(((Added some new comparison pics...check me out!!)))


New Member
Hey everybody :wave::wave::wave:

CHICORO inspired me to add some new comparison pics to my album so check me out:


I'm hoping to give others inspiration so....ENJOY!!!

Here's a preview of some of the pics:



Thanks ladies for the complements :grin::grin::grin: When I first cut my hair it was sooo inspirational to see comparison pics of others that had grown their hair out. So, per Chicoro's suggestion I put these pics together.

It really does help to take pics of your hair so you can look back and see your progress :yep: I'm glad I have pics from early on even though I wish I had more/better pics from when I first did the big chop...but you get the idea LOL :drunk:
What inspiration! Thanks for sharing! And bless you Chicoro for making this thread happen. Beautiful!!!

ETA: Did you have to have such nice eyebrows too? Do you have to have EVERYTHING???!
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These are wonderful photos. I like that you have a time frame on them and you can so clearly see the progress. There is no magic bullet and it takes time. But gosh, that time spent is sure time well spent.The proof is in the pudding. Congratulations on your progress. It's good to see someone stay diligent and consistent. It is simple but necessarily easy to do. It is even better to see it really pay off as in the case for you and your hair. Thank you for sharing with us.
I absolutely love your hair - it's beautiful. Im sure your hair type is different from mine but it still gives me hope and is a true inspiration.

I love your twists in the 2005 pic, can't wait until my twists can look like that.