A question for faithful vaseline users


New Member
Why use vaseline instead of hair grease? Most of them are petroleum based and depending on the brand it may have additional ingredients that vaseline does not have that may be beneficial to the hair such as olive oil, lanolin, coconut oil, carrot oil, and castor oil.
Good point. I've always wondered why people didn't do this. Hollywood Beauty's Castor Oil would make a similar substitution.
I like vaseline better. Sometimes all of the additional substances that hair grease has tend to leave more buildup that regular vaseline (my own experience). Plus because the grease is mainly petroleum based, you probably wont notice the other effects of the oils because they only add a drop if any to them, IMO they just help with the fragrance. I think thats why a lot of people like to use the oils alone.
I think some people do substitute grease. But for some Vaseline might be cheaper and have less of a scent considering the amount and frequency of use. Plus you can find it anywhere. It probably comes down to personal preference.
Well I started the vaseline for seven days thing on sunday and by tuesday realized it wasnt for me. I was combing out so much hair, did anyone else have this problem. I am using surge and it was working great on sheading but then the vaseline my hair was just coming out in the comb, and it wasnt breakage.
queenofmean68 said:
Why use vaseline instead of hair grease? Most of them are petroleum based and depending on the brand it may have additional ingredients that vaseline does not have that may be beneficial to the hair such as olive oil, lanolin, coconut oil, carrot oil, and castor oil.

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I don't use vaseline or grease but, when I read the "7-Day V-Challenge Thread" I did post this question. I thought a good substitution would be All Ways Castor Oil, when I've used grease in the past I used this one and it smells like cookies to me and has about the same consistency of vaseline with additional benefits.
ladydee36330 said:
Well I started the vaseline for seven days thing on sunday and by tuesday realized it wasnt for me. I was combing out so much hair, did anyone else have this problem. I am using surge and it was working great on sheading but then the vaseline my hair was just coming out in the comb, and it wasnt breakage.

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I actually had the same experience on the 7-day challenge. Like you, I stopped after three days: the build-up and shedding was crazy. I think, for me, I'm going to use after wash and then, as needed. Like right now, with it being so cold where I am, I've used it every 2 or 3 days and liked the effects much better.
ayeshia said:
I like vaseline better. Sometimes all of the additional substances that hair grease has tend to leave more buildup that regular vaseline (my own experience). Plus because the grease is mainly petroleum based, you probably wont notice the other effects of the oils because they only add a drop if any to them, IMO they just help with the fragrance. I think thats why a lot of people like to use the oils alone.

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Wait i kinda take back what I said. The grease that gave me the buildup was that african pride herbal grease, due to all that junk and chunks of wood they added to it..lol. I dont use vaseline often (i like the baby kind). when i do use grease, i get a lite formula.
ayeshia said:
The grease that gave me the buildup was that african pride herbal grease, due to all that junk and chunks of wood they added to it..lol. I dont use vaseline often (i like the baby kind). when i do use grease, i get a lite formula.

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You had me laughing my butt off when you said chunks of wood, lol. What is up with that anyway? Do they really need to put that trash in there?
It's supposed to melt in your scalp. Yeah right.
I do like African Pride's Castor Oil.
No wood.
I dont understand how all that crap was supposed to melt in your scalp, and i dont see the benefits either. Oh yeah Karonica African Pride Castor Oil is some good stuff, I used it in HS, maybe I should start again
The soft baby kind vaseline works wonders for me so why change? I actually prefer the fact that it is straight petroleum. (The blue magic coconut grease looks like it would work well too.) I already put lots of oil on my hair anyway so dont need anymore.

hair 3c
Nutmeg said:
ladydee36330 said:
Well I started the vaseline for seven days thing on sunday and by tuesday realized it wasnt for me. I was combing out so much hair, did anyone else have this problem. I am using surge and it was working great on sheading but then the vaseline my hair was just coming out in the comb, and it wasnt breakage.

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I actually had the same experience on the 7-day challenge. Like you, I stopped after three days: the build-up and shedding was crazy. I think, for me, I'm going to use after wash and then, as needed. Like right now, with it being so cold where I am, I've used it every 2 or 3 days and liked the effects much better.

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I also had a bad experience with the vaseline, my hair just hated it, and the buildup was CRAZY. I prefer my EVOO and the baggie method to keep my ends soft and moist.
i use Vaseline because i like the smell of the baby one. i actually use some cheapo one that i get from the beauty supply. it still has the baby powder smell so it's good to me. any of them will do, i think.

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA @ chunks of wood!!
I just discovered a new keeper. Spray the ends with distilled water and apply unrefined SHEA BUTTER. I purchased mine from nasabb.com. It's really nice, but I think I might order a big thing of it from FNWL.

Ballet Bun ...
queenofmean68 said:
Why use vaseline instead of hair grease? Most of them are petroleum based and depending on the brand it may have additional ingredients that vaseline does not have that may be beneficial to the hair such as olive oil, lanolin, coconut oil, carrot oil, and castor oil.

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That's the reason why I stopped using Vaseline and started using hair grease. I think the name of the hair grease I use is Supergro Shea Butter. The grease has extra oil in it, so it isn't stiff and sticky like regular Vaseline. I really like it and I put it on my ends daily.
I like using the vaseline because it has a pleasant scent (the baby powder version) I also like to use the unscented vaseline because after using it frequently my hair doesn't have a sweet smell that smells dirty to me after a few days.
I tried the vaseline method and it seemed like it was going to work at first but then long strands of hair was coming out so I dropped that plan and started using African Pride's Castor Oil and Mink Oil with shea butter grease. This seems to work better on my hair. Sometimes I might even use green DAX grease.