ACV and Hair

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I know that there has been a lot of talk on the board about the benefits of apple cider vinegar (ACV). Well, for the last 2 months I've been having a nightly "cocktail" of distilled water, Bragg's ACV, and honey and I must say that the results are great. For me, I started taking them to help with my horrible menstrual cramps, which they helped tremendously. In addition, though, I note that my hair seems much stronger -- when I do my rollersets I hardly have any breakage (and previously I would have *tons* of breakage when I did rollersets). In general I feel like my hair is longer (possibly because of less breakage?) and does not need as much moisture, if that makes any sense.

Anyhoo, I just wanted to put that out there - ACV works for me! :yep:
So you've been DRINKING this stuff and your hair is better? Because I have been doing it as an ACV rinse. I just take a glass of distilled water, put a tablespoon or so of ACV in it and then pour it over my head as the final rinse after DC and then rinse it out.

Dandruff has been curbed a lot by doing this and i do it on EVERY wash. I get the normal itchies when its time to wash but it's not a snowstorm anymore with white flakes everywhere.

How much are you drinking and what measurements? And how long before u saw results?
i was drinking it at first, but I just started using it on my hair (GREAT RESULTS BTW!)...might start trying to drink it again.
I add ACV and honey to my bottled water each morning while I'm working out. I do it because the ACV cuts the appetite and the honey gives you a burst of energy. I did not know taking it internally would benefit my hair.
Interesting... :look:I occasionally take ACV in a "cocktail" as an internal cleanser. I didn't know it helps with breakage. How long before you see results?
LOL! To answer your questions -

I use Bragg's ACV (which is available at Whole Foods) and I mix 1-3 tsp of ACV with 1-3 tsp of honey in 8 oz of distilled water. I've been taking it for two months and I only recently made the observation of less breakage.

I actually can't imagine putting acv in my hair . . . doesn't it leave it smelling stinky? I don't have dandruff or tangles so I don't think I need it . . . unless there's something else it does? :look:

The one benefit I was really hoping for but had not seen materialize is weight loss. In fact, I think I might have GAINED weight (guess I'm over doing it with the honey).
Warning: Since I just read this somewhere, it's appropriate to share!

I would advise you to drink ACV (whether diluted in water or not) with a straw. I read that it wears your tooth enamel (since it's got acid). Check for more info.
Questions About Apple Cider Vinegar

What’s the traditional dosage, which brand of ACV is better to use, can ACV affect your teeth enamel and what about apple cider vinegar tablets?

Question: What is the recommended daily dosage for cider vinegar?

Answer: The traditional dosage of ACV is 2-3 Tsp of ACV in 8 oz of water 3x a day.

Question: I've heard about enamel erosion and cider vinegar what can I do to prevent this?


1. Never drink ACV straight. Always drink it diluted with water.

2. Immediately rinse your mouth well with water after drinking ACV. Don't
brush your teeth right away as that may grind the vinegar into the enamel.

3. Possibility: Drink ACV with a straw. The trick is to not let the liquid touch your teeth.

4. Take ACV tablets instead.