A Santa Baby's Birthday Hair *Picalicious!*


Well-Known Member
Hey yall so I belatedly celebrated my birthday last night and it was a great time.

My hair is three day old maxiglided hair in these pix the curls are pretty pronounced here because I had it in pin curls three days straight:look:

Sorry no true length check:ohwell: my avie from two months ago is pretty accurate...I may be a bit past that because all people said all night was how much my hair has grown since they last saw me I was really surprised because every time a friend arrived at the lounge it was one of the first things they said...anywhoo here it is!



Trying and failing to show some kinda side length:lachen:


If you look reeeeeally closely you can see my lowest curl is at the bottom of my dress strap but its def not a length check:giggle: oh well...lol
Your body is so trim and love that dress. Love your hair as always, my pincurls never look right on me. Happy belated birthday and merry early Christmas! Can't wait till your next length check because I know you must be retaining alot.
Happy Birthday girl!! You look fab! Now see your hair looks so silky that if I didn't know any better I would have thought it was relaxed lol :lachen::lachen: