Adrienne has updated her picturetrail journal

Your hair growth Journey has sure inspired me
Congrats on your success! I can't wait to get there!
Man Adrienne... All I can say is DAYUM!
I haven't been around for a while, then check in to find that you've turned into the black Lady Godiva! That mane is sooooo beautiful. I've always enjoyed checking out your progress photos. They never disappoint and always inspire.
Much love,

well ima take your advise and keep up the same work i have been doing....but you are truly an doing a great job!!
Adrienne, it is a great pleasure to look at your album and I really think that you should not stop at waist length, go further and keep up that same regime. Today I showed my 15 year old daughter your album, to inspire her. People with very long hair have to look after their hair and also time and patience. Well Done! and congratulations.