Adrienne0914 or those doing the ponytail w/baggie


Active Member
Adrienne, I just went through your step by step guide demonstrating the ponytail with the baggie technique. I'm using it now for my protective style since I have enough hair to make into a ponytail

By the way, leaving my hair in the baggie all day is making my ends so soft and smoothe

I have a couple of questions:
I noticed that you take your phoney ponytail off everynight for bed but, you leave your hair in the ponytail with the baggie on overnight. How many days at a time do you leave your hair in the ponytail before taking it down? I want to make sure I don't get breakage in that area.

Also, I mixed up a batch of the worlds of curl activator with let's jam styling gel like you use. The consistency is pure liquid. Is that correct? It seems to be working well but I've only tried it once so far. I want to make sure I have the portions right.

Well when I do the baggie trick I leave my baggie on overnight and on into the next afternoon. I take it off to let it dry and repeat the same cycle. I am a dialy washer so my hair is wet a majority of the time. I think just about any type of moisturizing product will work. You just have to figure out what is best for you hair.
YAY, keylargo!! congrats on the progress and being able to do the ponytail!!

i usually wash my hair on monday morning in the shower, and apply my products then go to work with my hair damp. i leave my hair in the baggie from one wash to the next, EXCEPT that i take it down the first evening to let my ponytail dry. then i put it back on before bed. i don't mess with it after that until the next wash. i just put more of the activator/gel mix on my edges and resmooth.

okay, which World of Curls and Let's Jam are you using? i use these two:


World of Curls Regular Activator Gel


Fantasia IC Hair Polisher Styling Gel (i can't find the clear Let's Jam that i liked)

the consistency after mixing is still like a gel. i mix equal parts in a separate container. is that the World of Curls that you use? they have several different products, but that's the only one that i've ever tried.

Thanks ladies.

Adrienne, Can you believe I actually have enough hair not only for a ponytail but enough to have hair hang out of the ponytail and fit a little baggie over it?? Talk about a milestone.

I use the worlds of curls activator like the one you listed but it says "for extra dry hair" on it. I mixed it with the Let's Jam styling gel regular with the green lid on it. Now, because I'm a PJ, I do have the IC styling gel you listed here but I haven't used it yet. Does that work better then the Let's Jam??

So, you actually like your ponytail to dry out? You're not doing the daily wet bun thing? I don't know that I can keep my hands out of my hair that long. I know you say that the less manipulation the better.
Adrienne... how did you post those pictures ...when I try to do it, it doesn't work ... humffff

Ballet Bun ...
I've stopped using the worlds of curls and let's jam mix. It was making my hair hard and dry. So, now I'm using the carefree curl gold activator and pure aloe vera gel. I do like the IC hair polisher gel for my edges. It does a good job with smoothing them out. I also use extra conditioner for my ends under the baggie.
adrienne0914 said:
YAY, keylargo!! congrats on the progress and being able to do the ponytail!!

i usually wash my hair on monday morning in the shower, and apply my products then go to work with my hair damp. i leave my hair in the baggie from one wash to the next, EXCEPT that i take it down the first evening to let my ponytail dry. then i put it back on before bed. i don't mess with it after that until the next wash. i just put more of the activator/gel mix on my edges and resmooth.

okay, which World of Curls and Let's Jam are you using? i use these two:


World of Curls Regular Activator Gel


Fantasia IC Hair Polisher Styling Gel (i can't find the clear Let's Jam that i liked)

the consistency after mixing is still like a gel. i mix equal parts in a separate container. is that the World of Curls that you use? they have several different products, but that's the only one that i've ever tried.


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Adrienne, is the mix that you put on your ponytail in the baggie or just for edges?
keylargo, i think all of the gels work about the same, kinda like the curl activators. i'm not sure why yours is a liquid consistency though. did you mix it half and half? which Let's Jam were you using? is it clear or brown? and what do you put on your ends after putting the Carefree Curl and aloe vera gel?

no, i don't do the daily wet bun thing. i don't see any advantage to my hair being wet daily. and i think i would lose even more hair from the manipulation. i'm really having a problem with shedding again lately.

ballet_bun, to post a pic, you have to right-click on it. then click on properties. that shows the web address of the pic. you just copy that. then when you come back here, click the UBB Code "Image" and past the address there. try it...

moezthunder, i use the mix for both the bun and my edges.
I have the Let's Jam regular formula. It's almost clear but has a little pinkish color. It's in the black jar with a green top. I'm pretty sure I used half and half. Maybe I need to refrigerate it. It's pretty warm in my home because I don't burn the air conditioner much.

I've been trying to remember to put vaseline on my ends after the activator and aloe. Yes, another tip from you

The vaseline does a good job with leaving my ends nice and soft.
i haven't tried that Let's Jam. but if the Carefree Curl and aloe are working, girl, keep using it!!

yeah the Vaseline is key for me. if i skip it, my hair feels like paper.