A Trim, Tracks Added... An Update... (Lots of PICS)


New Member

I've been kind of lurking lately because I've been really busy and just have nothing much to add because it would all sound like :blah::blah:. Also I just haven't been feeling ok about my hair lately, because I get obsessive and needed to step back. My uneven trim gave me a little set back and I felt really crumby for playing with the metal devils. I'm getting over it because it's just hair and growing back.

I've realized my nape is a different texture than the rest of my hair. My hair is very fine, and I have thin strands that can be prone to breakage if I'm not careful. Back there, it's 4B, drier, grows a lot slower, and fragile. It needed more moisture and more attention... I failed to realize it early in my journey although I've kinda known this for years - I forgot. So needless to say my nape is about 1-1.5 inches shorter than the rest of my hair. I decided to put in 2 tracks to leave it alone and baby it. Also it helps my hair to look fuller and keeps the rest of my hair off my shoulders.

I had a relaxer at the end of April (11 week stretch). I'm a little upset that my stylist trimmed my hair when I had it relaxed 2 weeks before the pics below. So I had about an inch chopped off... But do remember the trimming mishap I had done myself, so she evened it off a little. So from NOW UNTIL 2009, no more trims.... I'll just do S&D once a month or as needed.

The tracks are also a little longer than my own hair, and it looked really weave like to me, it was LONGER than this pic, so I cut it down a little bit. The flash in this pic is making you see the difference between my hair and the tracks, but I think it's just because of the slight difference in texture and the products after a fresh wash/flat iron. You can't see that much of a difference in person. I'm on the fence about the tracks, I feel like I need it, but on the same token I feel like such a fraud... My stylist said to get over it, everyone does it - even the white girls (ESPECIALLY them). In fact I was in one of my local BSS and a white chick came in asking for hair to add tracks... She didn't even know what to ask for, just knew she wanted them REALLY LONG. And she already had long hair...:look:

Although she trimmed (or CUT in my mind), I still maintained a lot of my length and I'm not at square one, my hair is at least evened out, but I want my V back... I only realized this AFTER I took these pics and saw my actual length, other wise I was freakin out and getting down about it. I thought I was back to around NL... I essentially went from NL to SL since Dec 2007, the start of my journey. I think I'm doing ok... I have a few more pics in my fotki.



In the past my hair used to be REALLY damaged and short in the middle of my scalp. It was always dry and rough and broken off to about 1 inch - sometimes less... It just amazes me now how it's all the same length as the rest of my hair. I used to think the rough broken hair was normal....


Set with Caruso Rollers:


So that's it, my update... Relaxer, tracks, trim, and some progress...
The tracks in the back look really good and blend in very well with the rest of your hair.
Your hair looks gorgeous girl :gorgeous:.
Great progress.
:up: KEEP IT UP!
Thanks so much... I'm still a little self-conscious about the tracks... The texture probably needs to be a little coarser, but it's ok. I don't have my Wagman's hair in or Extensions Plus, this is just Milky Way Saga Brand Remy Hair. Which is really good.. I just never use store bought hair. When I wash/style it, I treat it like my own hair. It gets all the same products and treatment.

Oh also I purchased this:


Andis Tourmaline/Ionic Color Wave Dryer in Gold.

It's awesome so far, I've only used it once and I had washed, dried under a hooded dryer attatchment for it, then blow dried a little bit on warm/low setting. The results of my hair in the red shirt is what I used to get this look. I also lightly flat ironed.

I had to buy this because my Hot Tools Purple Tourmaline Hooded Dryer BROKE!! It stopped working one day, and I've only had it since Dec 2007. The fan stopped working and it smells like smoke when you turn it on. Needless to say I just threw it out. I now use this dryer with a Gold n' Hot Hooded Attachment. It works fine.
You and your hair look great! Your hair looks so healthy and strong. You should just keep doing what you are doing. No worries.
Thanks so much... I'm still a little self-conscious about the tracks... The texture probably needs to be a little coarser, but it's ok. I don't have my Wagman's hair in or Extensions Plus, this is just Milky Way Saga Brand Remy Hair. Which is really good.. I just never use store bought hair. When I wash/style it, I treat it like my own hair. It gets all the same products and treatment.

Oh also I purchased this:


Andis Tourmaline/Ionic Color Wave Dryer in Gold.

It's awesome so far, I've only used it once and I had washed, dried under a hooded dryer attatchment for it, then blow dried a little bit on warm/low setting. The results of my hair in the red shirt is what I used to get this look. I also lightly flat ironed.

I had to buy this because my Hot Tools Purple Tourmaline Hooded Dryer BROKE!! It stopped working one day, and I've only had it since Dec 2007. The fan stopped working and it smells like smoke when you turn it on. Needless to say I just threw it out. I now use this dryer with a Gold n' Hot Hooded Attachment. It works fine.
Don't be, they really look good! And your hair looks great!:lick:
Thanks so much you guys. I'm getting used to them now, and I do actually like it, I'm just so determined to not rely on weaves, but I know the end results will be great and the installation blends well.

The tracks are sewn in, I don't think I'd ever consider glue that is trouble waiting to happen for me. It's easy to take care of, the hair is Remy hair so it's of good quality and doesn't tangle or mat up.

Caruso rollers are my FAVORITE things! I have the travel size unit:

It comes with 14 rollers of different sizes (I just ordered 20 more from Ebay, lol). I just set them in like a roller set. Sometimes I roll them down, sometimes up toward my scalp. When I take them out, I pull them downward or unspiral them from the roller so that the spiral shape is maintained. I flip my head upside down and sake the curls loose a bit. And then I'm all set to go...

Sometimes I'll put the rollers in at night and hold it down with my satin bonnet, it's annoying but I have days where I wake up at 4 or 5 am and don't feel like doing it then. Sometimes I just put them in when I first get up and let them set for 10 mins and I'm ready to just shake and go before leaving the house. The curls do last all day, and they even last in humidity which is kinda weird. They fall just a bit, but still maintain their shape more than if I used a curling iron.

If I want to do a "quick conditioning treatment" then I'll add a little dab of Humectress to my ends and curl. My hair comes out SUPER moisturized afterwards. I feel like I don't have a huge need to use a moisturizer specifically because of the slight changes I've made in my regimen (including using Giovanni Smooth as Silk Deeper Moisturizing Conditioner for my DC).
Thanks so much you guys. I'm getting used to them now, and I do actually like it, I'm just so determined to not rely on weaves, but I know the end results will be great and the installation blends well.

The tracks are sewn in, I don't think I'd ever consider glue that is trouble waiting to happen for me. It's easy to take care of, the hair is Remy hair so it's of good quality and doesn't tangle or mat up.

Caruso rollers are my FAVORITE things! I have the travel size unit:

It comes with 14 rollers of different sizes (I just ordered 20 more from Ebay, lol). I just set them in like a roller set. Sometimes I roll them down, sometimes up toward my scalp. When I take them out, I pull them downward or unspiral them from the roller so that the spiral shape is maintained. I flip my head upside down and sake the curls loose a bit. And then I'm all set to go...

Sometimes I'll put the rollers in at night and hold it down with my satin bonnet, it's annoying but I have days where I wake up at 4 or 5 am and don't feel like doing it then. Sometimes I just put them in when I first get up and let them set for 10 mins and I'm ready to just shake and go before leaving the house. The curls do last all day, and they even last in humidity which is kinda weird. They fall just a bit, but still maintain their shape more than if I used a curling iron.

If I want to do a "quick conditioning treatment" then I'll add a little dab of Humectress to my ends and curl. My hair comes out SUPER moisturized afterwards. I feel like I don't have a huge need to use a moisturizer specifically because of the slight changes I've made in my regimen (including using Giovanni Smooth as Silk Deeper Moisturizing Conditioner for my DC).

Giovanni smooth as silk you say.....Interesting:yep:
The tracks in the back look really good and blend in very well with the rest of your hair.
Your hair looks gorgeous girl :gorgeous:.
Great progress.
:up: KEEP IT UP!

I agree. It just looks like your hair is cut in layers. I wouldn't have known you had tracks if you hadn't said sumthin' :)!
In the past my hair used to be REALLY damaged and short in the middle of my scalp. It was always dry and rough and broken off to about 1 inch - sometimes less... It just amazes me now how it's all the same length as the rest of my hair. I used to think the rough broken hair was normal....

You hair looks really healthy. What did you do to get the middle to grow? I have problems with this area.

You hair looks really healthy. What did you do to get the middle to grow? I have problems with this area.


Yes...I wanna know to cuz I still have problems with this? :perplexed:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: Looks like you got the remedy down pat, your hair looks fab. :grin: Please share...
Your hair looks good!!!! Do not worry about the tracks, you can't even tell!!! I like the last picture too!!!!! I love the flower in the hair look.
Well basically the thing that grew it back really was just leaving it alone. I wore my hair up in weaves for 2 years (I was even natural at that point too during this process). I didn't even care for it as closely as I should have because I didn't have the knowledge that I have now. My nape will benefit now too because of the info from this site and other sources.

Overall what has kept it on my head - and keeps it from breaking - is just constant moisture and care. I always DC my hair after I wash, I co-wash from time to time, and just make sure that I pay attention to my hair overall. Also I stopped relaxing myself which I think was part of the problem because I didn't know what the heck I was doing. I would attempt it now though since I know what and what not to do. The texture of that area seems different too whereas before the scalp was ALWAYS really tender and the hair was brillo pad rough (NO joke :nono:). Now it's the same as the rest of my hair - fine and soft overall. So the magic method = moisture, moisture, moisture... For me at least.

GymFreak -
Girl we've had that whole "cones are ok" my hair loves cones convo before... And it's not until now that I think that at least for my DC, my hair needs a cone-free conditioner! I realized from my nape that my hair wasn't getting the moisture it fully needed. Plus I kept hearing about how your DC should have low cones for easier penetration to the hair shaft. So I decided to try something new, a different approach... I couldn't have made a better decision. My hair is ALWAYS LIKE BUTTER now... So freakin smooth it's ridiculous. Again, I don't even need to worry about daily moisture, I don't think I need it. I still have my cone conditioners, but I use them for my second wash during the week where I don't DC - I usually wash with Nexxus Therappe and then put in Humectress or an HE conditioner, cover with a shower cap, and do the shower business stuff while my hair gets to seep under the steam from the water. I let it sit in for about 5-10 mins and rinse.
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Your hair looks good!!!! Do not worry about the tracks, you can't even tell!!! I like the last picture too!!!!! I love the flower in the hair look.

Thanks so much! I know I've got to keep it all on point because you never know when one of y'all LCHF chicks are all up in my scalp on the subway inspecting... lol:lachen:

Hell I do it too....:look:
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Your hair looks so beautiful!!!!! It looks healthy too. That track is undetectable too :sekret:. Love, love, LOVE your caruso set as well!
GymFreak -
Girl we've had that whole "cones are ok" my hair loves cones convo before... And it's not until now that I think that at least for my DC, my hair needs a cone-free conditioner! I realized from my nape that my hair wasn't getting the moisture it fully needed. Plus I kept hearing about how your DC should have low cones for easier penetration to the hair shaft. So I decided to try something new, a different approach... I couldn't have made a better decision. My hair is ALWAYS LIKE BUTTER now... So freakin smooth it's ridiculous. Again, I don't even need to worry about daily moisture, I don't think I need it. I still have my cone conditioners, but I use them for my second wash during the week where I don't DC - I usually wash with Nexxus Therappe and then put in Humectress or an HE conditioner, cover with a shower cap, and do the shower business stuff while my hair gets to seep under the steam from the water. I let it sit in for about 5-10 mins and rinse.

This is why I love Kenra MC right now too :yep: I just added the giovanni in my cart at amazon so I will give it a try soon so thanks for that suggestion.
Hey Foxie!!!

I really like it!!! Your stylist did a great job, the texture is a great match.

I was thinking about doing this to my hair because it's really thin and I want more fullness.

And you shouldn't feel like a fraud. At any given time you can take those tracks out and have a beautiful head of healthy hair. (That's what counts)

So just enjoy this little rest while the nape of your head gets strong & healthy and catches up with the rest.

I always look forward to reading your updates.

Stay Savvy!
Thanks so much you guys :-)! I'm going to keep doing tracks for the back until my nape really catches up, so I'll definitely get used to it.

I realize that since putting them in I see significantly even less breakage with the hair that's left out. So this is a good thing.