Lakshmi S

New Member
Ok... so i only relax my hair 2x a year. the last time was aug. 2 more months to go. and my scalp is in pain.

Does any one experience their scalp hurting? When i touch it and rite now i am not even messing with my hair and my scalp is throbbing. sheesh don't know how much more of this i can take.:wallbash:

Om Tat Sat
Yes - this happens to me. Sometimes I can actually feel it bristling too. Usually I tug gently at a lock of hair at a time in the area that hurts and it helps relieve the tension. Also - make sure your scalp is clean and debris free. HTH
I'm 12 weeks post and it's happening to me. I'm not sure why though. I just keep telling myself my hair must be growing...:grin: