A Stretchers Vent....


Well-Known Member
Don't you just HATE it when you are stretching, and you are trying to plan when is the best time to get your touch-up BUT you have certain important events on your calendar that you want to look good for, so it throws your stretching calendar off? Ugh! :mad: I am currently about 14weeks post (my first time, yay!) and I know i need my touch-up like yesterday, but I have my husbands birthday cookout coming up in mid-Sept (7wks), so i want to have a fresh relaxer then... And PLUS then there is a family function in early Oct (9wks). Not to mention B'Ham Classic late Oct(11wks). Plus thanksgiving... whew.... :look: I mean what's a girl to do?? :perplexed I gotta plan this carefully cause i dont want to be a hot mess during these special events...

Any other Stretchers feel my pain? What special events are you planning your touch-ups around?
I feel this way about redoing my weave!

It never fails that the weekend I plan to remove the old and get a new one - there is some "social" event to go to that I need to look my best for -- I just decided to wear a wig.:cool:

I've been get compliments on my curls since Saturday! :D
OOOO YESSS!!! I think you read my mind!!. I've been sittin here at about 8 weeks post, but due to MN and Jamaican Black Castor oil..its feels and looks like 12 :eek:. I have a trip to DC on the 18th of this month. Then another event in mid September. Im in trouble. My problem is making my hair look neat. Especially my "crunchy" roots along the edges/back/front of my head. My "kitchen" is out of control. Its all peezy LOL. I wanna relax soooo badly at this point but my shedding has virtually stopped and I wanna see how long I can stretch.
Dang, I just do it when it seems convenient. But then again, I like my hair better after I have had a chance to wash it a couple of times post relaxer. So, I try to relax the week when I DON'T have anything going on so that I can get at least one "wash day" in there. . .

If I REALLY need my hair to look great and I'm at close but not quite at week 12, I rollerset and airdry for that straight, smooth bouncy look that I can achieve with wetset even at 10 or 11 weeks post relaxer. . .
Well I've been blowdrying and flatironing like a MADWOMAN so that I can relax maybe in about 2 more weeks, because i was aiming to be only 5wks post for my hubbys party. But i throw in the towel....I'm going for my touchup within the next 2 or 3 days...
To the OP: if you're planning a stretch and some events don't mesh with it, why don't you just get a Dominican blowout? Yes, heat will be put on your hair, but if the events are far between eachother, a blowout every 1-2 months shouldn't be detrimental to your hair.... :look:

I love blowouts! I always look like I've had a fresh relaxer, even though I might be 10-12 weeks post! I went to a wedding last month, and it didn't coincide with my touch-up, so I just went to the salon and got my hair done.
Yes and its driving me crazy. I got a serious fro under all this relaxed hair (sigh). So, I'm trying to hold out until 8/20 but I may very well not make it.

bklynwildheart said:
To the OP: if you're planning a stretch and some events don't mesh with it, why don't you just get a Dominican blowout? Yes, heat will be put on your hair, but if the events are far between eachother, a blowout every 1-2 months shouldn't be detrimental to your hair.... :look:

I love blowouts! I always look like I've had a fresh relaxer, even though I might be 10-12 weeks post! I went to a wedding last month, and it didn't coincide with my touch-up, so I just went to the salon and got my hair done.

Exactly what I was going to say. DBO have been my saving grace during my stretching. I only do them when I have an event coming up but it's too early to touch up or when I just want nice body in my stretched relaxer. I just came out of a 10 month transition, so DBO were great then too!
Mizani_Mrs said:
Don't you just HATE it when you are stretching, and you are trying to plan when is the best time to get your touch-up BUT you have certain important events on your calendar that you want to look good for, so it throws your stretching calendar off? Ugh! :mad: I am currently about 14weeks post (my first time, yay!) and I know i need my touch-up like yesterday, but I have my husbands birthday cookout coming up in mid-Sept (7wks), so i want to have a fresh relaxer then... And PLUS then there is a family function in early Oct (9wks). Not to mention B'Ham Classic late Oct(11wks). Plus thanksgiving... whew.... :look: I mean what's a girl to do?? :perplexed I gotta plan this carefully cause i dont want to be a hot mess during these special events...

Any other Stretchers feel my pain? What special events are you planning your touch-ups around?

Yes I feel ur pain!!!!!!! Thank God for my weave...I don't have to worry about this that much anymore. But a before this I would be exactly where you are calculating when I would get a relaxer and how it would affect my social life.

Anyway I would pick the event that's most important to you and schedule yourself around that. Mind you it's easier to deal with flatiron new growth in the fall in my opinion because you don't have to worry about the humidity. I would relax your hair for your husbands birthday, since september can still be quite warm and humid. Then flatiron your roots for the events in October and November. You generally won't have to worry about them reverting when you step outside (unless it's raining :perplexed ).
I don't stretch, but I still have this problem. Sometimes events that I want to have a fresh relaxer for just come too many weeks before touchup time.

I guess it would be worse if I stretched, but even at 8 weeks, my hair is hard to deal with.
you've been reading my mind! I have a trip to Daytona 9/23 and my hair doesn't want to wait that long. I am 7 wks post and I'm thinking about splitting the difference - relaxing the end of August.

Even my wig is riding high with this new growth:grin: :grin:
I am SO feeling you on this matter!!!! I hate it, especially since the holidays are coming around!! I AM TERRIFIED!!! Hopefully Keracare will continue to be my life saver since it performed so well last weekend!!!!!
I stretch anyway but I always plan my relaxers around important events like going to a function vacation etc. Some events are more important than others. It normally works out the way I want it too with alot too much juggling of the dates.
Thanks Brklyn, for the suggestion. it actually is a good fix if I wasn't AFRAID of DBO's. Yes, AFRAID!!! There's no way i'm letting some chick rake thru my hair with a fine-toothed comb. And burn my already dry hair. maybe when my hair is freshly relaxed but not at 14 weeks post. But i do pretty good managing it. I do something similiar to a DBO. but i am much gentler. i basically just detangle my hair in sections and then gently comb with a finetoothed comb and then blowdry while holding my roots and hair taught. This helps me eliminate poofiness and naps and gets my hair somewhat straight. But lately ive been missing my relaxed- looking hair. oh well...can't have my cake and eat it too...

bklynwildheart said:
To the OP: if you're planning a stretch and some events don't mesh with it, why don't you just get a Dominican blowout? Yes, heat will be put on your hair, but if the events are far between eachother, a blowout every 1-2 months shouldn't be detrimental to your hair.... :look:

I love blowouts! I always look like I've had a fresh relaxer, even though I might be 10-12 weeks post! I went to a wedding last month, and it didn't coincide with my touch-up, so I just went to the salon and got my hair done.
I'm about 12 weeks post and I want to relax sooo bad. But school starts at the end of August. I don't know how I'm going to make it. I'm not shedding and I see no breakage but these two textures are killing me! Starting next year I want to relax at the beginning of every season but I don't know cause when school starts in august I want to have my hair with a fresh relaxer. I'll have to figure something out.