Added ground cinnamon to my braid spray mix


New Member
Mostly for stimulation and to encourage growth where some of the little hairs got pulled too tight/out entirely. :perplexed

It smells yummy and I read a few threads that said Dominican salons add it to conditioners.

My braid spray (in an old spray bottle) consists of:
Water (about 80% of the bottle)
rose water
tea tree oil
african royale braid spray
hawaiian silky 14n1
care free curl cold
and a little bit of chi keratin mist for protein

keep in mind all of the products are severely diluted. i've got my clarifying shampoo on hand in case of emergencies :drunk:.

hopefully between all of the above and taking my biotin/b12 complex, i'll be closer to my goal of SL by next august.

Does anyone else include ground cinnamon/cinnamon oil/etc. to their regimen?
I made an infused oil with cinammon for my MIL. She said it made her hair grow like crazy, she had to keep touching up. I used it myself...well I'll say my hair smelled like big red but I don't think it hurt anything cause it was nice and full when I flatironed.
That mix sounds pretty good, Sungtongs!:yep: Let us know how it works out for you!

I used cinnamon in a Sulfur/MN mix a few years ago. I'm not sure if helped with the growth because it had other ingredients as well. The mix gave good results (I'm not sure why I didn't using continue this formula :ohwell:) and it really helped cover the sulfur odor.:look: