A Totally Dry Press In Totally Dry Vegas!


New Member
/images/graemlins/wave.gif Hey ya'll

just wanted to check in with an update.....

first, I went to vegas about a week ago, and before I went I did a press on totally dry hair , thats right , dry hair as in absolutley no product added, crazy huh? ....that's how my hairdresser always did it , and then he would add some light type of oil later. I have to say it was one of the best presses I have ever done!!!! It was a little more difficult to get it totally straight though....but then i pulled out my Jilbere flat iron (first time using one) and went through it section by section on the highest heat setting (i must be crazy) and walla!!! totally straight hair (although my hand hurt from pressing it together)......all i did was add a little kemi oil and Aveda emolliant to my finished hair and it was on and poppin ya'll. hair looked as good as when my hairdresser did it!!!! took my butt to vegas and had the most worry free hair do eva!!! man i love that dry weather there..not a frizz , boof or poof in sight!!

No delay , here are the pics.....with my crazy friends

on a side note , i havent been around much cause i had been dragging so much....no umph , no energy, went to the doc ....found out i have low cortisol and my thyroid had been actin up (she knew , cause it was swollen although the levels came back normal) i was feelin so crazy...hot and jumpin out of my sleep, and exhausted, heart beatin fast , just terrible. and hmmmm the thryoid explains my weight loss ...dropped all the way down to 140 without even tryin hehehe. happy about that and everything but dang, im kinda tripppin cause both cortisol and thryoid can effect the hair!!!

/images/graemlins/whyme.gif noooooooo!!!!
pray for me ya'll!!

miss you all /images/graemlins/kiss.gif

Your hair looks great!

I'll pray that you feel better and that your doc can get your thyroid under control.
Your hair looks great and I love your dress. I used to get a dry press, when I went to a stylist and I really liked it. I hope everything works out well for you and your health and I'll say a prayer for you. /images/graemlins/angel.gif
dropped all the way down to 140 without even tryin hehehe.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hate you so much.

LOL Just kidding! /images/graemlins/kiss.gif I'm glad you're feeling better. Great hair as usual. /images/graemlins/up.gif You were driving the men crazy!
Your hair looks fantastic and I can tell you had a great time in Vegas! I am praying for your health. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thank you webby

whats weird is my thyroid was going hyper due to thyroiditis but by the time i got to the doc and got tested it had settled back down. I was miserable. i still have the low cortisol and im still dragging and zapped. but they have me taking some so i should get some relief soon i hope.
thank you kitchen_tician

yeah girl , i was always scared to do a dry press dont know what made me so brave this time, but I liked it alot! thank you for your prayers , both you and webby /images/graemlins/Rose.gif
dropped all the way down to 140 without even tryin hehehe.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hate you so much.

LOL Just kidding! /images/graemlins/kiss.gif I'm glad you're feeling better. Great hair as usual. /images/graemlins/up.gif You were driving the men crazy!

[/ QUOTE ] hahaha i can always count on you to have me laughin girl. thank you girlie

dont hate me too soon chile.... cause the thyroid went back to normal, i think that might mean the weight is coming back *sigh* we shall see. I never go under 150 trying my hardest, so i guess i shall enjoy the 140 while it lasts.....and girl all them mens are already crazy on their own.... you know??...that testosterone thing??. lol, nah they are all real cool guys just plain sweethearts.
thank you renee_n_3000

girl i did have a good time, but man was i suffering at times, pushing myself while i was so zapped. i know some of the pics show how tired i was lol...but it was worth it. (although i didnt feel like it was most of the time lol) , thank you for the prayers girlie /images/graemlins/Rose.gif

Im taking all my vitamins again faithfully and making sure i get rested up. cortisol is the stress hormone I hear.....and i dont have enough of it...not good. Its like having addisons disease , only its secondary because it was brought on by asthma medication i have taken that contained cortisol...caused my adrenal gland to not produce it and be surpressed and the answer is to take more?? wow ....a vicious cycle really. so im very thankfull for your prayers....
Irresistible, so sorry you're poorly. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Oh yeah, praying too.

Now about your press. I am thrilled to hear I'm not the only nut around. I pressed my hair for the first time since August 2001 using a Jilbere flat iron too; dry first then products later. /images/graemlins/grin.gif (Great minds think alike, huh? /images/graemlins/wink.gif ) And like you, I had difficulty getting it as straight as I wanted the first time. Was better second time around. Yes, I'm crazier than you coz I tried it again the following weekend after washing my hair. /images/graemlins/nuts.gif

But that's about where the similarity ends, and this could even affect the friendship. I do hate how yours looks a little different from mine. /images/graemlins/mad.gif The waves, the length, the thickness.... Why am I even talking to you? /images/graemlins/covereyes.gif
Irresistible, so sorry you're poorly. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Oh yeah, praying too.

Now about your press. I am thrilled to hear I'm not the only nut around. I pressed my hair for the first time since August 2001 using a Jilbere flat iron too; dry first then products later. /images/graemlins/grin.gif (Great minds think alike, huh? /images/graemlins/wink.gif ) And like you, I had difficulty getting it as straight as I wanted the first time. Was better second time around. Yes, I'm crazier than you coz I tried it again the following weekend after washing my hair. /images/graemlins/nuts.gif

But that's about where the similarity ends, and this could even affect the friendship. I do hate how yours looks a little different from mine. /images/graemlins/mad.gif The waves, the length, the thickness.... Why am I even talking to you? /images/graemlins/covereyes.gif

[/ QUOTE ] /images/graemlins/rofl.gif hahaha you got me dyin ova here Nonie with your crazy butt!! U kill me and me loves U /images/graemlins/kiss.gif
Thank you ladies@ msportugal and blue_flower! /images/graemlins/Rose.gif

Its gonna take some time...this I know. probably wont be around as much as i used to for a little while still....but who knows, we will see how it goes...just keeping my faith is my main focus. I know it will get me through.....