Adblocker Error Message

Advertisements are a source of revenue for this site, means to keep the site running.

For the last few months our ad revenue has decreased significantly and if the decline continues in the near future we will not be able to pay our hosting bills. The traffic on the site has not decreased so it is a result of more and more members using ad blockers.

You are more than welcome to either ignore these messages and dismiss them when they appear, or add our site as a trusted site to deliver ads in your adblocker.
There's this ANNOYING ad that pop ups at the bottom of my screen as of this morning. Every time I click the x it goes away but if I go to another page within the site it pops back up. This is going to be annoying enough to the point where I stop coming to LHCF. Is there a way to block it?
There's this ANNOYING ad that pop ups at the bottom of my screen as of this morning. Every time I click the x it goes away but if I go to another page within the site it pops back up. This is going to be annoying enough to the point where I stop coming to LHCF. Is there a way to block it?

Same here! I blocked pop ups and JavaScript, but I don't want the quality of my experience on the site to ne affected because of some annoying ads. They're like a virus. I can't take it.
I could still see and click on ads on the right side even with adblocker, so I do not understand the fuss.
@dimopoulos There's this one particular ad at the bottom of the screen that disrupts our ability to use the site. If you click it away, it keeps coming back and if you don't click it away, it replaces the entire screen with a page that contains links to other sites. I honestly thought it was malware or a virus.

This type of thing will push me, and I'm sure others, from using the site. So now you have ad revenue that's pushing away paying members? What's the point of that?
Yeah, I don't agree with the popup asking to remove adblocker. I usually see those on websites where I'm trying to view content for free, which I understand. But to pay AND have to contend with ads :nono: Maybe have the adblocker apply to non-paying visitors only would be great. But, to be fair, I did turned off the adblocker, refreshed the page multiple times and it still wouldn't remove the adblocker messages popping up on my screen. Lose/Lose. I've already been debating the fact that LHCF has been eating alot of my time (addicted), maybe it's a sign :lol: :look:
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So things we are subjected to:
  • Cannot curse for risk of being banned,
  • Cannot have random thoughts threads,
  • Threads being at risk to being locked or poofed at will,
  • Pay a yearly subscription fee
... And now we are subjected to forced ads... Lordt!
I understand this is a forum with rules and that this site needs to function and run well with good revenue. However as regular respective paying member I'm feeling very slighted by this.

Why not just do a donations fundraiser like wikipedia does or increase the subscription fee to 9.99? I would prefer those options over forced ads.
Is it possible to only allow paid users to use adblockers?

I'll let my subscription lapse before I allow ads on something I pay for.....

This right here. On other content sites, it's typical to have ads for free users and for those ads to be removed if you subscribe. As a paying member, I assumed my annual subscription was what I contributed to help support the site, not ad clicks. Whilst the ads were always on the side, as someone with adblock I didn't give it much thought and don't believe I should have to.

If adblock isn't allowed even for paying for paying members now and the warnings are set to be this obnoxious for the foreseeable future, I'd also rather let my subscription lapse. Between this and a few other issues, the overall experience here (minus the actual community/members) is borderline unpleasant.
I hear you :yep: I didn't turn on adblocker for LHCF but for the other sites I visit. LHCF was just covered by default, but I agree that the ads weren't so bad. However, I've turned off the adblocker, reloaded the page, didn't work. I even closed the page and reopened it with the blocker off and I still get the popups. So, I have to find a way around it.