A Valentine's date with God

Divine Inspiration

Well-Known Member
Hello lovely ones :wave:

I wanted to share something with you all, particularly those of you who are single.

I know Valentine's Day is marketed as the day "for lovers" but I think Christians have to approach this from a different angle. While we can show love to those we've been blessed with on earth, we can not forget how much God loves us. HE loves us more than anybody on the planet ever could, and He's been better to us than we know how to be to ourselves. As such, I think we owe Him some quality time each day, especially Valentine's Day.

So I've decided to make a Valentine for God...I'm going to get some construction paper and make a card. In it, I'll list all of the wonderful things He's done for me and how grateful I am. I'm also going to list some of the things He's called me to do so that I'm reminded of my purpose. The "crafts" part of it may not be for everybody, but the point is that we make a point to spend time reflecting on God's love and our love for Him that day. I'm just a creative dork so the chance to do "arta & crafts" is one I seize. :lol:

I'm also planning a date with Him that day. For some reason, I'm always moved by God's spirit when I'm near large bodies of water...almost to the point of tears. So I'm planning to go to the beach and spend some time alone with God...reading the Bible, writing, and meditating. I'm so excited. :D

There's no reason for single ladies to be walking around moping and looking pitiful on Valentine's Day. We've got SO much to be happy about. :)

God bless!

Good idea! I also plan on spending Valentine's Day with GOD...except I planned on fasting and praying:). I feel closest to HIM during a fast.

I really like ur idea tho'...sounds like a romantic date :scratchch . maybe i'll light some scented candles and play my best worship love-songs during my worship time to make it more intimate and Valentine's Day-y ;). I've never really acknowledged CHRIST as my Valentine before but I'm sure this year is going to be the best one I've had yet!:p
Hey Divine Inspiration, I am SO with you on that idea. Thank you for the suggestion! This is great! I am, however, involved with someone, but he is currently deployed to Iraq :( so it will be me and the Lord this year. I love the idea. I am SO in love with Him and I feel that it would be my honor to be able to spend Valentine's Day with the Lover of my soul. I am excited!!!!!!! Wow....what am I gonna wear? :clap: I think I might write some poetry for Him and sing for Him. He always seems to like that....lol. Any other ideas to throw out there ladies???????
All I can say is WOW!!! :eek: :D I love that idea. I am going to spend some quality time to with my Lord. God bless you Divine Inspiration for sharing that wonderful idea with us. :kiss:
Nice idea. My hubby will be on business next week( it's sad and he can't help it, but that dern company has it's meetings on Vday every year), and i'll focus on God as He will never leave or forsake me.
Divine Inspiration said:
Hello lovely ones :wave:

So I've decided to make a Valentine for God...I'm going to get some construction paper and make a card. In it, I'll list all of the wonderful things He's done for me and how grateful I am. I'm also going to list some of the things He's called me to do so that I'm reminded of my purpose. The "crafts" part of it may not be for everybody, but the point is that we make a point to spend time reflecting on God's love and our love for Him that day. I'm just a creative dork so the chance to do "arta & crafts" is one I seize. :lol:

THis is good idea I thing I am going to buy a nice card and write Him a love letter; I usually put things in my journal but this is a good time give Him something prettier. I may buy one of those huge cards and just write all kinds of stuff in it. Thanks for sharing.
Divine Inspiration said:
Hello lovely ones :wave:

I wanted to share something with you all, particularly those of you who are single.

I know Valentine's Day is marketed as the day "for lovers" but I think Christians have to approach this from a different angle. While we can show love to those we've been blessed with on earth, we can not forget how much God loves us. HE loves us more than anybody on the planet ever could, and He's been better to us than we know how to be to ourselves. As such, I think we owe Him some quality time each day, especially Valentine's Day.

So I've decided to make a Valentine for God...I'm going to get some construction paper and make a card. In it, I'll list all of the wonderful things He's done for me and how grateful I am. I'm also going to list some of the things He's called me to do so that I'm reminded of my purpose. The "crafts" part of it may not be for everybody, but the point is that we make a point to spend time reflecting on God's love and our love for Him that day. I'm just a creative dork so the chance to do "arta & crafts" is one I seize. :lol:

I'm also planning a date with Him that day. For some reason, I'm always moved by God's spirit when I'm near large bodies of water...almost to the point of tears. So I'm planning to go to the beach and spend some time alone with God...reading the Bible, writing, and meditating. I'm so excited. :D

There's no reason for single ladies to be walking around moping and looking pitiful on Valentine's Day. We've got SO much to be happy about. :)

God bless!


DI, you are amazing. I am off on Wednesday, so I will be spending some quality time with my Lord and Savior. THANK YOU! :rosebud:
Whomever God has for you is going to be a lucky man.:grin:
crlsweetie912 said:
DI, you are amazing. I am off on Wednesday, so I will be spending some quality time with my Lord and Savior. THANK YOU! :rosebud:
Whomever God has for you is going to be a lucky man.:grin:

:blush: Thank you! You're such a sweetheart. :kiss: You have no idea what that means. Thanks girl. :)
Divine Inspiration said:
:blush: Thank you! You're such a sweetheart. :kiss: You have no idea what that means. Thanks girl. :)

Girl, I know EXACTLY what it means. I am now beginning to appreciate God for allowing me this time in my "singleness" to get to know Him better. It will make us much better women and wives. Everything you want and more is coming your way. You have too beautiful of a heart, spirit and personality for God not to bless you with the desires of your heart!
crlsweetie912 said:
Girl, I know EXACTLY what it means. I am now beginning to appreciate God for allowing me this time in my "singleness" to get to know Him better. It will make us much better women and wives. Everything you want and more is coming your way. You have too beautiful of a heart, spirit and personality for God not to bless you with the desires of your heart!

:yep: Those are powerful words. I was just reading a passage in 1 Peter yesterday that said that a Godly women's beauty should radiate from the inside, and it really spoke to my heart. I felt encouraged because Godly living is not always easy.

I appreciate those words of affirmation. God has big things planned for you too...He seems to really wrap His arms around those who seek Him and pour blessings they don't have room for! I'm excited for all he's doing and will do. :)
Divine Inspiration,

I was just going over past postings and came upon your Valentines's date with God. How did I miss this?

In this day and age, hearing from a REAL, Godly, Christian woman is extremely rare.

One day, you will make some man a very good wife, for God has promised to bless and honor those who honor Him.

There are many "wolves in sheeps clothing" who will try to fool you. But, The Holy Spirit will reveal to you who they are.

May you continue to grow in His Name as you develop into the virtuous woman that our Lord would have you to be.

"Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." KJV