ABC News article about the Black middle class…

Most Black women I know who want to get married are or at least have before, even if it didn’t last - and to Black men at that - before/by 40. So I have always taken those “stats” with a big grain of salt in the first place Bc I really didn’t/dont see the it outside of a VERY specific place (like LA :look: ).

I will admit I have found overall that it does take Black men longer to commit than other groups. I have a strong theory I won’t share Bc ppl like to steal & publish our posts, but it is troubling. When I compare my white women friends & classmates to my Black ones there is definitely a huge difference in the age of marriage/family. Like they’ve been married 10 years with 4 kids @ 35. Now THAT difference is concerning to me.

(FTR, in 2009 I despised Steve Harvey lol.)