Active Ladies - How often do you wash (incl. co-wash) your hair?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but with the warm weather approaching and folks getting ready to hit the pools/beach, I'm thinking that we will be washing (or co-washing) more than usual. Right now I'm doing heavy-duty workouts twice a week and that really gets my hair soaked. Still I only wash about once a week.

I'm wondering what other folks (who get their hair wet frequently) do?

BTW, I have Type 4 hair, relaxed.

I workout around 3 to 5 times a week and find that washing once a week is still working for me. I just make sure that my hair is extra moisturized. Its also still cold in the mornings here. When I get to swimming and stuff like that in the summer the washes are going to come more frequently. Actually I might just co-wash for those and continue my weekly washing process, just once a week.
I workout 6 days a week, HARD. I cowash everyday or every other day, depending on how hard I sweat. I shampoo once a week.