A question for singles


New Member
When was your last date?

Mine? Three years ago. :whipgirl:

I know; it's time to get back out there.:hula:

Anyone esle? Come on; you know you want to get into this discussion.:giggle:
about 2wks ago and I managed to stay awake thru the entire evening. it wasn't that bad but it's been a while since I've been on a date with a guy who gives me butterflies
Last Saturday! :grin:

My advice is to just go out and with the expectation of having a pleasant time, not expecting to bond with your "soul mate" on the first date. Dating is a numbers game, you will meet many before you click with that "special" person.

Good luck!
My last real date was about 2 years ago, everything after that has just been an outing with a good friend or a co-worker definately nothing worthy of being called a date.
Last Friday - it was ok but he talked business non stop. Not sure if I just come off as too professional but I seem to attract business oriented men which is ok - but one workaholic dating another workaholic just does not work. I would like to meet a guy who knows how to take time off and just enjoy life - Oh well:ohwell:
Cant remeber when's the last time i called something a date. i just say oh we hung out. if ol dude is cool and we hang out a few times then we dating.
my last date was about a weekend ago..it was okay but i almost slapped the dude about 2 to 3 times because he would make smart behind remarks....

but yea i dont really consider going out with guys as dates....

what a date is in my book..when im attracted physically and mentally to that person, he has made the arrangements(reservations), comes to pick me up, smelling good and looking nice, and oh has to come with some flowers(thats a definite sign to me that its a date) and i havent found one guy to do that just yet..

so for now i just go out to have a couple of good laughs and try to enjoy it as much as possible....

ive actually started dating more since i moved...last year i probably only went on 2 or 3 dates thru out the entire year...
About three months ago, very cute guy with a list of issues a mile Long. Met him through my sister who worked with him. We wnet on the date on Saturday, this fool went to work that Monday and told my sister I wasn't his type, only to call me later on that night and say he really didn't have his act together to date a woman with positive things going for her. He went on to say he had bad credit, just started paying child support and had no plan to give up smoking. He said he saw himself as a being a burden in my life in his present condition. I said OK and hung up the phone. Now I go out with my male and female friends and I have a great time. Life is good!!!!
I went on a date about a month ago. Dude never calls, ONLY texts me...again emotionally unvavailable. Nice guy but just not emotionally available..story of my life. :sad:
Me too. It's been two years since my last (and only) relationship and I haven't been out with any guy. Let me tell you, it has been a trying time.:nono:

WAW. I'm in the same position as you are, my previous relationship was also my last and only relationship I had.