiness compares to that I feel when I am doing these three things, but I am missing what I think should have been the start to all this in the first desire to read the Word!
That was hard to type, but it's true :nono:. Whenever I read the Bible outside of Bible study class, it feels like homework or a chore and I eventually put it aside after a few verses because it does not give me the feeling that church, praying and worship through song give me. WHY am I feeling like this? I would be so grateful for any advice that would help me combat this contradictory feeling. I know in my heart that for me to hear the voice of God, which I so desperately yearn for, I HAVE to overcome this.
First... :welcome2:

Second, persevere. If you've not been reading your Bible before rededicating your life, it could just mean that patience is required to help you through this. The Word IS God, so it's a given that since you belong to Him, reading his Word is one of the ways He can communicate with you.

Think of reading the Bible as your helping to keep the lines of communication open with God. You pray, He listens. You read His Word, He talks to you.. The Bible is more than a book to read, it breathes life, through us:

John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God

It's a bag of seeds and you can "pull" out a seed to grow anything you need... if it's patience you desire, you can plant that seed by searching his Word on Patience.

God Bless

HTH..and keep the faith!

Thank you Laela! Yes this helps so much. :) John 1:1 truly speaks to my heart and your post really put it in perspective for me. I cannot say I know my God without knowing the Word that IS Him, the One that gives me life.
:hiya2: everyone. As a newbie, this is my first thread in the Christian Fellowship Forum. I am currently at a point in my life where I have rededicated my life to the Lord. I was baptized as a Catholic and as a child would go through the rituals of the masses, but I never quite understood or practiced what it meant to be a Christian.
I can't quite explain it, but about a year or so ago, I began feeling that the Lord was calling me home, so I repented and rededicated myself (me who is so unworthy, but I am so thankful that God grants unconditional love to those who repent). I began attending a non-denominational church (I chose it after attending several and ultimately choosing the one that I felt was best for me), praying/speaking to the Lord daily, and worshipping through song.
No joy or happiness compares to that I feel when I am doing these three things, but I am missing what I think should have been the start to all this in the first desire to read the Word!
That was hard to type, but it's true :nono:. Whenever I read the Bible outside of Bible study class, it feels like homework or a chore and I eventually put it aside after a few verses because it does not give me the feeling that church, praying and worship through song give me. WHY am I feeling like this? I would be so grateful for any advice that would help me combat this contradictory feeling. I know in my heart that for me to hear the voice of God, which I so desperately yearn for, I HAVE to overcome this.

OP, my experience has been the exact opposite. I love the word and I read it over and over. What helped me with the reading is that I dumped my KJV for NKJ and then support with Amplified and TLB.
On the other hand, praying is not my forte! :wallbash:
I have had to devise ways to work around this, but it continually is a struggle for me and I have been a christian for many many years :blush:. When I hear folks say they stayed all night to pray :perplexed, how do they do it?

Just hang in there!
Thanks for the encouragement mamaore! I like the Amplified as well (that's the version my church uses as a back-up for explanation purposes to the KJV). I know I'm new to all this, but since you were so kind as to offer your encouraging words, could I be so bold as to offer advice as well?

What helped me to become deeply involved in prayer (and come to yearn for it) was changing the way I approached it because I was never quite sure what to say in prayer before. Now that I speak to the Lord through prayer as my best friend, my parent, and my Savior, it is no longer a struggle, but rather my escape.

When I speak to Him as a best friend, I pray about what occured during the day, what made me happy, and what displeased me.

When I speak to the Lord as my parent, I pray for forgiveness, guidance, advice, comfort, and help in life.

When I speak to the Lord as my Savior, I thank Him for all the wonderful blessings he has bestowed on my life and my loved ones' lives. I think this is where I get most lost in prayer (lost in the good way lol). It's like the song "Grateful" when the choir sings "I could go on and on and on about Your works."
Thanks for the encouragement mamaore! I like the Amplified as well (that's the version my church uses as a back-up for explanation purposes to the KJV). I know I'm new to all this, but since you were so kind as to offer your encouraging words, could I be so bold as to offer advice as well?

What helped me to become deeply involved in prayer (and come to yearn for it) was changing the way I approached it because I was never quite sure what to say in prayer before. Now that I speak to the Lord through prayer as my best friend, my parent, and my Savior, it is no longer a struggle, but rather my escape.

When I speak to Him as a best friend, I pray about what occured during the day, what made me happy, and what displeased me.

When I speak to the Lord as my parent, I pray for forgiveness, guidance, advice, comfort, and help in life.

When I speak to the Lord as my Savior, I thank Him for all the wonderful blessings he has bestowed on my life and my loved ones' lives. I think this is where I get most lost in prayer (lost in the good way lol). It's like the song "Grateful" when the choir sings "I could go on and on and on about Your works."
Look at you, Little One! You just shared an awesome word here with us. I'm blessed and I've learned something. :clap:

You have quite a Ministry up in here with the beautiful Art of Prayer. :up: :yep: :yep: :yep:

We 'all' have our strengths in the Lord to help build one another up. You've just given the devil a black eye and a knot on his head. This is a wonderful way to strengthen our prayer relationship with the Lord.