A woman decides to trust God to heal her marriage


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies.

I wanted to share my latest episode of 'I AIN'T That CHICK' with you where a woman gets married and a year into her marriage her husband walks out and leaves. She makes the unconventional choice to stand and trust God to heal her marriage. IATC is about Self-Empowerment, Self-Awareness, and Self-Respect for women. It's about women building women through their stories and through their determination to live beyond what they lived. It's about setting a level of standards and expectation for yourself and refusing to settle.

My prayer is that someone seeing this will decide to trust God for their marriage as well. Enjoy!

Hi ladies.

I wanted to share my latest episode of 'I AIN'T That CHICK' with you where a woman gets married and a year into her marriage her husband walks out and leaves. She makes the unconventional choice to stand and trust God to heal her marriage. IATC is about Self-Empowerment, Self-Awareness, and Self-Respect for women. It's about women building women through their stories and through their determination to live beyond what they lived. It's about setting a level of standards and expectation for yourself and refusing to settle.

My prayer is that someone seeing this will decide to trust God for their marriage as well. Enjoy!


Thank you yodie. I'll be able to watch/listen later tonight.

I just wanted to acknowledge your post. You always bless us with your messages and it is always appreciated. :yep:

ETA: I'm pretty impressed with "IATC". That's right for a T-Shirt. Coral colored shirt with gold letters.
Yodie, this is a beautiful message and testimony. She heard from God and obeyed. 'She ain't that chick to disobey God. :up:

You have powerful ministry Yodie and I thank God for blessing and expanding you. "Your Gift shall make room for you; it shall place you before important men (and women)... those of power whom you will have Godly influence and those who run hurdles to bless you.

Remember how Pharoah blessed Joseph and placed him in a position of authority? God has set those in the 'world's' system, to cherish your 'Gift' and reward you for what you do for them. They will love you and honor your standards in Christ Jesus for your Gift will soothe their souls.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and .......... Amen.

yodie... Your 'Gift'.
Shimmie, thank you so much for that beautiful 'GIFT' of prophetic word. I receive it in His name. To God be ALL the glory and honor. It is certainly not about me. It's about God's people, all of his people, even those that have yet to say yes. As He leads, I will follow. Amen.

I have other episodes of women sharing their stories of triumph over tragedy. In case anyone is interested in viewing. Be blessed! https://www.youtube.com/user/IAintThatChick/videos
@Shimmie, thank you so much for that beautiful 'GIFT' of prophetic word. I receive it in His name. To God be ALL the glory and honor. It is certainly not about me. It's about God's people, all of his people, even those that have yet to say yes. As He leads, I will follow. Amen.

I have other episodes of women sharing their stories of triumph over tragedy. In case anyone is interested in viewing. Be blessed! https://www.youtube.com/user/IAintThatChick/videos

Thank you for these. :yep:

And I noticed your "IATC" logo is AWESOME! It's actually perfect!

Sending you a PM.... I'm on a roll :drunk: