A Public Weave Check


Well-Known Member
So me and my sister went to Sally's yesterday bc she wanted some EcoStyler gel. While we were there this lady turns to us and asks us if we could help her find a good cheap shampoo.

I told her she should try anything that says moisturizing. I told her to go to Wal Mart across the street and get some Suave Humectant shampoo and conditioner but she said she had just come from there and didn't feel like going back.:grin:

So i told her to try the Mane N Tail deep moisturizing shampoo.....so while we're having this convo...she asks me if this is my real hair...i know it kinda looks like a wig with all this red color in it...:lachen:

So i said yes it is......this woman had to feel my hair...i didnt mind tho...she reminded me so much of my Nana.....lol:grin:. And then she said...i should beat yo behind:lachen::lachen::lachen:....but she was joking...it was so cute and funny. I told her i haven't been to a salon in over a year...she thought me and my sister were beauticians bc of how pretty our hair is...my sister is natural and i'm relaxed.

And then...we went to visit some family friends of ours today and my...i call her my Auntie....wants to know how i got my hair to grow so long....:grin: I honestly don't think its that long...especially since i trimmed it yesterday....it's back at MBL instead of scraping Waistlength....she was in shock when i told her i had just trimmed the other day like she couldn't believe it was longer than it already is:grin::grin:

So i think i'm gonna email her my secret. She also wants to know what i eat to feed my hair:lachen::lachen::lachen:...i told her vegetables!:lachen:

Felt nice to have a total stranger give me compliments and ask me how i got my hair so long and think i was a beautician.:lachen:
:lachen: :lachen: I loved your story.. real cute

It must feel real good for you to get recognition for all your hard work, and to help others out. You'll probably get more weave checks I hope its not from any haters tho ....
i can't wait till I get to bra strap or even waist length. I'm 5'11 so I know folks would think I'm unbeweavable.....lmao. That's great keep up the good work with caring for your hair.