aah! BREAKAGE ON 14 MONTHS post hair. Any tips??


New Member
Hello...I know I just posted about my new patch :look:...So I am having breakage on my hair (Im transitioning) .
I do use light/ moderate protein 1x(Aphogee 2 min) a week and moisture 1x a week.I do these d.c.s on different days.It use to help my breakage but now my hair breaks no matter what I do. Im thinking I should try a harder protein like aphogee 2 step?..Help a sista out:spinning:
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I would say up the moisture and take a break from the protein, you don't want to overload to make it worse since you use protein frequently. Protein treatments tend to make the hair harder due to strengthening so maybe that's contributing to the breakage. Then again you have to consider the condition of your hair, is it very stretchy or does it have little elasticity?
What are you considering a "moderate" protein? If you're using something on the light side like AO GPB or Aphogee Keratin, I don't see a problem with that as you stated that you follow with a moisturizing con.

My advice would be to develop an Aphogee Step 2 schedule (mine is 8 weeks). I also apply my moisturizing con relaxer style, wrap hair up in saran wrap and let it sit overnight before washing out.
I dont follow with a moisturizing treatment with the moderate treatment. I find that gives me more breakage. I do each deep conditioning once a week. I am not sure I stopped cowashing becuase that gives me breakage but recently it helped me with my breakage. It just seems that nothing is working anymore now that I am long into my "stretch". It stretch a little thank breaks. It does not stretch than break. I guess I need moisture but I believe moisture breaks my relaxed ends and helps my new growth. What should I do?
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Breakage is a toughy. There is a good post on it some where, but I can sum it up.

there are three things to try first
- Moisture DC, I personal recommend the patullie (sp?) conditioning method (westendy's post on one pass relaxer straight hair has a link to the youtube video)
- Protein, after the moisture DC AND you're still having breakage
- Ceramides. this isthe hair cement that you make be lacking, Hot six oil is pack with them. I use wheat germ oil, it doesn't matter, just incorporate them into your daily use

And then there are the friendly transitioning things that I remind people of
- don't comb your hair
- don't let your hair tangle
- do everything in sections. I have 4B hair and if I did start washing in sections but month 6 I would have shaved my head.

I hope some of this helped. Buns
I transitioned for 2 years and didnt suffer any breakage...I did a ton of protective styling with sew-ins and I didnt use protein treatments more often than every 4-8 weeks. I used light protein treatments - homemade - avocado mixed with coconut cream, yogurt, an egg yolk, banana and honey. Though they were light I followed them with a moisturizing deep treatment. I alternated between the homemade pro treat and black tea rinses. I even tried an amla rinse as well.

When moisturizing and sealing I used the moisture based products heavily on my natural hair and focused less on my relaxed hair bcuz my natural hair loved heavy products and my relaxed hair didnt. I never baggyd my ends bcuz that made em mushy and limp. I agree with Aireen, and speaking from experience I wouldnt do protein treatments every week, that is way too excessive but I would DC every week, moisturize and seal nightly and protective style. Another thing that helped me was sealing my ends with shescentit seyani hair butter. It is a light protein but it strengthened my ends instantly after application.

I also agree with bun mistress, I only detangled my hair under running water in the shower with my hair saturated in conditioner and after doing an oil rinse. I also did everything in 6 sections as well. If I wanted to style I waited until my hair was mostly dry to manipulate bcuz it was extra fragile with those competing textures.

Hope this helps u!
I use aphogee two minute weekly or the balancing moisture conditioner(It has a bit of protein in the ingredients). I heard on here it was okay. I believe it light because the first ingredients are moisturizing alcohols
I transitioned for 2 years and didnt suffer any breakage...I did a ton of protective styling with sew-ins and I didnt use protein treatments more often than every 4-8 weeks. I used light protein treatments - homemade - avocado mixed with coconut cream, yogurt, an egg yolk, banana and honey. Though they were light I followed them with a moisturizing deep treatment. I alternated between the homemade pro treat and black tea rinses. I even tried an amla rinse as well.

When moisturizing and sealing I used the moisture based products heavily on my natural hair and focused less on my relaxed hair bcuz my natural hair loved heavy products and my relaxed hair didnt. I never baggyd my ends bcuz that made em mushy and limp. I agree with Aireen, and speaking from experience I wouldnt do protein treatments every week, that is way too excessive but I would DC every week, moisturize and seal nightly and protective style. Another thing that helped me was sealing my ends with shescentit seyani hair butter. It is a light protein but it strengthened my ends instantly after application.

I also agree with bun mistress, I only detangled my hair under running water in the shower with my hair saturated in conditioner and after doing an oil rinse. I also did everything in 6 sections as well. If I wanted to style I waited until my hair was mostly dry to manipulate bcuz it was extra fragile with those competing textures.

Hope this helps u!

who does ur sew ins? I go to an African salon and they are so rough.I FEEL LIKE I LOSE HAIR WHEN they detangle. So the seyani butter has protein in it ;did you use it daily? I am thinking about doing them myself(my sew ins). Black tea rinses :look: and oil rinses? What do they do for the hair?
Black tea rinses reduce shedding and oil rinses are good for adding back moisture after you shampoo and alot of naturals claim that it provides wonderful slip for detangling. It didn't help me detangle but it helped me manipulate my hair easier for styling..... I guess it made my hair softer.
Try spraying ACV with glycerin and water in your hair. It has really helped me. I use half teaspoon acv, 1 table glycerin and 3 tablespoon water. You can modify it to suit your taste.
Go on you tube and search nina pruitt. She is 14 months post and just posted a new video. Her hair is thriving!