A Secret To Hair Growth...Sulfur & Oils???

Nappyme said:
MSM made me break out something terrible.

This is why I stopped taking it. I wasn't taking it for hair, it was in conjuction with glucosamine and chondrotin to help with an ankle problem and my face was terrible. I recently strained my shoulder muscles and I want to take MSM to help but I am afraid of the breakouts, since my face is kind of okay right now in terms of the amount of breakouts.
Nappyme said:
MSM made me break out something terrible.

Ok now that you mention it, I am starting to break out and I can't for the life of me figure it out. I haven't added anything new to my regimen or routine. I thought it was the Cod Liver oil supplements so I stopped taking them. But I wonder if the MSM is finally taking a toll on me and my face is suffering for it. Maybe I'll lay off for awhile and see if that works. My order of L-Cysteine should be here tomorrow so I won't know if that's an extra problem or not.

HAH the drama...... :ohwell:
Justicewifey said:
Ok now that you mention it, I am starting to break out and I can't for the life of me figure it out. I haven't added anything new to my regimen or routine. I thought it was the Cod Liver oil supplements so I stopped taking them. But I wonder if the MSM is finally taking a toll on me and my face is suffering for it. Maybe I'll lay off for awhile and see if that works. My order of L-Cysteine should be here tomorrow so I won't know if that's an extra problem or not.

HAH the drama...... :ohwell:
Cod Liver Oil is beneficial to your skin!!!
I should preface with ...I am not a doctor :-)

1) How much are you taking.....and in what increments....ie did you start at max dosage or did you step up.

2) I'll have to find the link...I'm pretty sure I posted somewhere else..but it cleanses your system....thats why you are breaking out....it did not say how much water.

3) Also what brand are you taking...is it Lignuisal (sp?)

******runs off to dig up more info.

I haven't had any issues...but then again my skin is so jacked I wouldn't really notice...lol. I'm getting some powder soon and plan on ramping up my dosage...to help with carpal tunnel so I will monitor my skin reaction.
senimoni said:
I should preface with ...I am not a doctor :-)

1) How much are you taking.....and in what increments....ie did you start at max dosage or did you step up.

2) I'll have to find the link...I'm pretty sure I posted somewhere else..but it cleanses your system....thats why you are breaking out....it did not say how much water.

3) Also what brand are you taking...is it Lignuisal (sp?)

******runs off to dig up more info.

I haven't had any issues...but then again my skin is so jacked I wouldn't really notice...lol. I'm getting some powder soon and plan on ramping up my dosage...to help with carpal tunnel so I will monitor my skin reaction.

I have gotten little pimples on my forehead. I was using it in GNC nourishahr but that vitamin started to make me sick, so I started taking it alone -- I have been taking GNC 1000 MG capsules once a day.
senimoni said:
I should preface with ...I am not a doctor :-)

1) How much are you taking.....and in what increments....ie did you start at max dosage or did you step up.

2) I'll have to find the link...I'm pretty sure I posted somewhere else..but it cleanses your system....thats why you are breaking out....it did not say how much water.

3) Also what brand are you taking...is it Lignuisal (sp?)

******runs off to dig up more info.

I haven't had any issues...but then again my skin is so jacked I wouldn't really notice...lol. I'm getting some powder soon and plan on ramping up my dosage...to help with carpal tunnel so I will monitor my skin reaction.

hey Senimoni, I don't know if you directed this to me, but I'd like your opinion... :)

1. I was taking 1000mg (?) for the longest then I upped it and started taking 1 twice a day.... it says on the bottle take two 2x a day but I only started half. Maybe 1 is enough for me..

2. I will admit I don't drink enough water as I should. But like I said, I've been taking MSM for almost a year. That's still no excuse, I need to drink MORE water period.

3. The first order I went through was Puritan's Pride. This one very recently is Sundown I think it's called. I'm at work so I don't have the bottle in front of me. Maybe the brand is the cause?

Also, adding that I thought Cod Liver oil was good for my hair but that was the only new vitamin I added so I figured I'd stop. I'll start back on that again and increase my water intake.
Hey, i just wanted to add, that I've been taking ALOT of msm, for various reasons ( i want my skin to heal better, since i have really really bad eczema)
plus my biotin and my evening primrose (also for eczema)

Yeah, the msm made be breakout on my forhead something fierce. (Jan2005)
I think it was the combination of the msm and the evening primrose. It was bad for a month, but now everything's cleared up. I also started drinking alot of water to clear everything out. My face has gotten alot clearer.

My advice? Don't be scared of the msm/breakouts. it gets better!!
I will comment later...when I get home from work....but I thought I would post this.

FAQ Page

What is MSM?
MSM is a natural organic sulfur compound. It occurs naturally in the foods we eat, but often disappears or is significantly depleted because of the processing done to our foods.

If it's a sulfur compound, can I take it if I'm allergic to sulfa drugs?
Sulfa drugs are a different family of products. No one has been verified to be allergic to MSM. Also, since MSM is necessary for life the same as water is, it would be like being allergic to water, which of course no one is.

How much MSM do I take?
We always recommend starting at a low level of between 500 and 1000 mg (eighth to a quarter teaspoon) per day. Stay at that level for about a week and then add another 500 to 1000 mg per day and stay at that level for a week. Continue in the same way for several weeks never adding more than 2000 mg (half teaspoon) at one time, until you are taking between 6 and 8 teaspoons per day. This high level makes up for the years of deficiency that your body has experienced. Then reduce the amount to a maintenance level for whatever works for you. This is a balance between addressing what you want to address and being able to sleep as well as you would like at night. For most people the maintenance level is between 1 and 2 teaspoons (4000 to 8000 mg) per day. Always drink LOTS of water when starting on MSM or when increasing the amount you are taking.

How many milligrams of MSM are in a teaspoon?
There are about 4000 mg (or 4 grams) of MSM in a measured level teaspoon.

I've heard about patented MSM. Is yours patented? What are these patents?
The patent issue is currently a hot topic as one manufacturer (Cardinal Nutrition) pays royalties to MSM Investments Company, LLC which is the current patent holder, and the other (Carolwood Corporation) does not, claiming that the existing patents have either expired or are invalid (and won a court case in August 2001 in that regard). Note that neither manufacturer is the patent holder. A list of the patents and their full text is here.

What is detox?

MSM enables your cells and tissues to release toxins that have built up over the years. Apparently sulfur is a vital part of our waste management system, and if we have not had enough of it our bodies were not able to release some of the waste substances. If you take too much MSM, your body will release too much waste at one time for your kidneys and liver to handle. This waste in your blood stream can cause all kinds of problems ranging from flu-like symptoms to re-experiencing the effects of drugs that you have taken in the past. For example, heavy caffiene users may feel extra-jittery. The key to reducing or eliminating detox symptoms is to start on MSM slowly so that the waste in your tissues is released slowly and to drink lots of water so that the released toxins will be flushed out of your body quickly.

What do I do if detox symptoms happen anyway?

If the symptoms are not bad, you may just want to tough it out. They should go away in a few days. Be sure to increase your water intake--for most people this would be double the amount of water that they normally drink. If the symptoms are severe, cut back on the MSM and take baths with water hot enough to make you sweat, but not so hot that you might pass out. Limit the baths to 20 minutes in length. You may find it helpful to add ONE of the following to the bath water and perhaps alternating between these items for different baths: a cup of vinegar, a cup of baking soda, a cup of epsom salts, a half cup of chlorine bleach. These substances each help leach out diffent toxins through your skin.

Is MSM the same as DMSO?
Although they are related, MSM has one more oxygen atom than DMSO does and that difference makes it a significantly different substance. Another example of a difference of adding an oxygen atom can be seen by comparing carbon monoxide (a deadly gas) with carbon dioxide (a harmless gas).

Where does your MSM come from?
MSM is made in two different ways ending up with the exact same end product: MSM. Click here for a detailed description of the MSM manufacturing process. Use your "back" button to come back to the FAQ page.

What brand is your MSM?
We offer MSM made by BOTH of the major US MSM manufacturers. Any price differences between the two brands reflects the difference we pay each of the suppliers. For more information about the two brands of MSM, click here. Use your "back" button to come back to the FAQ page.

I have arthritis. What works?
In The Miracle of MSM - The Natural Solution for Pain, the doctors that wrote the book used MSM in their medical practices for arthritis patients. They found that when MSM was combined with 1500 mg of glucosamine each day that it provided more pain relief than either the MSM or glucosamine alone. They did not find that chondroitin provided substantially any more relief. However, a recent article in a popular consumer magazine cited several studies where both glucosamine and chondroitin were found to provide substantial benefits when used alone. There is currently a major study being conducted to see if both glucosamine and chondroitin combined provide more benefit than either one alone. One of the glucosamine studies found measurable differences in the x-rays between the glucosamine group and the control (non-glucosamine) group which provides much more subjective evidence that glucosamine produces substantial benefits to those taking it. Again, remember that in clinical use it was found that MSM and glucosamine used together provided the most relief.

What is glucosamine?
Glucosamine is an amino acid that is used in the formation of cartilage. It can only be obtained in a combined salt form such as glucosamine hydrochloride or glucosamine sulfate. Glucosamine is usually derived from crab shells. Although no one has been identified as being allergic to glucosamine, those that are allergic to shellfish should use caution.

What is chondroitin?
Chondroitin is a carbohydrate found in cartilage. It is usually derived from cow cartilage although there are other sources that use shark, chicken, or pig cartilage. It is also available only in a combined salt form as in chondroitin sulphate.

What is Ester-C?
Ester-C is a non-acidic time-release form of Vitamin C that has more bio-availability than regular ascorbic acid. It is more expensive than regular Vitamin C, but has more benefits. Beside having no acid and being time-release, you also get some dietary calcium from it.

Why is Vitamin C suggested when using MSM?
MSM promotes healing and healing involves forming new cells. Vitamin C is a required raw material in forming healthy new cells. Yes, other raw materials are also required and each of us should be eating properly or taking the proper supplements. A recent study found that at least a quarter of us are deficient in Vitamin C to start with. While this deficiency is not enough to cause scurvy, it did cause several other problems including weak immune systems and fatigue. If we are already deficient in Vitamin C and we need more when we are healing, then most of us need to supplement with more Vitamin C.

How much Vitamin C should I take?
We recommend taking 1000 mg for each teaspoon (4000 mg) of MSM taken up to a maximum of 3000 mg of Vitamin C daily.
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Justicewifey said:
hey Senimoni, I don't know if you directed this to me, but I'd like your opinion... :)

1. I was taking 1000mg (?) for the longest then I upped it and started taking 1 twice a day.... it says on the bottle take two 2x a day but I only started half. Maybe 1 is enough for me..

When did you start to have symptoms....from the beginning or after the increase.

2. I will admit I don't drink enough water as I should. But like I said, I've been taking MSM for almost a year. That's still no excuse, I need to drink MORE water period.

I should really tell you off here but oh yeah I only get about 30 ozs if I'm lucky.

3. The first order I went through was Puritan's Pride. This one very recently is Sundown I think it's called. I'm at work so I don't have the bottle in front of me. Maybe the brand is the cause?

I would say you at the very least need to get one of the BRAND NAME either liguisnal or optiMSM brands. I don't know the purity of the other brands.

Are you taking Vitamin C?

Also, adding that I thought Cod Liver oil was good for my hair but that was the only new vitamin I added so I figured I'd stop. I'll start back on that again and increase my water intake.
Not sure about this.....
Re: A Secret To Hair Growth...Sulfur???

Poohbear said:
No. Someone posted it on an old yahoo BHSGO forum. ;)

no it was posted here. i remember, in 2003. the wowan kept having headaches. she wore lots of head wraps. and i think her sister was involved in this too somehow.
senimoni said:
1. I was taking 1000mg (?) for the longest then I upped it and started taking 1 twice a day.... it says on the bottle take two 2x a day but I only started half. Maybe 1 is enough for me..

When did you start to have symptoms....from the beginning or after the increase.
It had to be after the increase that it started. I guess I better stick with my regular dosage, huh? :huh:

2. I will admit I don't drink enough water as I should. But like I said, I've been taking MSM for almost a year. That's still no excuse, I need to drink MORE water period.

I should really tell you off here but oh yeah I only get about 30 ozs if I'm lucky.
Me, too. So maybe we should challenge each other to drink more water :cheers:

3. The first order I went through was Puritan's Pride. This one very recently is Sundown I think it's called. I'm at work so I don't have the bottle in front of me. Maybe the brand is the cause?

I would say you at the very least need to get one of the BRAND NAME either liguisnal or optiMSM brands. I don't know the purity of the other brands.

I had no idea about brand names.... thought they were all the same. Should I check Vitamins.com or some other place for them? If I haven't been taking pure MSM, I feel so defeated
Please tell me where I can get the brand name.

Are you taking Vitamin C?
On and off, I planned on taking it religously with the L-Cysteine vits.

Also, adding that I thought Cod Liver oil was good for my hair but that was the only new vitamin I added so I figured I'd stop. I'll start back on that again and increase my water intake.
Not sure about this.....

Thank you Senimoni and others who said this should pass. I think you're right and I won't worry about it.... too much :look:
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I experienced severe breakouts with MSM. It was probably detoxifying my body but I pay too much to a doctor to keep my skin clear. I have started drinking more water lately, maybe that would help with the breakouts caused by MSM.
Ladies that use Sulfur 8...does it really help increase hair growth? I have some, but I haven't been oiling my scalp a lately (like within the last 3 months). I am thinking of going back to using it, and greasing my scalp every other night (too lazy to do it every night), and doing my usual daily CO washes. TIA!

P.S. I thought of using Glover's since its more liquidy, but I DO NOT use any products with mineral oil in my hair now that I know better, so I've been avoiding it. I feel more comfy with the Sulfur 8.
angelbaby said:
I experienced severe breakouts with MSM. It was probably detoxifying my body but I pay too much to a doctor to keep my skin clear. I have started drinking more water lately, maybe that would help with the breakouts caused by MSM.
My skin has also been breaking out too with this stuff. But my new growth is so much more easy to manage. Oh well, what's a gal to do.
Jewell said:
Ladies that use Sulfur 8...does it really help increase hair growth? I have some, but I haven't been oiling my scalp a lately (like within the last 3 months). I am thinking of going back to using it, and greasing my scalp every other night (too lazy to do it every night), and doing my usual daily CO washes. TIA!

P.S. I thought of using Glover's since its more liquidy, but I DO NOT use any products with mineral oil in my hair now that I know better, so I've been avoiding it. I feel more comfy with the Sulfur 8.
...sulfur 8 has mineral oil in it...
tryn2growmyhair said:
My skin has also been breaking out too with this stuff. But my new growth is so much more easy to manage. Oh well, what's a gal to do.

Yeah, it's probably just the toxins coming out from your body. I know when I first started drinking more water (I barely used to drink water at all), I started breaking out like crazy all over my face with pimples and stuff.

I eventually had to get some proactive to clear up my face and stop the pimples from forming, but now that my body is used to drinking more water, I don't break out anymore.

I think it was the toxins releasing themselves out of my body. It was begining to show on my face.
I wanted to add this from the Longhairlovers about the seven sutherland sisters and what thier mom used to us. "The Early Years The Sisters' mother, Mary, reportedly applied an ointment on the young girls' hair to stimulate growth. Their classmates often complained of the offensive smell." - That could be sulfur.