ACV Rinses

From watching a few yt vids, the amount of acv used varies. I've seen some women use 2 cups of it, down to 1/2 a teaspoon. It's all very confusing as there doesn't seem to be an average measurement.

This is the sole reason why l have not done it. Plus l am worried that it'll dry my hair out.
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Nonie does ACV remove cones?

havilland, I think somewhere in this thread I wrote that I have never thought of ACV as a clarifier. Most shampoos that are for clarifying are alkaline and when I joined the forum, adding baking soda (an alkali) to shampoo was a suggestion to make the shampoo work like a clarifying shampoo.

So I would not use ACV to remove cones. (BTW, I am not a fan of baking soda on hair. When I tried that years ago with CON shampoo, my hair smelled the way hair smells when it is being relaxed. Scared the crap out of me. I rinsed it off immediately and was left with hair that felt like steel wool. I had to CW several times then ACV to get my hair to feel right. So if I needed to clarify, I would buy a shampoo for that purpose.)

I know ACV is used for household cleaning jobs but it has to be a stronger solution than I would want on my hair. Too strong an acidic solution can break down hair keratin so to me it's not worth the risk when there are better options. A shampoo, even a gentle one like Giovanni 50:50, can remove cones so that's what I recommend for removing cones.
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From watching a few yt vids, the amount of acv used varies. I've seen some women use 2 cups of it, down to 1/2 a teaspoon. It's all very confusing as there doesn't seem to be an average measurement.

This is the sole reason why l have not done it. Plus l am worried that it'll dry my hair out.

NefertariBlu, it will dry your hair out if it strong. A strong solution will even break down your hair. Better to err on the side of caution. All you wantis to make water acidic and even a drop can do that and a drop in a cup will do no harm. So you are safer to go as dilute as possible. I use 1/4 cup ACV in 2 gallons of water.
Thanks Nonie

I tried it today with a very small amount. I used 3 teaspoons in about it 2-3 cups of water. I used normal apple cider vinegar not the braggs one. I didn't notice any drying affects.
I have been on LHCF for how many years now and I have yet to successfully try ACV rinsing. I get so confused with when to use it and how? In the beginning like a poo, or at the end as a final rinse. I dunno. The good thing is that I do understand the recipe now; I'm gonna start with a cap full and 16 oz distilled water and some Rosemary oil that I have on hand.

So we'll see how it goes. I really want to start incorporating this in my weekly hair routine to observe and see if it helps my hair. I'll start off my trying it as a final rinse (not rinsing it out) and see how my hair feels thereafter.