Request Ability to Double Post in More Than One Thread


New Member

Is there currently a LHCF feature that allows users to post a message to more than one thread?

I am currently subscribed to two threads and copy/paste text from one screen to the next. Not a big deal with two threads yet if I eventually subscribe to 3, 4, or 5 Hair Challenges, I imagine this will be time consuming especially after uploading photos.

Would be SO GREAT if we had a "Double Post" feature available here on LHCF that allows posting to more than one subscribed thread. It could possibly look something like the image attached? I am open to being a beta tester as I own a BlackBerry and Android phone and work on Windows XP and Windows 7 at home.

Thank You!
livinthevida :wink2:


  • Request_DoublePost_Sample.JPG
    5.3 KB · Views: 8
livinthevida, I can see that getting so crazy. We already have duplicate posts from newbies so I think it'd lead to a whole lot of housecleaning for mods.

I do know if you use multiquote sometimes while in another thread you'll get a reminder that you multiquoted and a question whether you want to quote the post in a different thread. I'm not sure how it is that I come to have that option but perhaps if you can figure out how that works, it can help.
@short29 and @eyunka, I don't know if you've posted your questions on the Science + Technology forum. I find phone related questions get more hits and responses there. This section is for mods and admin and may not get as much traffic as that forum so folks with your phones who could help may miss your question.

Hi @livinthevida, I just tested this suggestion when I posted the quote above^^; it works! :up: :yep:

Basically after posting in one thread, just click on Multiquote under the new post that you want to duplicate elsewhere then go to that thread where you want to repeat it.

While there, click New Reply as if going to post a new reply. Below the window where you would have to retype your message again, you will see this note:
"You have selected 1 post that is not part of this thread. Quote this post as well, or deselect this post."
If you click "quote this post" then your entire post from the other thread will be inserted in the message window for you. You can then leave it as a quoted post or delete the [QUOTE ] and [/QUOTE ] codes around the message so it doesn't show up as quoted text. Deleting the codes may better because unless you explain in a few words what that quote is from, you will get an error that your message is too short as a quote w/o any text outside it is not considered to be a new post.
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@livinthevida, I can see that getting so crazy. We already have duplicate posts from newbies so I think it'd lead to a whole lot of housecleaning for mods.

I do know if you use multiquote sometimes while in another thread you'll get a reminder that you multiquoted and a question whether you want to quote the post in a different thread. I'm not sure how it is that I come to have that option but perhaps if you can figure out how that works, it can help.

Hi @livinthevida, I just tested this suggestion when I posted the quote above^^; it works! :up: :yep:

Basically after posting in one thread, just click on Multiquote under the new post that you want to duplicate elsewhere then go to that thread where you want to repeat it.

While there, click New Reply as if going to post a new reply. Below the window where you would have to retype your message again, you will see this note:
"You have selected 1 post that is not part of this thread. Quote this post as well, or deselect this post."
If you click "quote this post" then your entire post from the other thread will be inserted in the message window for you. You can then leave it as a quoted post or delete the [QUOTE ] and [/QUOTE ] codes around the message so it doesn't show up as quoted text. Deleting the codes may better because unless you explain in a few words what that quote is from, you will get an error that your message is too short as a quote w/o any text outside it is not considered to be a new post.
@Nonie you are AMAZING!!! I am ready to try your instructions here on two 2012 Challenges I am subscribed too! BRB :wink2:
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Hi Nonie! A quick update here in case others read this thread:

After you have selected "Quote this post as well" only the text from the original post will copy over. You will need to upload your images once again in the new post.
