Acai Berry juice for hair growth


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies I was at the salon for my once every 2 month wash and set, and I met a very pretty black woman who was getting her beyond bsl, 3c/4a black hair flat ironed (nikkos cousin???? nah!).... We started talking about hair growth and she stated that she was experiencing hair loss after the birth of her child and started drinking an acai (ah-sci-ee) berry drink and really didnt pay attention, didnt change her regimen in anyway nothing and she got tremendous growth!!! I was like what?????? so of course she told me she drinks a few ounces every morning thats it and she got tremendous growth! So,,,,,,,, any ladies heard of such a thing???

I have heard of the other qualities of acai like its the most potent antioxidant and etc.... but hair growth??? Just thought I would pick your brains ladies.....
well i drink acai juice, also wheat grass mixed with other things. i try to stay away from "fake" juice. juice cocktails with corn syrup. drink plenty of water.. love the aquafina berry,mango flavored.. no corn syrup. Healthy juice for a healthy body. why not healthy hair.

Om Namah Shivaye
Acai is very healthy for hair growth, not to mention skin and nails as well. I actually market a product that contains Acai, as well as Cupuacu & Yerba Mate'; 3 of the 5 superfood recently featured on the Today show. one thing I really like about it though it the Yerba Mate' actually turns your grays back....great bonus cuz I tried Henna once, never again:nono::grin: I have a link in my siggy for a sample if you want to try some:yep:
I stumbled onto Acai through a Brazilian friend a few months ago. I was drinking it regularly for a while but I didn't notice any difference in hair growth. I'm going to give it another chance now though.
I used Acai oil on my hair for a bit. I didn't notice excessive growth from it, but when added with olive oil it created a soft pomade kind of substance and I noticed that if I got it in my mouth it made my tongue numb...

It did make my hair very shiny and mixed with Olive Oil was a good sealant too.
Where did you brooklynites find this juice? Also, can you recommend an Indian grocery store in brooklyn?
Where did you brooklynites find this juice? Also, can you recommend an Indian grocery store in brooklyn?
I get mine frozen from the Park Slope Food Coop. I don't know any Indian stores though. I go to Jackson Heights or Manhattan for my supplies.
I was drinking acai super smoothies from Robeks all summer :look: I didn't see anything significant happen with my hair, but I loved the drink...its very good for you.
I have some juice in my fridge that has acai and a bunch of other exotic fruits and goodies in it. It's all natural, and good for you, but it's sooooo disgusting :barf:

I think I'll give it another try, though. Lord knows how ridiculously slow my hair grows :ohwell:
THis is so strange because I was just on Doctor's Trust* ordering acai juice before I even saw this thread. I was going to mix it with my goji-noni-aloe vera juice for a super juice. I researched acai more than a year ago and it is definitely a super food -- very nutrient rich. Anyway, I took the capsules for a good while last year and my energy was ridiculous and the pain in my hip disappeared (I have seen research that says that it is good for pain) when I was taking the acai juice before I switched to the capsules. I did not notice any significant growth from it, though, but I loved how overall the acai made me feel.

*Doctor's Trust was bought out last year by Puritan's Pride, but they still carry lots of the DT's brand of supplements and the Doctor's Trust brand of juices taste waaaaay better than PP's juices.
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ENERGY, DID YOU SAY ENERGY????? :look:Off to PP I go!!!!!

THis is so strange because I was just on Doctor's Trust* ordering acai juice before I even saw this thread. I was going to mix it with my goji-noni-aloe vera juice for a super juice. I researched acai more than a year ago and it is definitely a super food -- very nutrient rich. Anyway, I took the capsules for a good while last year and my energy was ridiculous and the pain in my hip disappeared (I have seen research that says that it is good for pain) when I was taking the acai juice before I switched to the capsules. I did not notice any significant growth from it, though, but I loved how overall the acai made me feel.

*Doctor's Trust was bought out last year by Puritan's Pride, but they still carry lots of the DT's brand of supplements and the Doctor's Trust brand of juices taste waaaaay better than PP's juices.
Some benefits of acai:

Boosts energy levels
Improves digestive function
Improves mental clarity/focus
Promotes sound sleep
Provides all vital vitamins
Contains several important minerals
Is an extremely powerful free radical fighter
Acai has very high levels of fibers
Cleanses and Detoxifies the body of infectious toxins
Strengthens your immune system
Enhances sexual desire and performance
Fights cancerous cells
Slows down the aging process
Promotes healthier and younger-looking skin
Alleviates diabetes
Normalizes and regulates cholesterol levels
Helps maintain healthy heart function
Minimizes inflammation
Improves circulation
Prevents artherosclerosis
Enhances visual acuity
You guys are sooo awesome!! There is such a wealth of knowledge here!!! I have see acai juice everywhere, from the health sections of grocery stores to health food stores.... Its not a tasty drink, it kinda tastes like the "juice" we christians drink at communion... I hope I do not offend anyone just trying to give a reference for the taste... I personally drink it for health, if I sprout hair thats a bonus... Thanks for the feedback ladies:drunk:
I want to try it. All the pure ACAI juices I've seen in the health stores are expensive. Do you ladies know where I can purchase some pure juice at a bargain price?

I think this is true!

I went through this phase last semester (spent a lot of money but it tasted good!) where I drank it everyday. I think I had a growth spurt after it. Either way I looked and felt great. Then I stopped and forgot. I'm going to save up to start drinking it again.
I order most of my juices from Swanson Health or Doctor's Trust. I love Puritan's Pride, but their juices do not taste good. Also, I noticed when I checked the ingredients of their acai juice last year that it had sugar in it, so I definitely would not order acai juice from them. You really have to check the ingredients because the cheaper juices are the mostly juice blends and the higher priced ones are (or are supposed to be) just pure acai juice but I get great results from the blends, but I also mix them just like I mix my oils and conditioners and herbal powders. Therefore, when I get my order of acai juice, I will be adding it to my bottle of noni-goji-aloe vera juice.
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I think this is true!

I went through this phase last semester (spent a lot of money but it tasted good!) where I drank it everyday. I think I had a growth spurt after it. Either way I looked and felt great. Then I stopped and forgot. I'm going to save up to start drinking it again.

Okay, so what are you drinking and where did you get it??
I've started buying the powder from and making my own pure super-juice with aloe vera juice as the base with noni fruit, camu-camu and acai fruit powders added to create the juice. It is much cheaper and I have more quality and potency control, so to speak.

The Power of the Acai Berry, Nature's Multivitamin
The acai berry is nature's multivitamin, a rich vitamin and phytonutrient food source that has nourished man for decades. It is a natural, whole-food nutritional source. The distinction is critical. Consider, certain vitamin B complexes in ordinary supplements are, in fact, a synthetic chemical found nowhere in nature. This synthetic "vitamin" is not even similar to the "same" complex found in whole foods. Isolated, manmade supplements simply can not compare to whole foods in maintaining biochemical and physiological equilibrium.
Enhanced Regulation of Biologic Functions Potassium is the most abundant mineral in the acai berry. Potassium is essential to the body's regulation of water balance, acidity levels and blood pressure regulation. Potassium is also essential to the proper transmission of electrical impulses in the heart.

More Balanced Cholesterol Management Rich in Omega-6 (Linoleic acid) and Omega 9 (Oleic acid), acai helps support a healthy cholesterol profile. Acai's generous amounts of Oleac acid, a monounsaturated, essential fatty acid, can help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while maintaining HDL (good) cholesterol levels.

Inflammation Reduction Chronic inflammation is a major source of aging and cellular degeneration. As a powerful antioxidant-rich vitamin and phytonutrient source, acai berry helps the body fight inflammation and assists in the healing process. The acai berry contains significant anthocyanin levels, a known anti-inflammatory agent.

Better Cardiovascular Maintenance The fatty acid ratio of acai berry resembles that of olive oil, thought to be a contributing factor to the low incidence of cardiovascular failure in Mediterranean populations.

Improved Visual Function Acai berries powerful phytonutrients, particularly anthocyanins, can help improve eyesight through numerous mechanisms.

Improved Blood Circulation Acai berries antioxidant constituents can playa large role in maintenance of the vascular cardiac system and help improve blood circulation.

Healthful Bone Mineralization Vitamins D and K play an important role in bone health and mineralization. Low bone mineral density is often associated with low vitamin K levels and a vitamin K deficiency can compromise bone health.

Healthy Cartilage Formation Acai berries rich vitamin C content can help boost collagen production, a major component of, and necessary for, healthy cartilage formation.

Increased Energy A significdnt lipid content makes the acai berry a high-energy-source fruit helping to combat fatigue and to nutrient our body for sustained energy. Acai berry is also a rich niacin source. Every cell of the body requires niacin to create the body's natural fuel: adenosine triposphate (ATP). Also known as vitamin B3, niacin is a precursor for two important coenzymes, NAD and NADP NAD and NADP take part in cellular energy production by assisting in the transfer of electrons in oxidation-reduction reactions.

Improved Metabolic Activity Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, is a water-soluble vitamin which is needed to process amino acids and fats, 2) activates vitamin B6 and folic acid, and 3) helps convert carbohydrates into the fuel the body runs on. The acai is an abundant source of riboflavin.

Improved Muscular Health Acai berries potassium-rich composition assists in neuromuscular activity. As well, acai's calcium can contribute to muscular health, as can acai's high niacin content

Restoration of Damaged Tissue The abundant Vitamin E levels in the acai berry can help restore damaged tissues in addition to being a powerful antioxidant. Acai berries calcium can play an important role in blood clotting, a critical part of the restoration process.

Healthy Neurological Function The niacin contained in the acai can assist neural cellular function. By preventing tyrosine nitration, the anthocyanin properties in the acai may help guard against neurological activity and the acai berries calcium may foster neurological disfunction as calcium is important for transmission of signals between nerve cells.

Cellular Membrane Protection Acai berries many antioxidants can help protect our cellular membranes, particularly its abundant natural Vitamin E content, a principal protector against oxidative stress. Acai also contains the essential mineral phosphorus, a building block of our cellular walls.

Reduced Oxidative Stress As one of nature's richest sources of antioxidants, the acai berry can playa critical role in reducing oxidative stress throughout the body. Improved cellular health throughout the body will have significant anti aging benefits and will assist in combating health disorders.

Improved Skeletal Strength Calcium is the second-most-abundant mineral in the acai berry, and is the most abundant mineral in the body. Adequate calcium levels are required daily to maintain bone mineral density. Acai berries vitamin D content can contribute to mineral metabolism and bone growth.

Improved Digestive Function The acai berry is a fiber-rich berry. In fact, the total food fiber concentration is almost 25% of the berry's dry matter. Fiber intake is strongly recommended for the elderly and individuals seeking to improve digestive health and regularity.

Increased Nutrient Absorption Many essential nutrients can not act alone or are enhanced in the presence of other essential nutrients. Several acai berry constituents enhance other vital nutrients in the body. For example, acai berries fatty acids aid in the transport and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A. E, D, and K.

Polyphenols, Phytochemicals, Anthocyanins All incredible antioxidants. The acai berry contains the most highly concentrated forms of anthocyanins known thus far: up to 33 times the anthocyanine level found in red wine grapes.

Enhanced Coronary Health The acai berry is a dense source of a particular class of flavonoids called anthocyanins, a compound which can assist in coronary and arterial health.
So do I phyl73...I just had two to three inches of split ends cut off so I will see if I get super hair growth from the juice since I am not on my own personal one inch a month challenge, but I drink about three to six ounces a day and I have so much energy. I am never tired. My sugar and junk cravings now are non-existent and I feel so healthy and strong. When the pitcher gets a bit low I will add 16 ounces of liquid l-carnitine from Puritan's Pride, which is delicious and it just makes for a very potent and wonderful tasting juice.
I started on my super-juice about a month ago. I ordered acai, camu camu, noni fruit powders and spinach and bee pollen powders from This is what I do now. I make my juice on Sunday. In a 64 ounce pitcher, I add 32 ounces of Trader Joe's aloe vera juice and 30 ounces of a tea. Last week it was red zinger and this week it is nettle tea. The gallon of TJ's aloe vera juice lasts a month. The rule of thumb is that you add one tablespoon of powder for each eight ounces, so I add five tablespoons of my acai, camu camu and noni (which I keep in a three quart container in the fridge) and three of the spinach and bee pollen (that I keep in a 1.5 liter container in the fridge). Sometimes I add a tablespoon of fructose, but it does not taste bad at all so I have only done that two of the four weeks I have been making my juice from the powders. I think I read that the camu camu has a natural sweetness, but I can't swear to that.

I drink four ounces in the morning and four right when I come in from work. I did not measure my hair after I got it cut last month on the 16th. Two to three inches was cut off. I will flat-iron soon for a starting point and to start charting my progress, but I know I have gotten some growth already and I am always very careful about saying that. I have no actual proof and no pictures, but my hair felt so darn short a month ago and now it feels longer. I am not saying that I got super growth. I don't know as I am only going by feel and sight, but normally I get a quarter inch a month and I would swear that I have gotten three quarters to an inch already. I also take a royal jelly softgel in the morning and six spirulina tablets before bed, so all those protein, B-vitamin and hair friendly mineral-containing supplements (acai, bee pollen, royal jelly aloe vera, spirulina; noni and camu also contain some protein) are likely acting in concert with one another, I am sure. Disclaimer: I research things for weeks before I decide to put them into my body and I encourage others to do the same.
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