AA hairsytlist...what is the deal?


There seems to be a little bit of debate here on whether (some not all) AA hairstylist are truly jealous of their clients and that's why they ruin (whether it be chop off, over/under process, etc.) their clients hair or if it's just incompentent hairstylist AA or not?

What do you ladies think? Are there a lot of jealous AA hairsylist out there or are there just bad hair stylist out there and jealousy doesn't come into play at all?

BTW: My hairstylist is AA and she is going to fix the mess the other AA stylist made.
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I don't think they are jealous. Some may be, but mostly I think it's a lack of knowledge. I've had some very good AA stylists, some very good Dominican stylists, and recently I've got a trim by a great Caucasian stylist. Race doesn't have anything to do with it. You can watch Tabitha's Salon Takeover show; it proves that there are stylists of all backgrounds who lack the proper knowledge when it come to hair care, versus hair styling.

Also, as far as the trimming goes, some of us have had very damaged hair in the past that actually needed to be cut. My HHJ started with a stylist cutting off all of my damaged hair. I was so hurt and angry that she cut it....Since I've been on my HHJ, I've been to quite a few stylists and none of them have tried to hack my hair off. I've now accepted that my hair needed it. As for stylists that cut off too much for no reason, they just don't know the difference between a trim and a cut and we have to be much more direct in explaining what we want....
I think the problem is twofold. There is definitely jealously involved-- add that to just being a bad stylist and you've got a disaster waiting to happen.
I think sometimes they want to give you a good looking shape and cut. For them, the final product has to look good. Their priority is not keeping your length. It's a good style.

Now you can get into if they are competent enough to make a good style.

I don't think it's jealousy. I think it is insensitivity to your wanting to keep your length.

I think a lot of white stylists are more careful because they've been told, "Be careful cutting black people's hair... they will freak out."
I've been to about a dozen AA salons, and they all were disasters. However, I found a great AA stylist at JC Penney who started me on my HHJ. She was great!
Stylists (or I suppose more owners) that do this are totally stupid. If they thought about it for one moment, the vision of someone leaving a salon with long lush hair is an excellent walking advert for their business.
I've never been to a stylist other than black stylists, so I really can't compare. But the main reason I went natural is so I wouldn't have to go to the salon anymore. They always hurt me.

And though I'd like to get a trim, after all the stories on this board, I don't think I can trust any stylist to cut off what I want to be cut off. So many stylists seem to feel like they know best and think that the decision is ultimately theirs. I don't even let doctors do anything they want to my body without my permission, and doctors go through far more training for body health than stylists go for hair health. Yet, for whatever reason, so many stylists feel like they should have ultimate control over your hair. The idea is so prevalent, I can't risk trusting any stylist.
Stylists (or I suppose more owners) that do this are totally stupid. If they thought about it for one moment, the vision of someone leaving a salon with long lush hair is an excellent walking advert for their business.

I totally agree.
Working with AA stylist myself, I didn't find that they were jealous, I found that they didn't care about hair Health, I DID, but I am kinda rare.

They just want to do what ever you want regardless weather your one step away from baldism ( I am making up sh*t)

I have written on threads before, I literally got screamed on for turning customers away from a higher service to get a DRC treatment and a rollerset, your so worried about $200-$300 dollars walking out the door that you'd risk the health of someones hair and put your nose up at the $40 I just made for you. I'd rather have a revolving door then a open and shut case, because if my hair fell out due to a sloppy stylist I'd open and shut the door and never return.

I love hair care and might be best at everything but Hair Care and Styling is my thing.

Really lots of them aren't jealous just not informed or care to be informed!
So with that said. What do you ladies think? Are there a lot of jealous AA hairsylist out there or are there just bad hair stylist out there and jealousy doesn't come into play at all?

Personally, I tend to think that there are a lot of incompetent stylists out there who think they know better just because they're stylists, and then get offended when someone asks them to do something different. They don't like being told how to do their job and let their pride turn into malice.

In other cases, I think when they realized they've messed up someone's hair, but try to cover their @sses with "Well, your hair was damaged...." or they hope to pass off their mistake by blaming the texture.
I would also think stylist see a lot of pretty hair. I would think they would get over jealousy after awhile if that's their issue.

The last AA stylist (jc penney!) I went to said her hair wasn't as healthy because she enjoyed trying new things... color, new cuts, etc. etc.
Ive had too many bad encounters with black hair stylists. I had women just straight *** up my hair for no reason . I had bad perms, too tight braids,glue all over my head weaves, "trims" aka imma cut your hair because im bald headed and evil and "you look good in this style" and I walk out looking like a grandmama heading off to church . This is why I stay out of salons.

This one woman it seems purposely made me look like a grandmother . I walked out to my mother's car and she said" hey ms mable how was service tonight ? Just giggling I got home and frantically combed that mess out of my hair .She wanted to take pictures. I had a big poof on the top and middle of my head with grandma bangs hanging down everywhere else. It was a mess all i needed was a bible and a cane to complete the look .
I would also think stylist see a lot of pretty hair. I would think they would get over jealousy after awhile if that's their issue.

The last AA stylist (jc penney!) I went to said her hair wasn't as healthy because she enjoyed trying new things... color, new cuts, etc. etc.

I personally don't see why they'd be jealous, I haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist, just I've been lucky to not have seen it.

BUt yep when you first start out most of us COLOR our hair, I have been ( BLUE, GREEN, PURPLE, Peach -- MY FAVORITE, Blonde, Auburn, BLACK -- this is me right now, BLUE BLACK, I have exerimented with some of everything) Yeah especially when you are just starting out we jack up our hair! LOL all in fun though. Rocking fly cuts with colors! ahhhhh back then!
I don't think I've ever had a jealous stylist, BUT I've also never had one who gave me any really good advice on how to achieve and maintain healthy hair. Not one! And I have been to many, starting as a child. Even when I was an adult and would specifically ask what to do for healthier hair, they would give me some vague answer about deep conditioners or something, and that was the extent of the advice.

I don't know if it's because they 1. Feel that their sole function is stylist, so they feel like they don't need to share hair care advice or 2. They simply don't care enough to be bothered 3. they really don't have any knowledge to give or 4. other.
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I've been wondering about this...I just got a sew in today and my stylist said my hair was "burnt up." Well, I know ONE side of my head was a mess because it wouldn't hold a curl and no matter what I did to it, it would not straighten. So she cut quite a bit of it...I don't know what to do.:ohwell:

I stopped going for her to wash it because I didn't feel that my hair was clean enough when she washed it, plus she only washed it one time. It just seems like I can't do my hair myself....every time I take a break, do it myself, then go to the salon for a relaxer, I'm told that my hair is damaged somehow.:sad: :rolleyes:

It's like...wtf? I'm trying so hard and I desperately want to get the hang of it so I will not have to be dependent on stylists anymore...:sad: I keep trying to think back to what I could have possibly done wrong.

Sorry, this just made me vent a little...
Ive had too many bad encounters with black hair stylists. I had women just straight *** up my hair for no reason . I had bad perms, too tight braids,glue all over my head weaves, "trims" aka imma cut your hair because im bald headed and evil and "you look good in this style" and I walk out looking like a grandmama heading off to church . This is why I stay out of salons.

This one woman it seems purposely made me look like a grandmother . I walked out to my mother's car and she said" hey ms mable how was service tonight ? Just giggling I got home and frantically combed that mess out of my hair .She wanted to take pictures. I had a big poof on the top and middle of my head with grandma bangs hanging down everywhere else. It was a mess all i needed was a bible and a cane to complete the look .

I agree there are some HORRIBLE stylist, I don't know why some of them even go through the training to do the job if you are going to not do it right.

I don't work in the salons anymore because of my own choice, kids and all.

I still go to get my relaxer done by a professional, my cuts and color.

I personally take a LONG time TO find a stylist, I have spent alot of money FINDING THE ONE, I have been told by a AA that Doobies werent any good for my hair, I was like So I want one, you charge me $40 for a doobie but don't want to blow it out, then charge me for a rollerset. after a long time of dancing around she said she didn't know how to doobie, HUH, wasted time and money.

I don't go to people for my relaxers when I see them talking-pausing to talk when your applying the relaxer, taking the phone when applying the relaxer or doing hair period that GETS ME SICK!

I only go to one person for my chemical service because I take it that seriously. When you find THE ONE, keep them, they are rare and not common.

I have been to Hair HACKERS though, huh, they had long hair just frigged up my hair and tried to correct it. :(
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I personally don't see why they'd be jealous, I haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist, just I've been lucky to not have seen it.

BUt yep when you first start out most of us COLOR our hair, I have been ( BLUE, GREEN, PURPLE, Peach -- MY FAVORITE, Blonde, Auburn, BLACK -- this is me right now, BLUE BLACK, I have exerimented with some of everything) Yeah especially when you are just starting out we jack up our hair! LOL all in fun though. Rocking fly cuts with colors! ahhhhh back then!

Believe me I seen it...I swear when you walk in the salon you can see the hate in their eyes. It also seems like most of the stylists own hair looks effed up . Ive seen women doing hair with their own hair in a doorag or ptail...cant even call it a pony not enough hair for that... Gel all dried up on their edges and they saying come on and sit down .Lemme do ya hair .

My worst experience outside of the "trim" was when I decided to get a sew in weave..That woman braided my hair so tight that I was in tears within hours and i had to cut the weave out of my hair . The edges of my head hurted so bad it became swollen and balded within 2 days. I tried to bear the pain and loosen it up because I wanted to keep the style . It hurted so badly.

When I came back to the salon that woman was smirking and rude .
I think sometimes they want to give you a good looking shape and cut. For them, the final product has to look good. Their priority is not keeping your length. It's a good style.

Now you can get into if they are competent enough to make a good style.

I don't think it's jealousy. I think it is insensitivity to your wanting to keep your length.

I think a lot of white stylists are more careful because they've been told, "Be careful cutting black people's hair... they will freak out."

I think it's a lack of education. There are a lot of AA stylists who don't think they need additional education bc they think their styles are the ish. I ran into this in beauty school. Some of these "stylists" have been doing hair in their kitchens for years and just went to school so they could do hair legally. They scoff at additional hair classes to hone their skills. They are comfortable doing what they know and thats it. If you fall outside of those said skills then you fall victim to whatever they want to do.

Before you sit down with a stylist, talk to them and let them know exactly what you want. To me no cutting means no cutting. If a client says cut only one inch I make da*m sure we both know what one inch means by using the measured numbers on the comb. They ain't there for nothing.

If the the stylist is not touching your hair and going through it, prior to the service and it looks like what you are telling her is going through one ear and out the other or if she's giving you a bunch of uh huhs and not asking questions, then politely thank her for her time and get up and walk away.

OP I understand your frustration though. You have a right to vent.:yep:
I love my stylist. She is very supportive, always asks my input and is very protective of my hair. She's one of my biggest supporters during this transition.
I agree there are some HORRIBLE stylist, I don't know why some of them even go through the training to do the job if you are going to not do it right.

I don't work in the salons anymore because of my own choice, kids and all.

I still go to get my relaxer done by a professional, my cuts and color.

I personally take a LONG time TO find a stylist, I have spent alot of money FINDING THE ONE, I have been told by a AA that Doobies werent any good for my hair, I was like So I want one, you charge me $40 for a doobie but don't want to blow it out, then charge me for a rollerset. after a long time of dancing around she said she didn't know how to doobie, HUH, waisted time and money.

I don't go to people for my relaxers when I see them talking-pausing to talk when your applying the relaxer, taking the phone when applying the relaxer or doing hair period that GETS ME SICK!

I only go to one person for my chemical service because I take it that seriously. When you find THE ONE, keep them, they are rare and not common.

Have you ever tried to self relax???I dont get going to the salon to have them put in your perm. I can do my own perm quite well. Not only that but I remember one time I bought in my own perm and she mixed it and only charged 10 dollars less for the service even though i didnt use her product. I felt so ripped off. I always leave the salon feeling ripped off . I havent been to a dominican salon and i dont understand that eithier..You can blow out your own hair and arent they rough with those brushes? You get the same result with less damage at home IMO. I do my own hair and my hair looks better than the girls stepping out of the dominican salon.

Stylist would have to refresh every 3-5 years. They would have to maintain a log of consultations they have with their clients before and after pictures.

THEY WOULD HAVE TO OFFER CONsultations to every CLIENT, clients would have to sign off on double processes which would go into their records. Consultations would be before any chemical process.

You'd keep a record of all their hair care services via computer I use to work for Luis Licari and they kept a record of all clients. You'd call them a week before a chemical service to remind them of the pre-chemical care. you'd breif them on after care as well.

BUT NAHHHH that takes too much time for some people but while your talking about who slept with who, I wish they'd sneak this in!

I've been wondering about this...I just got a sew in today and my stylist said my hair was "burnt up." Well, I know ONE side of my head was a mess because it wouldn't hold a curl and no matter what I did to it, it would not straighten. So she cut quite a bit of it...I don't know what to do.:ohwell:

I stopped going for her to wash it because I didn't feel that my hair was clean enough when she washed it, plus she only washed it one time. It just seems like I can't do my hair myself....every time I take a break, do it myself, then go to the salon for a relaxer, I'm told that my hair is damaged somehow.:sad: :rolleyes:

It's like...wtf? I'm trying so hard and I desperately want to get the hang of it so I will not have to be dependent on stylists anymore...:sad: I keep trying to think back to what I could have possibly done wrong.

Sorry, this just made me vent a little...

There is a wealth of info here to help you get your hair back on track. If all you want is healthy hair....do it yourself. If you want a relaxer I suggest doing some research and finding a new stylist, a real stylist, one that will sit down and talk with you before they even touch your hair. And don't allow folks to just chop your hair off! Get a second opinion, I know I would.
Have you ever tried to self relax???I dont get going to the salon to have them put in your perm. I can do my own perm quite well. Not only that but I remember one time I bought in my own perm and she mixed it and only charged 10 dollars less for the service even though i didnt use her product. I felt so ripped off. I always leave the salon feeling ripped off . I havent been to a dominican salon and i dont understand that eithier..You can blow out your own hair and arent they rough with those brushes? You get the same result with less damage at home IMO. I do my own hair and my hair looks better than the girls stepping out of the dominican salon.

I have self relaxed for years, but my girl right now has a Banging arm on her and she is into hair care like me. I only go 3 times a year and I treat myself to this, I won't go back to self relaxing unless she retires or passes away. She is that good. I don't want to risk overlapping my relaxer on my hair.

Some of THe Dominicans are rough, I have had the ones that seem to not want to do hair that day (here in NJ) then others who in QUeens NY on MERRICK BLVD, who I can relax once a year and they have my ish looking like new money!
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I don't think it's jealousy (at least not in my situations) but more so lack of experience. I have had more than one stylist get lost in my cut and end up taking off too much.

My most recent stylist (who moved out of state in PA) was excellent, never took off too much and had my hair looking great. She is the one who explained how some stylist get lost in the cut and go over the same section 2 - 3 times, making the hair shorter & shorter.

I loved her and was sad to see her move so far away. I was relaxed at the time though and was told by my natural friend, who initially used & introduced me to the same stylist, that she was horrible with natural hair.

Stylist would have to refresh every 3-5 years. They would have to maintain a log of consultations they have with their clients before and after pictures.

THEY WOULD HAVE TO OFFER CONsultations to every CLIENT, clients would have to sign off on double processes which would go into their records. Consultations would be before any chemical process.

You'd keep a record of all their hair care services via computer I use to work for Luis Licari and they kept a record of all clients. You'd call them a week before a chemical service to remind them of the pre-chemical care. you'd breif them on after care as well.

BUT NAHHHH that takes too much time for some people but while your talking about who slept with who, I wish they'd sneak this in!


Excellent point!

I've had stylists take offense that I asked for a consultation --yes, sadly they were black. (sigh)

They seemed to think that if I "described my hair" over the phone that was sufficient. :rolleyes: I know it was not...and figured anyone who got offended that I asked for a consultation was not the stylist for me.

But that came after many, many years of my lack of understanding how I needed to conduct myself to get the kind of professional I was looking for. I had to be willing to walk away (and go w/out my hair being "done") if I didn't find what I wanted.
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I don't have a problem with my stylist, actually the only problem I've ever had with AA stylists has been time. I don't like waiting.

From what I hear on these boards a lot of people go to some ghetto salons. I've never seen some of the things that I've heard on here.

Crying babies in your lap, chicks eating while doing your hair, fight with baby daddy? :nono:

Never seen this in any salon I've been too. I probably wouldn't walk past the front desk.:nono:
Maybe not jealous, some maybe. I think the ones who always have consumers walking out with bad results are the stylist who just don't care about their jobs.

Oh and I should have added...
A bit of the problem exist in the clients, before this board I didn't expect much from a hair dresser. As long as she got it straight and bling bling shine I was good. So we kinda collectively set the bar. Why do more, when no one is really asking for more?
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