Accurately Determining Hair Type??


New Member

I was curious as to how to accurately determine my hair type. I have never categorized my hair, but I know that it is naturally wavy and nearly knappy both at the same time unrelaxed! My hair doesn't pea up, so I don't have the coursest of course hair, however it can get quite kinky. I just don't know what it is classified as type wise.

When I relax it, I use regular and I have a sensitive scalp!

Thanks in advance :)
I have always wondered that. I believe I found one also. What link did you use if I may ask..? Your hair is beautiful and I love its healthy look
Thank you! I saw it on the menu in the entrance to this site.

It says Home/ Hair Type/ LHCF Gear etc. etc...

I was going crazy trying to find out how I was going to figure it out, and then saw it right there :D