A totally weird (but funny) thought...


So now that I'm dedicated to caring for my natural hair properly, I'm beyond anxious to grow it out (last head shave 9/27)... I'm still a bit under an inch, though...so it's difficult to tell what I'm dealing with at this point. Anyway, occasionally I'll grow a single long hair in the weirdest places, like my elbow, or my forehead (haha)... the other day, I found one smack in the middle of my neck. My dear boyfriend plucked it out for me. It was the most gloriously thick, perfectly curly-cue strand of hair. Then I had a thought:

"Dear God, I hope I grow the same hair outta my head that I grow outta my neck!" :lachen:

I wanted to keep it for inspiration! Seriously, ya'll...if I could multiply that sucka by a million, I'd be good to go!!
So now that I'm dedicated to caring for my natural hair properly, I'm beyond anxious to grow it out (last head shave 9/27)... I'm still a bit under an inch, though...so it's difficult to tell what I'm dealing with at this point. Anyway, occasionally I'll grow a single long hair in the weirdest places, like my elbow, or my forehead (haha)... the other day, I found one smack in the middle of my neck. My dear boyfriend plucked it out for me. It was the most gloriously thick, perfectly curly-cue strand of hair. Then I had a thought:

"Dear God, I hope I grow the same hair outta my head that I grow outta my neck!" :lachen:

I wanted to keep it for inspiration! Seriously, ya'll...if I could multiply that sucka by a million, I'd be good to go!!

Lol! I know what you mean, I get one or two blonde ones that grow out of my cheek sometimes..hehe Those suckas are hard to pluck out also.