A Woman's Impact on the Men in Her Life...


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Let's call this thread "Operation Impact".

I could write volumes on this subject, but I won't. :lol:. But can we make of list of things that we can do to impact our men. Be it our husbands, brothers, fathers, Special friends, etc. Those men who are close in heart.

What can we do each day to be a blessing...a positive impact upon their lives. How can we allow God to use us?

I'm home in Flordia this week. Today, my son-in-law took the boys to football practice. He is a wonderful husband to my daughter and a wonderful father, indeed.

You see, (not knowing who he was) I prayed for him and God gave me the perfect husband for my daughter; the man who would love her enough to marry her and raise their children together, not apart. He came as a result of prayer. The impact upon his life, have always been my prayers. He's a very happy and changed man because of it.

He's in the Navy and each time I come home to Florida, I pray over his uniforms, that God prevails over his assignments, keeping him safe everywhere he goes. My scripture for this is Genesis 28:15. I love this word of God.

"I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."

God keeps His promises.

What's your impact today? There's always something we do that makes an Impact upon another's life, especially our men. They need us and we have all that it takes to do what needs to be done. Today, more than ever, our men need us...our impact upon their lives and their hearts.

Our men are under attack; yet we have the weapons... for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but are mighty through God through the pulling down of strongholds.

We have it ladies...we have it strong...full impact, full and positive upon our men, we love and cherish so dearly.
What a beautiful thread! You've given me something to think about, Shim. I have to give this some serious consideration. I certainly believe that prayer is the best thing we can do for our men. You've also made me realize that we need to say or do something directly to/for them daily to encourage them. Lord knows, our men need encouragement and positive affirmation to navigate through the stress of daily life, be they men or boys. :)
Excellent post Shimmie! I am praying for the future husbands of my sisters' and the current men in my life (spouse, dad, uncle, cousins).
Thanks Shimmie. I will also pray for my father and male cousins and friends.

I will also pray a universal prayer for Black men that we Black women begin to understand them and empathize with them more, even those that act like knuckleheads. There was another post in the off-topic forum about a site that calls Black women to boycott Black men (the ones who are disrespectful, don't date/marry Black women, etc.). I will pray that hurting Black women can see through their pain, and realize that even those hateful Black men are also hurting too.
An Impact...

During the summer of 1990, I was taking the bus to work. As I was settling in my seat, I became very offended by the odor of alcohol and the smell of cigarettes which was coming from a man sitting across from me.

I reached for my tote bag for I was about to move to another seat to get away from him. But as I started to get up, I looked into his eyes and my heart just changed. He looked at me with the saddest eyes. I asked him why was he drinking so early in the moring. He shared that he was out the night before and still hung over.

I than asked him for his permission to pray with him. He opened his eyes a little wider and he nodded and said yes. We prayed the prayer of salvation, right there on the bus (quietly, because I wasn't out to embarrass him). I also commanded the devil and the spirits of alcohol to come off of him in Jesus' name. He was very receptive to each prayer.

About two weeks later, I was standing at the bus stop and a man approached me and asked, "Do you remember me? My name is Keith and you prayed for me a few weeks ago." He went on to share with me that he had stopped drinking since then.

Later that week, I was in a nearby Super Market (before going to work) and as I was walking down the aisles looking for a bag of Sesame and honey pretzels. I could hear these footsteps trying to catch up with me down the aisle. It was Keith, all in smiles. He was 'sporting' a clean white uniforum with an apron and a new name badge attached.

He shared with me that he had been promoted on his job as Manager in the meat department of this supermarket. Keith was so excited. The promotion was originally for someone else, but Keith got the promotion, instead. He shared it was all because of the prayers and that his life has never been better.

A few weeks later, he shared that he was spending more time being a dad to his son. Though I have not seen him since, I truly believe that he is still on fire for the Lord.

The Impact that we women have on men is infinitive !!!

....Ladies we have it. Men are dependent upon us to deliver them from the clutches of satan and his entrapments. Who knows better how to pray the prayers which God assigns to our hearts for them. Yes, the prayers are assignments of God for He will move through us by the Holy Spirit to will and to pray all and that which is needed to deliver and set our men free...in Jesus' name, Amen.

Praise and bless His holy name...Amen and Amen...Halleluia...Glory, glory, glory to His wonderful and powerful and awesome name and presence in us forever and ever...Amen. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...;) Amen.
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I am praying for my husband to become closer to the Lord than he is. I'm praying that God will set my husband's heart on fire one day and that he will become a Christian leader in our church or otherwise. I'm praying that he won't be shy or ashamed ever of sharing the Gospel. And that I will be patient and wait upon the Lord!!!:D Cause I believe He's not finished with either of us.
Shimmie said:
An Impact...

During the summer of 1990, I was taking the bus to work. As I was settling in my seat, I became very offended by the odor of alcohol and the smell of cigarettes which was coming from a man sitting across from me.

I reached for my tote bag for I was about to move to another seat to get away from him. But as I started to get up, I looked into his eyes and my heart just changed. He looked at me with the saddest eyes. I asked him why was he drinking so early in the moring. He shared that he was out the night before and still hung over.

I than asked him for his permission to pray with him. He opened his eyes a little wider and he nodded and said yes. We prayed the prayer of salvation, right there on the bus (quietly, because I wasn't out to embarrass him). I also commanded the devil and the spirits of alcohol to come off of him in Jesus' name. He was very receptive to each prayer.

About two weeks later, I was standing at the bus stop and a man approached me and asked, "Do you remember me? My name is Keith and you prayed for me a few weeks ago." He went on to share with me that he had stopped drinking since then.

Later that week, I was in a nearby Super Market (before going to work) and as I was walking down the aisles looking for a bag of Sesame and honey pretzels. I could hear these footsteps trying to catch up with me down the aisle. It was Keith, all in smiles. He was 'sporting' a clean white uniforum with an apron and a new name badge attached.

He shared with me that he had been promoted on his job as Manager in the meat department of this supermarket. Keith was so excited. The promotion was originally for someone else, but Keith got the promotion, instead. He shared it was all because of the prayers and that his life has never been better.

A few weeks later, he shared that he was spending more time being a dad to his son. Though I have not seen him since, I truly believe that he is still on fire for the Lord.

The Impact that we women have on men is infinitive !!!

....Ladies we have it. Men are dependent upon us to deliver them from the clutches of satan and his entrapments. Who knows better how to pray the prayers which God assigns to our hearts for them. Yes, the prayers are assignments of God for He will move through us by the Holy Spirit to will and to pray all and that which is needed to deliver and set our men free...in Jesus' name, Amen.

Praise and bless His holy name...Amen and Amen...Halleluia...Glory, glory, glory to His wonderful and powerful and awesome name and presence in us forever and ever...Amen. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...;) Amen.

That's a powerful testimony Shimmie! Thank you for sharing.
A Woman's Impact in Prayer:

Ladies we're are so tapped into the spiritual realm. This is what the devil hates about us and tries his best to stop us from being yielded to the Holy Spirit. He uses anger, dissappointments, frustrations, suspicision, insecurity, intimitation, jealousy, nagging, control/malipulation, work, burn-out, and whatever emotions to distract us from praying for our husbands and the other men in our lives.

Do you know that PMS really means, 'Pack My Suitcase'. For this is what husbands and men in general want to do to get away from us. The enemy has a hayday with our monthly symptoms, using them to alienate us from being in tune spiritually to prayer. Some of us as women take this pre-menstrual malady too far.

I did not say ALL women, but some...:look: we literally 'milk' it and without Oreo or Chocolate chip cookies...;) We take our time of the month and everybody suffers; while our poor husbands, sons, etc, are left not knowing what to do except to wish for their own PMS...packing a suitcase until the storm is over. :cool:

My point is that we need to address what our distractions are from prayer and tuning in to the Holy Spirit. What's are your reasons for not praying for the men in your life. We are encounter this, but I'd like to address them and then deny them access from distracting the power of our prayers.

Anger and fear once stopped me from praying for my son. I had to get over it. I did, grudgingly, but I had to let go and allow God's word to prevail and through prayer and His word, God delivered him from drugs.
Shimmie said:
An Impact...

During the summer of 1990, I was taking the bus to work. As I was settling in my seat, I became very offended by the odor of alcohol and the smell of cigarettes which was coming from a man sitting across from me.

I reached for my tote bag for I was about to move to another seat to get away from him. But as I started to get up, I looked into his eyes and my heart just changed. He looked at me with the saddest eyes. I asked him why was he drinking so early in the moring. He shared that he was out the night before and still hung over.

I than asked him for his permission to pray with him. He opened his eyes a little wider and he nodded and said yes. We prayed the prayer of salvation, right there on the bus (quietly, because I wasn't out to embarrass him). I also commanded the devil and the spirits of alcohol to come off of him in Jesus' name. He was very receptive to each prayer.

About two weeks later, I was standing at the bus stop and a man approached me and asked, "Do you remember me? My name is Keith and you prayed for me a few weeks ago." He went on to share with me that he had stopped drinking since then.

Later that week, I was in a nearby Super Market (before going to work) and as I was walking down the aisles looking for a bag of Sesame and honey pretzels. I could hear these footsteps trying to catch up with me down the aisle. It was Keith, all in smiles. He was 'sporting' a clean white uniforum with an apron and a new name badge attached.

He shared with me that he had been promoted on his job as Manager in the meat department of this supermarket. Keith was so excited. The promotion was originally for someone else, but Keith got the promotion, instead. He shared it was all because of the prayers and that his life has never been better.

A few weeks later, he shared that he was spending more time being a dad to his son. Though I have not seen him since, I truly believe that he is still on fire for the Lord.

The Impact that we women have on men is infinitive !!!

....Ladies we have it. Men are dependent upon us to deliver them from the clutches of satan and his entrapments. Who knows better how to pray the prayers which God assigns to our hearts for them. Yes, the prayers are assignments of God for He will move through us by the Holy Spirit to will and to pray all and that which is needed to deliver and set our men free...in Jesus' name, Amen.

Praise and bless His holy name...Amen and Amen...Halleluia...Glory, glory, glory to His wonderful and powerful and awesome name and presence in us forever and ever...Amen. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...;) Amen.

what a testimony! I loved reading it.
Shimmie said:
A Woman's Impact in Prayer:

Ladies we're are so tapped into the spiritual realm. This is what the devil hates about us and tries his best to stop us from being yielded to the Holy Spirit. He uses anger, dissappointments, frustrations, suspicision, insecurity, intimitation, jealousy, nagging, control/malipulation, work, burn-out, and whatever emotions to distract us from praying for our husbands and the other men in our lives.

Do you know that PMS really means, 'Pack My Suitcase'. For this is what husbands and men in general want to do to get away from us. The enemy has a hayday with our monthly symptoms, using them to alienate us from being in tune spiritually to prayer. Some of us as women take this pre-menstrual malady too far.

I did not say ALL women, but some...:look: we literally 'milk' it and without Oreo or Chocolate chip cookies...;) We take our time of the month and everybody suffers; while our poor husbands, sons, etc, are left not knowing what to do except to wish for their own PMS...packing a suitcase until the storm is over. :cool:

My point is that we need to address what our distractions are from prayer and tuning in to the Holy Spirit. What's are your reasons for not praying for the men in your life. We are encounter this, but I'd like to address them and then deny them access from distracting the power of our prayers.

Anger and fear once stopped me from praying for my son. I had to get over it. I did, grudgingly, but I had to let go and allow God's word to prevail and through prayer and His word, God delivered him from drugs.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

As always Shimmie, your lesson is on point. I also think what separates a lot of women from praying for men is anger and bitterness. Many women have been hurt by different men in their lives (fathers, brothers, uncles, pastors, romantic partners, etc.) and they cannot see past the hurt. I feel that sometimes the church even drives women away. I grew up in a church that I loved, but many women have been leaving in the last few years because the pastor is definitely mysoginist and angry towards women. His mother's day sermon was on "whores." How do you do that? He never married and has no children, and has anger towards his mother. So he takes that out on women in the church through his sermons. There are women in the church that have been sexually abused, raped, abandoned by their fathers, etc. I no longer live in the area, so I go to a different church, but it hurts me to see how many women cannot find comfort in the House of the Lord!