ACV Alternative to MN!?

What do you think of using Apple Cider Vinegar and/or White Vinegar to combat the yeast/bacteria that stop growth? Is anyone doing this? I wanted the benefit of MN without the health risk/worry. I read that the raw version of ACV is the effective type to kill the bad microbes. I also read it stimulates growth. I just bought Bragg's ACV with the "mother" and I'm going to try to keep an extremely clean scalp with it and wash often.
Apple-cider vinegar (with the mother)
Apple-cider vinegar has many health benefits (including aiding in weight loss) and can be used both internally and externally, as well. However, it is very strong, so it is not recommended that you apply it directly on the skin. It will kill the yeast, but it will burn like nothing you've ever felt! The best external application is to add about a cup of it into your bathwater and take a nice hot bath. This will feel very relaxing and soothing and will help temporarily. I don't find it as effective long-term, however, as the garlic suppositories. They provide full-day relief.
The type of vinegar I recommend is Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar, with the Mother. It is important that it have the mother, as this is more natural and less processed. Never use plain, white vinegar! This actually feeds the yeast instead of killing it.
White Vinegar:
Dealing with a yeast infection can be both frustrating and uncomfortable. Many women end up dealing with vaginal yeast infections, although other manifestations of these infections do occur as well. If you are suffering from a yeast infection, there are many different home remedies out there that can really help. One of the best ideas for treating your infection at home is to use white vinegar for yeast infection.

--- But the ACV site says White Vinegar will feed the yeast... I'll have to do some more research...
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I've used ACV directly on my scalp for dandruff. It did the trick but I didn't see an acceleration in the growth of my hair.
One of my scalp concoctions is oil-based with aloe vera gel. I think it contains mustard oil, coconut oil, castor oil, passionfruit oil, aloe vera gel, jojoba oil, tea tree oil, sulfur, cayenne extract, sea kelp extract. But, my other one is just natural apple cider vinegar, aloe vera gel and just a tiny bit of wheat germ oil and tea tree oil. I researched natural acv for the scalp a couple years ago and liked what I found. Too, acv is an ingredient in a hair follicle stimulator product that I have seen in various vitamins store like web vitamins and -- but for the life of me, I cannot think of the name of it -- that also contains rosemary and other herbs. That product is what prompted me to research acv for the scalp.
One of my scalp concoctions is oil-based with aloe vera gel. I think it contains mustard oil, coconut oil, castor oil, passionfruit oil, aloe vera gel, jojoba oil, tea tree oil, sulfur, cayenne extract, sea kelp extract. But, my other one is just natural apple cider vinegar, aloe vera gel and just a tiny bit of wheat germ oil and tea tree oil. I researched natural acv for the scalp a couple years ago and liked what I found. Too, acv is an ingredient in a hair follicle stimulator product that I have seen in various vitamins store like web vitamins and -- but for the life of me, I cannot think of the name of it -- that also contains rosemary and other herbs. That product is what prompted me to research acv for the scalp.

That's really great, how long have you been using your ACV mix? Has it given you growth or just hair health?