Anyone have a stinky scalp

girl ur scalp is not suppose to smell to high heaven when its clean regardless from which race youre from. Of course if youre a person that sweats a lot and eat a lot of spices well there might be a funk added to your sweat, wether u sweat from your armpits face or scalp.

Just wondering what do other races scalps smell like? :perplexed​
I smell my fingers after doing a scalp massage or after scratching my scalp

Thanks for clearing that up.

I knew ppl cld smell hair (like when u turn ur head or bend over & come back up) but scalp. LOL since I was sitting there trying to comprehend that was the only logical thing I thought of too so I did what u said while I was reading the thread. I did not smell anything on my fingers. I co-wash or rinse & air dry daily. I only use 1-3 products on/in my hair and I only put coconut oil on my scalp when I feel it is needed. (My coconut oil is "organic" but slightly refined & has no scent b/c the scent of unrefined coconut oil makes me gag.) I perspire sometimes (sleeping w/ a satin scarf does it every time) & during exercise but I still don't notice a foul or smelly odor. I think also because I don't use scented or heavily scented products. I would consider that if you're using more than one product all with different scents, they may be competing with ur natural body chemestry & creating the odor(s). Wet dog scent though? I dunno....

I hope y'all find a solution & share.
OMG YES. my scalp starts to funk around 3 days. i cant do the daily co washing thing so i settle for washing every 4 days. I figured it was normal because since i have a coily type of hair the natural scalp oils dont travel down the shaft of my hair like it would with looser types. it dosent dissapear but it stays and accumulates on the scalp. i cant belive i used to grease my scalp on top of that:nono: