A Run of Bad Luck


New Member

In the last two weeks I have met two dudes. Good looking, hard body, nice conversation but..........................they are ex cons. Not just "I did a little sumptin sumptin" or "I was at the wrong place at the wrong time" but, Dude 1, 35 served 15 years for 2nd degree murder and Dude 2, 40 served 15 years because he was a big time distributer of cocaine. WTH is going on? They both spent most of their 20's and early 30's incarcerated

I met one at the mall and the other at the grocery story. I caught their eye and they caught my eye, small talk, gave them my number. Both told me by the second conversation what has gone down in their lives and that obviously it was my decision on where this is going to go. Sorry no thanks guys.

I just want to get in my bed and hide. I attract all types, but this just really got into my head, two ex cons within the last two weeks.
dayum...and I KNOW they were fine....lawd ha merci chile....

don't look at it as a stroke of bad luck. at least you are being approached. i know of a few who aren't being approached at all....look at it that way.

*thinks to self* wonder if they know each other lololol.....
dayum...and I KNOW they were fine....lawd ha merci chile....

don't look at it as a stroke of bad luck. at least you are being approached. i know of a few who aren't being approached at all....look at it that way.

Chile you know some of them brotha fresh out the pen look mightly good, but Thickhair does not get down like that.

I also appreciate the fact that they told me about their past instead of hiding then I find out later. Of course I would be suspect of a person who has not work in the last 15 or so years.
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I feel your frustration. I just crossed out an ex boyfriend from highschool off of my friends list on FB. He was my first..if you know what I mean. That was OVER 20 years ago. Well, since highschool, he has been to prison for sexual molestation and God knows what else.:rolleyes: He, for some reason thought that we were supposed to pick up where we left off from high school....seriously. :perplexed
Dude, you're FRESH out of prison. I have a 3 year old son, a bachelors and a masters degree, so do you REALLY think that I'd give you the time of day on this universe. I would NEVER have my son around you...NE-----VER. :nono: And he had the nerve to get an attitude and get mad with me, when I ignored him and turned him down. Are you CRAZY?:rolleyes:
wow murder is definitely a head turner. Must have been a massive release in your state by your gov to free up some funds
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They probably figured you would google them. Honesty is appreciated. I had a guy tell me he had herpes on our second conversation and my mouth calmly said "I appreciate your honesty, its cool with me because I'm abstaining" but my mind said :whyme:HERPES!!!!!!!! OMG OH EM GEEEE!!!!!!! THANK YOU LORD for this mans honesty!!!!!!!!!!! :lachen::lachen:I stayed friends with him for a min and then let him go. I wasnt going to give him a bad experience and then the next chick wouldnt get told jack because of the way I treated him. I more then likely wouldnt have slept with him anyway because he wasnt my type and I really am abstaining :lachen:
Dude, you're FRESH out of prison. I have a 3 year old son, a bachelors and a masters degree, so do you REALLY think that I'd give you the time of day on this universe.
This is me to the "T" except I don't have a child. I was very nice and cordial to them and they both said cool and if you change your mind give me a call. I didn't even go into my degrees with them and where I work, because as soon as they mentioned "The Pen", I know you do not go to the pen for a misdemeanor. Can you say felon?

I did go out with a guy who did 3 years in the pen over a little sumptin sumptin, but that didn't last too long. He was a cool dude but I was still not over my ex and was trying to get back with him. No longer pining over my ex but I don't want to get back with dude.
wow murder is definitely a head turner. Must have been a massive release in your state by your gov to free up some funds
He committed his crime in another state and he returned to my state the day after he was released. He said he had a 21 year and 8 month sentence and they let him out at 15 because he was well behaved. Ummkay, whatever.