Activating Your Gift


New Member
"Many are called, few are chosen..."
"Freely have you received...freely give"
"To whom much is given, much is required.."
"The race is not given to the swift.."

We have all heard some form of the bible verses stated above throughout a service or a prayer. These are the words that challenge us to live up to our potential, not give up during hard times, and to act and move boldly, even when we don't "want" to.

All around me, God is activating the gifts within people. In my life, the gift was known and moving, but the preparation period has ended and it's time to move into practice. With so many resources in print and in person, you wonder why more people aren't moving boldly, without hesistation, on the split second timing of God.

Like the old adage says - When I think about Jesus and ALL He's done for me, my Soul Cries out! For me, I stop right there. It's not about being free (because even if I'm feeling weighed down, my soul leaps for joy!), because I know that my valley is one I'm passing through. But, THANK GOD for the release and the waterfall of blessings that he bestows on me, regularly. Miracles, signs and wonders are all around, but it's up to the measure of faith that we have AND what we're willing to do. Are we walking with God, following Him with our whole heart and letting the foundation of what prevents Him from ruling be shaken until it crumbles? Are we praying against what might hold up our prayers from being answered? Often times, we're praying FOR something, not realizing that our answer is on it's way; but it's being stopped. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities..." You get the idea.

Here's just a word of encouragement for those who are finding their gifts and beginning the preparation to become active in their gifts. Use them. It says that God is a consuming fire -- I want to go to the grave used up, washed down and worn out for God.

God is assembling people to do a mighty work and He needs all of his people in Place! GodSpeed!

:: praise break::
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