AA hairsytlist...what is the deal?

I went to an AA salon and there was so much dancing and eating going on. Gosh...are you a salon, a club or a restaurant?

I don't have a problem with my stylist, actually the only problem I've ever had with AA stylists has been time. I don't like waiting.

From what I hear on these boards a lot of people go to some ghetto salons. I've never seen some of the things that I've heard on here.

Crying babies in your lap, chicks eating while doing your hair, fight with baby daddy? :nono:

Never seen this in any salon I've been too. I probably wouldn't walk past the front desk.:nono:
I don't think all stylists who do a poor job on your hair are jealous, but I have been to a few who I think were jealous.

There's no other explanation for some of the things that have been done to my head, especially when I watch a stylist do a great job on the person before me and then she gets to me and loses her mind.
I went to an AA salon and there was so much dancing and eating going on. Gosh...are you a salon, a club or a restaurant?

WTF????? Oh, hell naw!

If my stylist worked in a salon like that I would just have her do home visits or find someone else. I can't be somewhere like that.
I've only been to two AA salons in my life and I don't think anybody there was jealous. I think that incompetent people shouldn't be doing hair. The people that cut my hair (made it look like Ninja's cut it with a machete) had long, beautiful hair so it wasn't out of jealousy. Some people are scissor happy or really just don't give a damn.
I went to an AA salon and there was so much dancing and eating going on. Gosh...are you a salon, a club or a restaurant?

I've been to a few salons where people will just be dancing around when they're supposed to be doing hair. One time, the other stylists were having a dance off in the front of the salon, and the shampoo girl dropped everything, left me at the bowl, (head still full of shampoo), and ran to join in. It was a mess..people doing splits and everything. :nono: And I was the only one there who seemed bothered. The other clients were laughing and clapping.

I think that with AA stylists, it's mostly ignorance about proper hair care. Even when my hair was very short, the stylists would still be cutting it every time I went to get a touch up. They weren't jealous, because there was nothing to be jealous of, but they seriously thought that by cutting it, they were making it grow. And even worse, they don't care to know. As long as your hair looks styled, then they don't care if it's healthy. So they relax it root to tip, burn it to death with curling irons...whatever makes it look "good".
Then, AA stylists tend to be cocky...they have unteachable spirits. They think that because they have a certificate and have been doing hair xyz years, they know everything. So when you tell them that you don't need a trim, or that it's better to detangle with a wide tooth comb, or to use heat protectant, they don't want to hear it. They'd rather just hang on to archaic and useless beliefs about black hair, even though those beliefs are obviously not working.
But even with that stuff, jealousy is a factor. Even when they don't mean to do it, if they are thinking "Oh, she thinks she's so cute", it can translate into actions, and they'll chop off everything. Or its laziness...it's easier and less time consuming (which means more turnover, which means more money) to hack off long hair than to style it.
I don't think this is true of all AA stylists, but it's just what I've noticed.
Chaosbutterfly, that clip in your siggy is mesmerizing...I couldn't stop watching it. I need to see if I can find it on youtube.
I have self relaxed for years, but my girl right now has a Banging arm on her and she is into hair care like me. I only go 3 times a year and I treat myself to this, I won't go back to self relaxing unless she retires or passes away. She is that good. I don't want to risk overlapping my relaxer on my hair.

Some of THe Dominicans are rough, I have had the ones that seem to not want to do hair that day (here in NJ) then others who in QUeens NY on MERRICK BLVD, who I can relax once a year and they have my ish looking like new money!

Some stylists are jealous and some are incompetent. The stylists I've been to have been have all been excellent but two out of the three were scissor happy. It wasn't a lack of knowledge or anything else it was, "I'm going to cut your hair off no matter how many times or ways you tell me you want your hair long."

It's just that thought process that the stylist has of I'll do what I want. That irritates me.
I've been to a few salons where people will just be dancing around when they're supposed to be doing hair. One time, the other stylists were having a dance off in the front of the salon, and the shampoo girl dropped everything, left me at the bowl, (head still full of shampoo), and ran to join in. It was a mess..people doing splits and everything. :nono: And I was the only one there who seemed bothered. The other clients were laughing and clapping.

I think that with AA stylists, it's mostly ignorance about proper hair care. Even when my hair was very short, the stylists would still be cutting it every time I went to get a touch up. They weren't jealous, because there was nothing to be jealous of, but they seriously thought that by cutting it, they were making it grow. And even worse, they don't care to know. As long as your hair looks styled, then they don't care if it's healthy. So they relax it root to tip, burn it to death with curling irons...whatever makes it look "good".
Then, AA stylists tend to be cocky...they have unteachable spirits. They think that because they have a certificate and have been doing hair xyz years, they know everything. So when you tell them that you don't need a trim, or that it's better to detangle with a wide tooth comb, or to use heat protectant, they don't want to hear it. They'd rather just hang on to archaic and useless beliefs about black hair, even though those beliefs are obviously not working.
But even with that stuff, jealousy is a factor. Even when they don't mean to do it, if they are thinking "Oh, she thinks she's so cute", it can translate into actions, and they'll chop off everything. Or its laziness...it's easier and less time consuming (which means more turnover, which means more money) to hack off long hair than to style it.
I don't think this is true of all AA stylists, but it's just what I've noticed.

When I was natural, I went to a "friend" who was the go to person to get braided, she tore my head up with that fine tooth comb - AND she trimmed my hair. When I told her not to use a fine tooth...she said it gets rid of the "dead" hair. :nono::nono::spinning::spinning:

So yea.
There seems to be a little bit of debate here on whether (some not all) AA hairstylist are truly jealous of their clients and that's why they ruin (whether it be chop off, over/under process, etc.) their clients hair or if it's just incompentent hairstylist AA or not?

What do you ladies think? Are there a lot of jealous AA hairsylist out there or are there just bad hair stylist out there and jealousy doesn't come into play at all?

BTW: My hairstylist is AA and she is going to fix the mess the other AA stylist made.

i think its the stylist and not the ethnic background. i've had aa stylists jack me up, but my last stylist was caribbean (one of the islands dunno know which one lol) and i loved her, even if she was a little heavy with the heat. but she knew how much had to be cut and how much i was comfortable with having cut... even if i said to cut more lol

i've had plenty of white and other ethnic groups jack up my hair too. my 1st set back (before i knew there where such things as set backs lol) was with a mexican chick. my last set back, where i asked for 2 inches trimmed and got about 5-6 inches cut, was from a white chick.

incompetence is color blind!!!!

i will be honest though. i do prefer caribbean stylist. they just seem to understand my hair better.
I've gone to an Jamaican, A Guyanese indian, a Dominican, and a Haitian and all of them gave me bald spots from them not washing out the relaxer properly.

Now to think of the only stylist that didnt jack my hair up was AA but she was expensive, and was soooooo scissor happy. She would just start snipping without even telling you. She did have a "it's my way or nothing"
attitude but my hair didnt fall out with her like it did with the other stylists.

I think most stylists are stuck in their ways and I think some of the feel that black hair cant grow anyway, so they just do whatever they feel like.
I don't think they are jealous. Some may be, but mostly I think it's a lack of knowledge. I've had some very good AA stylists, some very good Dominican stylists, and recently I've got a trim by a great Caucasian stylist. Race doesn't have anything to do with it. You can watch Tabitha's Salon Takeover show; it proves that there are stylists of all backgrounds who lack the proper knowledge when it come to hair care, versus hair styling.

Also, as far as the trimming goes, some of us have had very damaged hair in the past that actually needed to be cut. My HHJ started with a stylist cutting off all of my damaged hair. I was so hurt and angry that she cut it....Since I've been on my HHJ, I've been to quite a few stylists and none of them have tried to hack my hair off. I've now accepted that my hair needed it. As for stylists that cut off too much for no reason, they just don't know the difference between a trim and a cut and we have to be much more direct in explaining what we want....

I've watched a couple of episodes of Tabitha's salon takeover. Some of the stuff those people were doing was definitely questionable. But it does lead me to wonder what kind of cosmetology school these people went to. I mean, I'm pretty sure any accredited school would teach them basic cleanliness, hygiene, and also how to treat customers, but some stylists don't seem like they've spent even a day in beauty school. So is it a lack of knowledge, or a lack of desire to act upon the knowledge that they have? In the one AA salon that Tabitha visited they were at first doing things very unprofessionally, but after she came and they realized they were being scrutinized they cleaned up their act and started doing things the way they were supposed to.

And I do admit there is a vast difference between hair-care and hair-styling. Usually the responsibility of taking care of the health of ones hair lies with the individual, but I do expect for someone that is receiving my money to handle my hair in a careful, professional manner. Some damage that results from hair stylists can easily be avoided if they focused on the task at hand instead of trying to handle multiple heads at once, and pretty much perform their tasks in the way they are supposed to be performed (like relaxing, installing and uninstalling braids and extensions, etc...).
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My AA stylist is a dude and he told me that absolutely without a doubt that some women stylist DO sabotage their clients hair on purpose. Not exactly what he said verbatim, but it's definitely his point. He said if women clients were able to hear what the other AA women stylist say about us, we'd be shocked. I believe him. :ohwell:
Some are and some are not. I had one stylist that had between bsl and mbl hair. She was great at what she did and made everyone hair no matter if it was long or short it looked great. I just cannot go to her anymore since I wanted to learn how to care for my own hair and she has too many clients to always fit me in.
I think stylists, of any color, love to cut hair. I think that's the most fun thing to them to do. For non AA salons, "cut and color" seems to be always what is done. It's like the cut lets them be more creative and show off their skill (if they have any), so they enjoy doing it.
I think it is a combo of both. Some are jealous. Some are incompetent. I used to be friends/go to a girl who was jealous of anyone with hair longer than hers. She would always find a reason to cut their hair. And though her ends were see through, she never ever cut her own hair. But she was always telling her clients about their stringy hair. :rolleyes:

So basically I think it goes both ways. I will say that, in the past, the best stylist I ever went to was a (straight) man!
My AA stylist is a dude and he told me that absolutely without a doubt that some women stylist DO sabotage their clients hair on purpose. Not exactly what he said verbatim, but it's definitely his point. He said if women clients were able to hear what the other AA women stylist say about us, we'd be shocked. I believe him. :ohwell:

Girl I agree. My stylist is AA and she left the AA shop because of the drama. I do believe there are incompetent hairstylist of ALL races, but the ratio in AA hair salons is off the charts. And the ratio of jealousy is higher in AA salons the further into the 'hood you go so forget it it! Incompetent and jealous.

I will go to the hood to get braids and weaves..now that's when the hair is on POINT! I have seen women pay $1k or more for hair extensions/weave in "European Salons" and it looks horrible!! But I will never go to an AA hair salon for services to my natural hair again.:nono:
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I've never experienced a scissor happy "jealous" AA stylist. All of the AA stylist that I've gone to like to take the credit for my hair :lol:. They are happy to have their other clients see how long my hair is. They like to play with my hair and I'm chick, I'm restigo! Quit fiddling around up there!

Jealousy isn't my first thought when people suck.
I've never been to a stylist other than black stylists, so I really can't compare. But the main reason I went natural is so I wouldn't have to go to the salon anymore. They always hurt me.

And though I'd like to get a trim, after all the stories on this board, I don't think I can trust any stylist to cut off what I want to be cut off. So many stylists seem to feel like they know best and think that the decision is ultimately theirs. I don't even let doctors do anything they want to my body without my permission, and doctors go through far more training for body health than stylists go for hair health. Yet, for whatever reason, so many stylists feel like they should have ultimate control over your hair. The idea is so prevalent, I can't risk trusting any stylist.

I don't think this can be summed up any more perfectly. :yep:
Well AA salons have had a monopoly on BW's hair since the beginning of time, so some complacency is to be expected. Unfortunately many BW are used to poor services and expect little more. At the least, many women find themselves in a "cold war" w/ their beauticians far too frequently, but feel as if they've invested too much time to go elsewhere. However, ignorance/incompetence is a far worse thing than jealousy. If they're jealous, they might jack up a few heads (not acceptable :nono:), but if they're incompetant/ignorant there's potential to jack up many heads! Sadly this happens all the time.

Let's NOT even talk about natural African textures...no matter how loose or tight. Beauticians of all sorts seem clueless about this. (This might have been Bella's problem more than jealousy.) Taking care of natural hair HAS TO become apart of any beauty school's curriculum WITHOUT any side order of 'tude, thanks! :down:

Competition is good for customers and biz IMHO...basic biz principle that works for all sorts of goods and services. Many stylists would step up their game if they knew they'd get weeded out by continuing bad service. The time has come to where BW need more options that the usual ones at different price levels. Ironically, some BW want to spend $$$$$ for a salon/spa experience, but are sick of risking the appearnce/health/length of their hair in salon situations. Many are DiY and the numbers of them are increasing. This is esp. true for naturals.
I think it’s a combination of incompetence and lack of professionalism. I’ve never considered jealous, but I’ve definitely considered *****es with attitude on more than a few occasions.

Now I only see 2 stylists (who are both older Italian men) at this salon I frequent. They’re very competent, professional, informative, care about my hair’s health, and trim minimally, because they’re happy with my progress and actually want my hair to grow out as much as possible since it is so curly.
I've encountered negative experiences from AA stylists and Dominican stylists. You dont have to be Sherlock to tell something isnt right and when I've gotten bad vibes from stylists I dont return. The ones I do return to are the ones who seem delighted by the challenge of my thick hair, and are interested in keeping its length.

I find it interesting that the ones who are so dead set on cutting my hair are the ones who are less likely to have my hair growing because of their lack of concern with hair health. I like being a DIY, think more people should try it out if their salon exp. arent working for them.
I've never experienced a scissor happy "jealous" AA stylist. All of the AA stylist that I've gone to like to take the credit for my hair :lol:. They are happy to have their other clients see how long my hair is. They like to play with my hair and I'm chick, I'm restigo! Quit fiddling around up there!

Jealousy isn't my first thought when people suck.

I don't know that anyone who cut my hair previously was jealous, but because I have really thick hair, I know they loved to cut it and "be creative" even when I didn't ask for the creativity. Basically in my case I believed it was like mwedzi said in her post.

But, I was surprised when the guy told me the type of convos they have in the salon behind clients backs. :ohwell:
Well AA salons have had a monopoly on BW's hair since the beginning of time, so some complacency is to be expected. Unfortunately many BW are used to poor services and expect little more. At the least, many women find themselves in a "cold war" w/ their beauticians far too frequently, but feel as if they've invested too much time to go elsewhere. However, ignorance/incompetence is a far worse thing than jealousy. If they're jealous, they might jack up a few heads (not acceptable :nono:), but if they're incompetant/ignorant there's potential to jack up many heads! Sadly this happens all the time.

Let's NOT even talk about natural African textures...no matter how loose or tight. Beauticians of all sorts seem clueless about this. (This might have been Bella's problem more than jealousy.) Taking care of natural hair HAS TO become apart of any beauty school's curriculum WITHOUT any side order of 'tude, thanks! :down:

Competition is good for customers and biz IMHO...basic biz principle that works for all sorts of goods and services. Many stylists would step up their game if they knew they'd get weeded out by continuing bad service. The time has come to where BW need more options that the usual ones at different price levels. Ironically, some BW want to spend $$$$$ for a salon/spa experience, but are sick of risking the appearnce/health/length of their hair in salon situations. Many are DiY and the numbers of them are increasing. This is esp. true for naturals.

I agree with your whole post. ESPECIALLY the bolded! I also wonder why BW have an unspoken rule that you cannot go to another stylist in the same salon. Like if you go to Maya for 3 yrs, but she's unprofessional, does hair aight, and is kind of lazy... then you notice Nicole in the same salon is very professional, does the bomb hair, and has health haired clients; why is it that we'd feel guilty about leaving Maya and going to Nicole? I've never understood that unspoken rule. :spinning:

I've encountered negative experiences from AA stylists and Dominican stylists. You dont have to be Sherlock to tell something isnt right and when I've gotten bad vibes from stylists I dont return. The ones I do return to are the ones who seem delighted by the challenge of my thick hair, and are interested in keeping its length.

I agree... hence the reason I haven't set foot in a Dominican salon since the beginning of my transition. They let me know quite clearly that they didn't want to do my "nappy" hair :ohwell:. They complained about my hair type and kept telling me I needed a texturizer when I saw women with type 2 waves or type 3 curls that they happily did their hair. So, that was my que to not go anymore. I'm not saying all Dominican salons aer like that, but it left a bad taste in my mouth.
don't exclude the bald headed braiders who could give 2 cents when it comes to hair care and maintenance. i've been meaning to post a dear braider thread but didn't get around to it. so as my post it goes like this:

Dear Braider,

Please stop ripping that f***'n comb through my hair like there's no tommorow. I take my time to prep for you by poo'n, co'n, moisturizing my strands and tie-down my hair the night before. I provide shea butter for you so you can seal my strands but never the less so you can have a healthy option of slip when gripping my strands rather than your jar of petroleum that everyone's scalp been in and which makes my scalp itch. And I provide a seamless comb and a big comb for hygiene purposes and because of my personal preference. But my hair bag just lies there on the floor like its not even there. Not only do you rob me of my money, disregard my timed preparation but you have the audacity to tell me to not cut my hair so even. Even when I say my hair is growing out naturally, you even take the time to respond, my hair needs to be uneven for braids.

Your fustrated client,
Im now a DIY'er and it feels great!

I've encountered negative experiences from AA stylists and Dominican stylists. You dont have to be Sherlock to tell something isnt right and when I've gotten bad vibes from stylists I dont return. The ones I do return to are the ones who seem delighted by the challenge of my thick hair, and are interested in keeping its length.

I find it interesting that the ones who are so dead set on cutting my hair are the ones who are less likely to have my hair growing because of their lack of concern with hair health. I like being a DIY, think more people should try it out if their salon exp. arent working for them.
Well AA salons have had a monopoly on BW's hair since the beginning of time, so some complacency is to be expected. Unfortunately many BW are used to poor services and expect little more. At the least, many women find themselves in a "cold war" w/ their beauticians far too frequently, but feel as if they've invested too much time to go elsewhere. However, ignorance/incompetence is a far worse thing than jealousy. If they're jealous, they might jack up a few heads (not acceptable :nono:), but if they're incompetant/ignorant there's potential to jack up many heads! Sadly this happens all the time.

Let's NOT even talk about natural African textures...no matter how loose or tight. Beauticians of all sorts seem clueless about this. (This might have been Bella's problem more than jealousy.) Taking care of natural hair HAS TO become apart of any beauty school's curriculum WITHOUT any side order of 'tude, thanks! :down:

Competition is good for customers and biz IMHO...basic biz principle that works for all sorts of goods and services. Many stylists would step up their game if they knew they'd get weeded out by continuing bad service. The time has come to where BW need more options that the usual ones at different price levels. Ironically, some BW want to spend $$$$$ for a salon/spa experience, but are sick of risking the appearnce/health/length of their hair in salon situations. Many are DiY and the numbers of them are increasing. This is esp. true for naturals.

great post!
it be nice to find a salon that wants to grow my hair out. i like the pampering of salons with the added benefit that i can retain and grow my lengths. but sadly, i have to sift through all the bs.
I agree with your whole post. ESPECIALLY the bolded! I also wonder why BW have an unspoken rule that you cannot go to another stylist in the same salon. Like if you go to Maya for 3 yrs, but she's unprofessional, does hair aight, and is kind of lazy... then you notice Nicole in the same salon is very professional, does the bomb hair, and has health haired clients; why is it that we'd feel guilty about leaving Maya and going to Nicole? I've never understood that unspoken rule. :spinning:

I think it's because too many women are afraid of confrontation (esp w/ someone wielding scissors and caustic chems :grin:) AND BW have had "loyalty" drummed into them from birth. :rolleyes::sad:

I think many women don't want to cause ruffled feathers and drama, I suspect. To see another stylist in the same salon might cause this. My mother and aunt were like this in their current sitch. I'd find another salon to avoid all this IF I did hairdressers, which I DON'T :look::giggle:

For naturals, anybody w/ "bad huah" attitudes/vibes, :roadrunner: If you get that vibe, you'll end up :cry::cry3: after what they do to you. Just my theory, but some folks seem to want to "punish" naturals, esp those who don't have "gud huah" for having the nerve to show African textures. :hand: We shouldn't pretend that ignorant attitudes like this are rare....stylists can play "gud huah-bad huah" too, but they have scissors and chemicals to do it w/!:eek:

No way in heck should you pay to be insulted, no matter how good their skillz are. If someone doesn't appreciate your hair, they don't appreciate your :twocents: :yep: They can get along WITHOUT both and you can KEEP both! If your hair is not good enough, neither is your money! :giggle:
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